D&D 3.5 Altan Tepes
by Ortega76I have been building a campaign set in the northeast corner of Karameikos and the surrounding Altan Tepes area. I found Simone Nieri's Altan Tepes Gazeteer to be tremendously useful. With a few tweaks, I adapted much of it to the 3.5 edition. Here is some of stuff in case anyone is interested. I welcome feedback, as always. The party is based out of Bergoi and will travel extensively through the region. In my campaign, the rugged wilderness of northeastern Karameikos is a bastion of Traladaran influence. The Thyatian presence in this area is weak. Though anti-Thyatian sentiment runs high, the population of the area is not large enough to pose a real threat to the Duke.
Village of Bergoi
Population: 180
Demographics: 98% Traladaran Human, 2% Other
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Center: Conventional; Landed Lady and noble family rule village and surrounding wooded hills.
Ruler: Lady Elayna Ivanovich (NG Female Human Noble 2/Wizard 4/Wild Soul 4) appears much younger than her age (50 years old) due to her fey-touched blood and magic. She adventured throughout the Altan Tepes during her Sheared years, and still favors a rough appearance. She is rarely found in her family’s small keep but is instead found in the woodlands where she hunts, practices magic and enlists a nearby fairy cairn to help patrol her lands.
Armed Forces: The troops from Castellan Keep patrol the trade roads but there is little protection outside of the area ruled by Bergoi and Novaci to the north. The patrols are mounted infantry (Warrior 2) wearing studded leather armor and shield. They carry longsword, dagger and crossbow, patrolling in groups of 10. Each patrol is led by a sergeant, an experienced soldier (Fighter 3) and wearing chainmail and shield.
All adult members of the village serve in the militia. The villagers are armed with shortbows and spears, with a few managing swords or crossbows. Lady Elayna always keeps a few of her barracks open for adventurers to whom Lady Elayna pays a small stipend and room-and-board in exchange for small acts of service. She also maintains a force of 20 men-at-arms (Warrior 2) with leather armor, shortbow and longsword.
Major Industries: Silver ore and logging are the major exports of the village. The village is on the only known route to the lonely Castellan Keep so it sees regular caravans of supplies and new soldiers.
Notable Laws: The village has banned offensive spell-casting and intrusive spells such as Detect Thoughts. Harming a good-aligned fey or intelligent creature is considered murder and ignorance is punished harshly.
Notable Mages: All three of Lady Elayna’s children possess magic ability to one degree or another. The youngest and favored child, Ilyana Ivanovich (CG Human Female Ranger 2/Noble 1/Sorcerer 1) shares her mother’s love of the wild and fey. She is a skilled archer and tracker, often accompanying her mother on patrol of the family lands. She is almost always found in the company of Thistlewood (CG Male Pixie Ranger 3), her mother’s old adventuring companion and her major domo. She is recently returned from her Shearing where spent several years in the service of the Duke’s Lord Forester. She participated in several mapping expeditions and forays against Dymrak humanoids.
Anatoly Ivanovich (NG Human Male Noble 2/Spellthief 4), the middle child, is a magic dabbler and scholar. He spent his Shearing years as a treasure hunter in Darokin, and discovered maps to several caches of treasure. He has many minor magic items and he is planning to retrieve the other caches, though they are in remote parts of Darokin (ruins under Corunglain) and the Broken Lands.
The oldest child, Katya (N Human Female Noble 3/Wizard
5) is a haughty, proper noblewoman who enjoys manipulating others. She hates her family’s casual behavior and egalitarian attitudes. She has spent time in Alphatia and plans to attend the Great School of Magic in Glantri if she can find a sponsor. Notable Churches: Bergoi has only one church, The Refuge of the Woods, dedicated to Zirchev and part of the Church of Traladara. It is run by Father Beraci (LG Male Human Cleric 5), an old priest originally from Marilenev. He is very distrusting of Thyatians and will not enter combat unless the situation is dire.
