Articles in Dragon magazine



May 31, 2005 5:53:07
Hello everybody,

Is there some way to get the articles published in Dragon magazines that are related to Dark Sun. I have everything that came out in print for the dark sun campaign, but because I live in the Netherlands I never had acces to dragon magazine... Does someone have an advice?


May 31, 2005 7:42:14
You can order back issues of Dragon and Dungeon magazine from (the publishers). The most recent articles were in Dragon 315 & 319 and Dungeon 110 & 111. Looking at Paizo's site, it also seems like the older 2e issues (the DS stuff starts in 173) are still available, but are kinda pricey. Try ebay or Noble Knight games - these are also good bets for out of print material.

(Trouwens, ik kon Dragon en Dungeon wel krijgen toen ik in Nederland woonde. Waar zit je?)