by Sheldon MorrisAlright, here is the concept for our next creature, the adaptor. First is a list of characteristics for the creature. From that I created the description as it might appear if it were in the MM. This is conceptual level only at this point, not the mechanical representation of it; that comes later.
Anyway, have a look and post any comments or suggestions.
Found in the RC page 157.
1200 XP in the RC = ~ CR 6 in 5E
19 minus AC 10 in RC suggests an AC 9 for 5E
- native to all planes of existence
very intelligent, ancient race; gathering knowledge
natural polymorphs
enter and leave other planes at will
adaptation to become immune to magical damage types
skilled at swordplay
possessors of fantastic devices
Adaptors are a highly intelligent and ancient race that roam anywhere and everywhere. They have no known home plane since they are native to all planes of existence. Likewise, they have no known natural form or appearance, and instead take any form of roughly human size. The culture of the adaptors centres around the gathering of knowledge from all corners of existence. This knowledge is far beyond the scope that any human sage has dared to dream of, and never will learn from an adaptor, for their philosophy dictates that such sharing only be done between themselves.Planar Masters. Since adpators are native to every plane, it is no surprise that they have the ability to travel between the various planes with ease. With a simple determination of their will they can exit one plane and enter another. Perhaps even more impressive is their ability to endure the hazardous environments that many planes contain. Travelling can be a painful venture for the adaptor, however, but once exposed to a harmful environment or magical effect, they instantly adapt their physical structure to become immune it. This adaptation is accompanied by a change in the adaptor's colour and lasts as long as it is exposed to the harmful effect.
Shape Masters. Adaptors are natural shapeshifters and do not alter their form through magic or magic-like processes. This means that magical detection or dispelling has no effect on them whatsoever. They can change their form to any creature that is about the size of a human, blend in with whichever civilization they desire, and observe their culture. Adaptors quickly grow weary of their current form and study subjects, rarely staying at one location for longer than 3 days, before moving on to learn more.
Sword Masters. The sword is an adaptor's most trusted friend. For all the weapons and devices that this race of beings has been exposed to, it is the sword that is their weapon of choice. As a race of collectors of knowledge, they have spent untold centuries mastering the use of the sword from untold civilizations. They have also picked up a few fantastic items along their travels that they can use to help protect themselves. These devices would confuse and baffle the sages, scholars, and tinkerers among the humans.
My initial comments.
Ya, I went with a "Masters" theme for all their characteristics (hmm... I really don't like that name for those; how about...) their trademark qualities (or simply, "trademarks" for short). They seem like masters of many things to me. I think I covered all the bases in there.The suggested AC based on that in the RC seems really low, especially for what could be a CR 6 creature, so we'll have to play around with that. I don't plan on fixing it with armour but rather some other methods.
Adaptors are a highly intelligent and ancient race that roam anywhere and everywhere. They have no known home plane since they are native to all planes of existence. Likewise, they have no known natural form or appearance, and instead take any form of roughly human size. The culture of the adaptors centres around the gathering of knowledge from all corners of existence. This knowledge is far beyond the scope that any human sage has dared to dream of, and never will learn from an adaptor, for their philosophy dictates that such sharing only be done between themselves.
Planar Masters. Since adpators are native to every plane, it is no surprise that they have the ability to travel between the various planes with ease. With a simple determination of their will they can exit one plane and enter another. Perhaps even more impressive is their ability to endure the hazardous environments that many planes contain. Traveling can be a painful venture for the adaptor, however, once exposed to a harmful environment or magical effect, they instantly adapt their physical structure to become immune it. This adaptation is accompanied by a change in the adaptor's colour and lasts as long as it is exposed to the harmful effect.
Shape Masters. Adaptors are natural shapeshifters and do not alter their form through magic or magic-like processes. This means that magical detection or dispelling has no effect on them whatsoever. They can change their form to any creature that is about the size of a human, blend in with whichever civilization they desire, and observe their culture. Adaptors quickly grow weary of their current form and study subjects, rarely staying at one location for longer than 3 days, before moving on to learn more.
Sword Masters. The sword is an adaptor's most trusted friend. For all the weapons and devices that this race of beings has been exposed to, it is the sword that is their weapon of choice. As a race of collectors of knowledge, they have spent untold centuries mastering the use of the sword from untold civilizations. They have also picked up a few fantastic items along their travels that they can use to help protect themselves. These devices would confuse and baffle the sages, scholars, and tinkerers among the humans.
Medium aberration (shapechanger), any alignment
Armour Class 11
Hit Points 93 (11d8 + 44)
Speed 30 ft.
14 (+2)|12 (+1)|19 (+4)|17 (+3)|14 (+2)|16 (+3)
Saving Throws Con +6, Int +5, Cha +5
Skills Arcana +5, History +5, Investigation +5, Perception +4
Senses passive Perception 14
Languages any
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------Shapechanger. As an action, the adaptor can take on another humanoid form as an action. It cannot use this ability to turn into a duplicate of a specific individual. This is a natural (nonmagical) ability.
"Magic Adaptation. The adaptor has the ability to adapt by altering their physical structure to survive in any environment. Once exposed to any type of damage that is not bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing, and taking any applicable damage, the adaptor then becomes immune to any further damage from that type. The damage immunity lasts for up to one hour after its last exposure to the damage type.
This immunity extends even to generic magic, such as the damage bonus from a magical weapon and its bonus to hit. In other words, once an adaptor takes damage from a magical weapon, treat that weapon as a normal, nonmagical version of it. Each weapon is also treated as separate damage types for the purposes of the adaptor's Magic Adaptation trait. There is no limit to the number of different immunities the adaptor can have active at any given time."Planewalker. The adaptor can, as a bonus action, enter and leave other planes at will.
Swordmaster. The adaptor adds its proficiency bonus twice when it makes a melee attack, and deals an extra 5 (1d10) piercing damage when it hits with a melee attack (included in the attacks).
Multiattack. The adaptor makes two longsword attacks.Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage plus 5 (1d10) piercing damage, or 7 (1d10 + 2) slashing damage plus 5 (1d10) piercing damage if used with two hands.Fantastic Device. The adaptor may have a device from its far planar travels that it can use to help protect itself. The exact device and description would be created by the DM and would be incomprehensible to the PCs in general. The effect of the device can vary greatly, but may be similar to a magic spell (either defensive or offensive), cause a condition on the target(s) (save DC 14 using the most appropriate ability), or even be like a monster's ability from the Monster Manual.
Parry. The adaptor adds 3 to its AC against one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the adaptor must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.