Dark Matter's Sandmen Origins



Jan 27, 2005 15:38:49
I have had some thoughts on the origins of the Sandmen (or Sand Slaves as they are called in the Menace Manual), and, by relation, the Etoile.

In my campaign, the Etoile are an evolution of a nanite superwepon developed by some extraterrestrial/dimensional species. The nanites were first simply made to act as the 'grey goo'. Over time, at least one colony of the grey goo mutated and gained a collective intelligence. This intelligence re-evaluated its mission of simple destruction, and decided that it should now guide the evolution of other organic based races by blending itself with them. To this end the nanite intelligence formed the Etoile; large nanite colony bullets that would travel to other worlds to spread the 'message' (infection).

Kind of simplistic, I know, but I kind of like the idea.


Jan 29, 2005 0:45:24
Very nice idea, Charles. Do you plan on expanding the material for this? Perhaps with material that can be used for both Alternity (yeah!) and d20 campaigns.


Jan 29, 2005 13:41:52
Well, right now that was just an 'off the top of my head' idea. I may try to come up with some rules-specific 'crunch' in time; although I admit I will have to re-familiarize myself with Alternity before doing any stuff for that system.


Feb 14, 2005 14:30:03
In a chat, the authors of Alternity said they were from "out of time" and they're trying to save humanity from some disaster.

However, their idea of saving humanity may involve simply saving a small number of people (eg the sand slaves) and may explain why they so rarely convert people. Even so, they have taken over entire towns in Texas... in Dark * Matter.