Joel's campaign



Feb 05, 2005 10:30:56
Ladies and gentlemen, I posted the first four session of my Ravenloft campaign (started early 2004).

It's found in the smoking room of the FoS manor (follow my sig).

Please comment on the FoS boards.



Feb 05, 2005 11:52:27
Posting a "teaser" might get more people visiting the Manor. Maybe even the odd mirror thread...if that's what you're looking for. And that goes for anything and everything that the Frat promotes on these boards.

It just gives people a sort of incentive to go check things out.

How do I say this without coming off too stong?

Promote Ravenloft by promoting your site, promote your site by promoting its contents with more information.

I don't want to tell you how to do your thing, but my suggestion is just that: a suggestion, and with all due respect.


Feb 05, 2005 12:16:20
Your nuance did get me lost Not sure I follow you.

I'm just making sure that all RL fans know about this new feature of the FoS site. I promote this new feature.

The mists always drop new RL fans here, and not all of them know of the FoS, so if I want to have the max number of persons looking at my document, I post it here also.



Feb 05, 2005 12:46:41
What I meant to say is this:

I noticed that the Frat is in the habit of plastering this message board with "come check us out" type posts...and rightfully so, given that it's a dedicated place to the Ravenloft setting, to say the least.

But I also noticed that there is not much appeal in those same posts for someone to head on over to the manor. That is to say, there is not enough information provided in those very same posts about whatever the topic at hand is.

Example: You want people to go over a read about your campaign journal, or, document. Fair enough; reasonable request. Yet you provide no "appeal" for someone who doesn't know who you are (as a gamer) in your post. Maybe you could up that appeal by posting here your first session as a sort of teaser of things to come, giving those that like it incentive to go over to your website and keep up with things there.

And the same can be applied to everything the Frat references on these boards.

Layman's terms?

The donkey has to be able to see the carrot in order for it to move...


Feb 05, 2005 13:02:38
Got it now, *lol*

Thanks for the advice ;)



Here's the background intro of my campaign

General notes –the PC’s background

It is October 747. The heroes are Gundarakites, and based in Zeidenburg, Barovia (ex-Gundarak).

A few years before, Strahd XI sent his armed forces through a large part of Gundarak and conquered it in a bloody but short war. Barovian’s occupying forces have installed repression and injustice. For example, a Barovian farmer settling in the area will pay fewer taxes than a native Gundarakite.

In Zeidenburg, the heroes have day jobs that provide them regular basic income, and to hide their adventurer’s nature from the Barovian’s occupying forces (By law, Gundarakites can’t carry a weapon larger than a dagger).

All heroes were part of Ardonk Szerieza’s closest friends in the rebellion, but they took their distance in the last months, as Ardonk is becoming more and more reckless and dangerous for his rebel troupers (Kargatane’s Book of Secrets, by Stuart Turner. I changed a few dates to have the rebellion start earlier then canon timeframe).

A month before the campaign actually starts, the following events of the creation of the Effigy of Ivan Szimin golem (see the BoSecrets again) happened:

- Death of the boyar Ivan Szimin by the hand of Ardonk. Ardonk stole the boyar’s medallion as a symbolic decoration for the effigy. The effigy is set on fire;

- Mysterious death of Stepan Klizera, one of the rebels who made the effigy: while the other rebels ran when the effigy was set on fire, Stepan stayed behind for his horse and was found dead the next morning, burned to char;

- Unknown to the players: the effigy is animated as a wood golem. It plans to stalk Gundarakite rebels and destroy them; and lastly

- Heavy repression of the Gundarakite by the Barovians followed the boyar’s murder.

Four Gundarakites rebels participated in the effigy burning: Ardonk, Sako Vich, Alistair Deforêt (see Barton Deforet, from Forgotten Children netbook, yes, by Stu also! I changed his location and background to make him an active Gundarakite rebel) and the late Stepan Klizera.

So none of the heroes were involved in the boyar’s murder and they only heard about it from their former associates. The death of Stepan and the repression were the turning points for the players to leave their active role in the Freedom Fighters. However, they are still friends with the rebel leader.
