how do you play psionics in 3.5 edition?



Mar 01, 2005 3:01:24
Hi, i have all the original Dark Sun material and downloaded the new stuff from Athas org. I haven't played dark sun for about 8 years and I am now preparing to play as a DM (never been a DM before) in the official campaign (starting with freedom). My players are veteran D&D players but have no experience in Dark Sun.

I have seen the new psionic powers in the 3.5 handbook and i am a bit confused.

Do these powers and rules compliment or replace the ones in the psionic handbook and the original campaign?

Do i use the original, the revised edition, the Will and the Way or the 3.5 edition psionic rules and powers in my campaign?

What do i do with NPC psionic powers? Do I convert them?

Does the same apply for spells?



Mar 01, 2005 12:07:40
Go 3.5 with everything. Some of's psionics stuff is still in 3e, but they're converting it. 2E is completely incompatible. You can convert the stuff you want, if you really need to, but it's far more likely you'll find a 3.5 analog for whatever power you want. If not, just convert a 3.5 spell to a psionic power. It's really easy. And as far as NPCs go, start ground-up, just make characters of equivalent level, and try to find attributes similar to the original. Again, I can't stress this enough, old AD&D stuff is based on a completely different system than modern D&D. Your old books will make great source material, as far as adventures and plots, but you will not be able to use any of the old mechanics. If you need anything specific done, just post on the boards, and most of us will be more than happy to help you out. Good luck!