


Apr 26, 2005 15:24:03
The Quadrivial was mentioned, I believe in the Penhaligon books, as a knight's code (Honor, Courage, Faith and Glory being the four parts). Has anyone explored this further. One of my players has this whole "honor, duty, loyalty" thing, and I'd like to try to fit this in somehow.


Apr 27, 2005 8:36:00
The Quadrivial was mentioned, I believe in the Penhaligon books, as a knight's code (Honor, Courage, Faith and Glory being the four parts). Has anyone explored this further. One of my players has this whole "honor, duty, loyalty" thing, and I'd like to try to fit this in somehow.

The Penhaligon Trilogy may not be my favorite literary works, but I do love scourging them for information I can use to further detail Karameikos. The Quadrivial Codex might be made into a Code of Honor followed by Knights throughout the country. I see this mostly as a roleplaying thing though, not sure if it should be tied to any game mechanical effects.

Fain Flinn's sword, Wyrmblight, was connected to the Quadrivial, and the four runes were activated only once each cornerstone was fulfulled by the wielder. I made it into a +4 Sword of Green Dragonslaying where each "+" was activated only according to the wielder's relationship with the Quadrivial.



Apr 27, 2005 12:56:11
Fain Flinn's sword, Wyrmblight, was connected to the Quadrivial, and the four runes were activated only once each cornerstone was fulfulled by the wielder. I made it into a +4 Sword of Green Dragonslaying where each "+" was activated only according to the wielder's relationship with the Quadrivial.


Wow! that is so cool! I am going to have to steal that idea for my campaign! :D

:-) Jesper