Can Ravenloft be played with only the PHB?



Jun 25, 2005 21:20:30
I've been DMing a RL game now, for a few weeks, and it was been going smoothely. The characters are developing, the plots are dark and deep, and the mood is just right. But, I have noticed recently, that there is alot of OTHER material I might have/should have waited to get before I began the campaign. I own only the Ravenloft v3.5 PHB, is that enough? I don't plan any encounters with darklords for a long time, so are other books vital for that kind of information? I was just curious if it is worth spending some cash to order books (we don't have a local gaming store where I live), and I am not exactly "wealthy", so I can't dish out alot of money for books.

Thanks alot


Jun 25, 2005 23:14:20
The DMG for Ravenloft is awesome, but not absolutely needed. The Gazateers though are the best books that you'll ever see to help you flesh out a campaign. They go into extensive detail about each land and what creatures are naturally there, the Darklord of the realm, etc. If your characters however are on the move quite often then it would probably be too expensive for you to get all of them (6 in all). If they sit in one or a few then it may very well be worth the money to get the one that pertains to where you are running it.


Jun 26, 2005 4:03:25
...and I am not exactly "wealthy", so I can't dish out alot of money for books.

*cough* famous online auction house starting with an E *cough*


Best place for us people with few money!


Jun 26, 2005 9:56:02
The only books you need to run a RL game are the D&D core books (PHB, DMG, and MM) plus the RL PHB. The RL DMG and Denizens of Dread are nice, but if you are on a budget, stick to the PHB. That said the stats for the Darklords are in the RL Gazetteers, as well as the history fo the domains, new PrCs, and feats, and lots of monsters. But since you don't want to break the bank, you can run a campaign only using monsters from the MM, as well as the templates found in the RL PHB. You can use the DLs as sinister forces working in the background who are never seen, or you can create new domains and new DLs (although I don't recommend that for a beginner).

Good luck!


Jun 26, 2005 10:31:40
Starts with and E...ends with... Yeah, thats the only place I've been looking :D . Do you guys think playing in Tepest and Nova Vaasa would essentially require the Gazetteers? Or can I go it alone, without to much worry?


Jun 26, 2005 10:58:47
Tepest and NV are both covered by Gaz V, which I would buy in any case. Should be available at about 10 $, even new. If you really want to make those regions your playground, I'd strongly recommend to get it somehow.



Jun 26, 2005 13:35:42
I've been DMing a RL game now, for a few weeks, and it was been going smoothely. The characters are developing, the plots are dark and deep, and the mood is just right. But, I have noticed recently, that there is alot of OTHER material I might have/should have waited to get before I began the campaign. I own only the Ravenloft v3.5 PHB, is that enough? I don't plan any encounters with darklords for a long time, so are other books vital for that kind of information? I was just curious if it is worth spending some cash to order books (we don't have a local gaming store where I live), and I am not exactly "wealthy", so I can't dish out alot of money for books.

It seems to me that every time I read another Ravenloft book I find things that make me wish I’d done things differently in my own campaign.

Is the players hand book enough? Sure. But can other books help your campaign? Sure.

As for getting them without breaking the bank, well as some pointed out there’s ebay which has the best selection out of any online auction site but I found if you look on Yahoo’s auction site or one of the less known you’ll have better luck getting the stuff cheap. The selection isn’t as good so you may not find the books your looking for but when you do there aren’t as many people bidding on them.

There is also plenty of free stuff on the net you can use to improve your games. DrivethroughRPG actually had a free download of one of the Ravenloft books, that’s over now though but they have other free downloads.

Also there are fan made Ravenloft sites with plenty of free adventures and add ons you can use as well.


Jun 26, 2005 15:20:41
The Gazateers though are the best books that you'll ever see to help you flesh out a campaign. *snip* (6 in all)

6? I thought there were only 5, the one dealing with Nova Vaasa and Tepest being the last one.


Jun 27, 2005 16:12:25
Correct, but a 6th is due next year (well, keep your fingers crossed..) and should deal with both seas.


Jun 27, 2005 18:48:32
Just the seas, or also some of the Islands of Terror? I want more info on Elena Faith-hold, demmit ;)


Jun 28, 2005 3:27:04
OMG, please please let this rumour be true...I can't wait to get my hands on Souragne 3.5!!


Jun 29, 2005 13:07:27
I was pretty sure the 6th one was taken off the list of things to be released this year. I guess you could always check the White Wolf Quarterly to make sure.

Next, I would suggest going to the White Wolf site to buy the books as they are pretty dang cheap. I think each Gazateer is like 10 except the newest is like 25. Most of the other books are pretty cheap as well.

Anyways, you can run both Tempest and Nova Vaasa without the Gazateer, but they considerably help. The PHB tells you the basics and if you can make it all up after that, then go for it. If you aren't exactly the best at making thing up, then you should probably get it. Unfortanatly for you, #5, the one with both of those in it, was the one going for free online not too long ago.


Jun 30, 2005 20:17:52
So is there a RL campaign setting or only the PHB, DMG and Gazeteers?


Jun 30, 2005 23:24:52
Basically, the Ravenloft Player's Handbook is the Core Campaign setting; the other books are just helpful.


Jul 08, 2005 14:44:29
Is it difficult to run with what you already have?


Jul 08, 2005 14:46:38
It isn't difficult persay, I just get the feeling that certain details are being left out by not have certain Gazetteers, and other books like that.


Jul 09, 2005 0:38:17
You can SO TOTLLY run Ravenloft with only the core book. (though, I admit, I LOVE the Gazeteers myself)

Some people may say that the core book doesn't provide you with the skinny on the Darklords and may suggest getting the other books for that reason, but really, in most campaigns I have played in, the draklords are shadowy figures that, for the most part, don't take part in the daily events in their realsm. Like, powerful NPCs can e created as antagonists to the PCs withotu needing them to be Darklords. The ravenloft setting, as far as Darklords is concerned, has for a long time been rather static with power centers anyways...

Really, this gives you the oportunity to continue a long Ravenloft tradition in my cricles - which is making it up as you go laong and giving it your own cohesion and developing it in a way that best suits your own aesthetic. Luckily, sonce the line went 3e, they've been pretty good at makig material that fits the bill for me. (Excpet for this ridiculous notion that Sithican Elves ride stag beetles... Whatever. they ride horses with us, but, whatever works for you.)

Best of luck. Trust me - you'll be fine!


Jul 25, 2005 20:18:07
It isn't difficult persay, I just get the feeling that certain details are being left out by not have certain Gazetteers, and other books like that.

easy they want to hace the important info away of the players :P
also is merchandising, but what the heck... not every posible angle could apear in a single book. and yes a Gazzetter is not a must, but they sare of great help indeed.

I love the Van Richten's Books since second edition, but je those are personal likings.