A few miles outside of town, a circle of druids meets in the forest. Representatives of the local fey population are part of this circle, led by a druid known as The Old Watcher.Notable Personalities: Although Lady Elayna’s husband passed away a decade ago in an orc attack, Lady Elayna has maintained a series of love affairs. The Lady’s current lover is the bard and adventurer Thranius of Darokin (N Half-elf Male Bard 4/Fighter 2/Rogue 1). Thranius is a fencer of some note and has trained a few village youths in swordplay. After successfully navigating the politics and backstabbings in Glantri, he is semi-retired with a great deal of wealth and magic. He and Elayna are quite content but have little desire for marriage. He gets along well with Ilyana, but Elayna’s other children do not care for him.
Lady Elayna’s sister, Irena (N Female Human Noble 2), is a bored but beautiful noblewoman. Her husband spends most of his time in the capitol and Kelvin, coordinating the sale of lumber from the family logging business. Rumors abound of her dalliances with handsome, young adventurers but nothing has ever been sunstantiated. Despite Lady Elayna’s numerous lovers, she is strongly opposed to her sister’s unfaithfulness.
Eddington the Tall (LN Male Human Fighter 1/Merchant 2) is a representative of the Loggers Guild. His job requires little work, so he spends his days hunting.
Lady Elayna Ivanovich of Bergoi
Race: Human
Classes: Noble 2/Wizard 4/Wild Soul 4
Sex: Female
Age: 50
Alignment: Neutral GoodAbilities
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 15
Constitution: 13
Intelligence: 18
Wisdom: 14
Charisma: 14Hit dice: 2d8 plus 8d4 plus 10
Hit points: 40
Initiative: 2
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor class: 15, Touch 15, Flat 13
Base attack: 5
Saves: Fort 2, Ref 5 (7), Will 11 (13/18 vs. Enchantments)Languages spoken: Draconic, Elvish (Vyalia dialect), Giantish, Orcish, Sylvan, Thyatian, Traladaran
Special Abilities: Bonus Noble Class Skill (Survival), Favor 1, Inspire Confidence 1/day, Familiar, Seelie Bond (immune to magical and mundane Sleep effects, Plus 2 to Save vs. Enchantments), Summon Seelie Ally, Spontaneous Spell (Remove Fear/Tasha’s Hideous Laughter/Invisibility/Break Enchantment), DR 2/cold iron
Spells Cast: 0th- 4, 1st- 5, 2nd- 4, 3rd- 3, 4th- 2
0th: All1st: Arrow Mind (Com Adv), Charm Person, Comprehend Languages, Detect Secret Doors, Detect Undead, Disguise Self, Endure Elements, Feather Fall, Guided Shot (Com Adv), Hold Portal, Identify, Low Light Vision (Com Arc), Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Shield, Sleep, Summon Monster I, True Casting (Com. Mage), True Strike
2nd- Alter Self, Blades of Fire (Com. Arc.), Continual Flame, Darkness, Darkvision, Invisibility, Knock, Locate Object, Obscure Object, Protection from Arrows, Resist Energy, See Invisible, Spider Climb, Summon Monster II
3rd- Discern Shapechanger (Com. Arc), Dispel Magic, Fireball, Fly, Gaseous Form, Haste, Hold Person, Keen Edge, Lightning Bolt, Major Image, Phantom Steed, Water Breathing
4th- Charm Monster, Detect Scrying, Dimension Door, Globe of Invulnerability (Lesser), Polymorph, Remove Curse, Scrying, Summon Monster IV
Typical Spells Memorized
0th: Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Mage Hand1st: Charm Person, Feather Fall, Guided Shot, Mage Armor, Sleep
2nd: Alter Self, Invisibility, See Invisible, Summon Monster II
3rd: Dispel Magic, Fly, Major Image
4th: Globe of Invulnerability (Lesser), Summon Monster IV
Save DC 14 plus Spell Level.
Bluff 5 (7)
Concentration 12
Decipher Script 7 (13)
Diplomacy 3 (9)
Knowledge (Arcana) 13
Knowledge (Karameikos Geography) 5 (9)
Knowledge (Nature) 5 (11)
Listen 5 (7)
Ride 5 (7)
Sense Motive 5 (7)
Speak Language 2
Survival 7 (9/11 in natural environments aboveground/13 avoid being lost)
Spellcraft 11 (17)Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light, Shield), Fey Heritage, Fey Skin, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Scribe Scroll, Weapon Focus (Longbow), Weapon Proficiency (Simple, Martial)
Possessions: +2 Longbow of Distance, Quiver of Ehlonna, (30) Flight Arrows (rng 250/dg 1d6 plus 2), (30) Arrows, +1 Dagger of Spell-Storing, Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, Potion of Protection from Arrows 15/magic, Ring of Protection +3, Bracers of Archery (Greater), Bag of Holding, Assorted Spell Scrolls, Survival Gear, 5 Masterwork Javelins
+2 Longbow of Distance (Atk 10 Dg 1d8 plus 3 Crit x3 Rng 200)+1 Dagger of Spell-Storing (Atk 6 Dg 1d4 plus 1 Crit 1920/x2 Rng 10)
Masterwork Javelin (Atk 8 Dg 1d6 Crit x2 Rng 20)
=================Born in the tiny village of Bergoi, Elayna is the older of two daughters. Raised in the old keep, she was a wild and rambunctious child. She was bored by most of her studies, preferring to hunt and hike in the wooded hills around the village. To challenge her, her father hired a wizard to tutor her in the arcane arts. She took to the art of wizardry, largely thanks to the fey blood that occasionally surfaced in her family. On her seventeenth birthday, she convinced her father and mother to Shear her. She spent the next decade adventuring in Karameikos and Darokin with a small band of heroes. Eventually, she received word that her father passed and his title was left to her. She came home with her husband and adventuring comrade, the half-elf Gailon the Lesser. She bore three children and has ruled well ever since. When her husband was killed in an orc attack, she was crushed but has moved on with time.
Elayna is one of the most skilled wizards in Northeast Karameikos, even possessing several spells not known to the Wizards’ Guild of Karameikos. She has no talent for crafting magic items but is one of the most experienced “battle wizards” in Karameikos. Elayna relies on her charisma first to diffuse a situation. Failing that, she is content to cast spells and fire arrows from a distance. Thanks to her damage reduction, she is more resilient than some would imagine but she still would rather battle from a distance. Elayna has strong toes to the druid circle outside the village and the Moonvale Cairn faerie settlement. In fact, her major domo is a pixie from her adventuring days. She is closest to her youngest daughter, whom she is grooming to be her heir. Elayna prefers to spend the spring and summer days outside the village. She may hunt or ride or just chat with the forest fey, all while dictating to her brownie scribes or human functionaries. She is beloved by the village and surrounding farmers. Lady Elayna returned with a great deal of money on deposit in a Darokin bank and she continues to use the proceeds to improve the village and see that her people are comfortable.
Ilyana Ivanovich
Race: Human
Classes: Noble 1/Ranger 2/Sorcerer 1
Sex: Female
Age: 21
Alignment: Chaotic GoodAbilities
Strength: 12
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 14
Wisdom: 14
Charisma: 15Hit dice: 3d8 plus 1d4 plus 4
Hit points: 21
Initiative: 3
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor class: 15, Touch 11, Flat 14
Base attack: 2
Saves: Fort 3 (4), Ref 5 (8), Will 4 (6/9 vs. enchantments)Languages spoken: Goblinoid, Orcish, Sylvan, Thyatian, Traladaran
Special Abilities: Bonus Noble Class Skill (Tumble), Favor 1, Favored Enemy (Arcanists) 2, Wild Empathy, Summon Familiar
Spells Known (Cast 0th: 5, 1st: 4)
Level-0: Detect Magic, Light, Mage Hand, Read Magic
Level-1: Charm Person, True Strike
Save DC 12 plus Spell Level.Skills
Bluff 4 (6)
Diplomacy 4 (6)
Gather Information 2 (6)
Handle Animal 5 (7)
Hide 3 (6)
Knowledge (Karameikos) 4 (6)
Knowledge (Nature) 4 (6)
Move Silently 5 (8)
Ride 4 (7)
Speak Language 2
Spellcraft 4 (6)
Survival 5 (7)
Tumble 4 (7)Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light, Shield), Fey Heritage, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Track, Weapon Proficiency (Simple, Martial)
Possessions: Explorer’s Outfit, Tent, Bedroll, Beltpouch, (4) Waterskin, (20 days) Trail Rations, Flint & Steel, Hooded Lantern, (8) Flask of Oil, Signal Whistle, (4) Sunstick, (10) Tindertwig, Leather Armor (Spell Failure 10%), Mighty Composite Longbow, Quiver of (20) +1 Flaming Arrows , (20) Masterwork Flight Arrows, (20) Masterwork Arrows, (2) Masterwork Silvered Dagger, Masterwork Longsword, Bag of Holding, Ring of Low Light Vision, Potion of Spider Climb, Potion of Cure Serious Wounds
Mighty Composite Longbow (Atk 5 Dg Varies Crit x3 Rng 110)
• +1 Flaming Arrows (Atk 6 Dg 1d8 plus 1d6 Fire plus 1)
• Masterwork Arrows (Atk 6 Dg 1d8 plus 1)
• Masterwork Flight Arrows (Atk 6 Dg 1d6 plus 1 Rng 135)Masterwork Silvered Dagger (Atk 4 or 6 thrown Dg 1d4+1 Crit 19-20/x2 Rng 10)
Masterwork Longsword (Atk 4 Dg 1d8+1 Crit 19-20/x2)
BioThe youngest child of Lady Elayna of Bergoi, Ilyana is very much her mother’s daughter. The fey heritage her mother manifests also shows in Ilyana’s natural talent for magic. She also has her mother’s love of hunting and the outdoors, as well as inheriting a hot-head and a good heart. Ilyana left Bergoi at the age of 16 to be Sheared. She journeyed south where she entered the service of the Lord Forester of the Dymrak. She spent several years protecting homesteaders from goblin raids and conducting mapping expeditions before returning north. She now acts as her mother’s aide and many feel she is likely to inherit the title of Lady despite being the youngest child. She is embracing her magic and is curious about other mages. She spends her time patrolling the territory around the village and running errands for her mother.
Ilyana is a passable swordsman, a good archer and a clever hunter. Her greatest strength is her diversity of skills, not to mention her magic. Ilyana has a temper but she isn’t bloodthirsty. She will use her Charm Person spell to avoid a fight if possible and she is able to harrow arcane casters with considerable ferocity. She carries a Bag of Holding stocked with provisions and necessities. She dresses in the uniform of a traveler or soldier, always ready for any eventualities. She loathes court, politics and intrigue but has a good head for seeing through deceptions. Her fey heritage manifests itself in her silver-white hair and gold eyes.
Village of Novaci
Population: 240
Demographics: 99% Human, 1% Other
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Center: Conventional; Landed Lord and four person Town Council
Ruler: Old Lord Ivan Stelenov (LN Male Human Noble 6) is nearly a century old and without any known heirs. His oldest son was killed during the Marilenev Rebellion and his other children were slain in the numerous raids by orcs and giants. He is still sound of mind but his body is fragile. He is often in a sour mood and bitter at his lack of heirs. He is also heavily prejudiced against Thyatians. Lord Ivan would love to find a suitably heroic Traladaran to name as his heir before he dies and “that damnable Duke” names one of “the invaders” to his lands.
Armed Forces: The troops from Castellan Keep patrol the trade road from Castellan to south of Bergoi. Such troops are mounted infantry (Warrior 2) wearing studded leather armor and light wooden shields, carrying shortswords, crossbows and spears. They patrol in units of 10 led by a sergeant (Fighter 3).
The village maintains a fighting force of mercenaries to secure the silver mines outside the village. The mercenaries are housed in Lord Ivan’s tower and paid from the proceeds of the silver mine that reach market. They are skilled men-at-arms (Warrior 3) who act as mounted infantry who carry crossbow, longsword, dagger and wear ringmail.Due to numerous orc and giant raids, the village also maintains an armory for its citizens to act as a militia. The village can muster 80 members in a few hours and up to 120 in a day or so. The typical member is a miner or farmer (Commoner 2/Warrior 1 or Expert 2/Warrior 1) and they armed with shortbows, spears or axes. The village is surrounded by a wood and earth palisade. The gates are manned at all hours by at least four guards. Law and order is maintained by a force of 15 town watch (Warrior 2) who wear leather armor and carry shortswords and clubs.
Major Industries: Silver (nuggets are mined and shipped down river), lumber and goat herds.
Notable Laws: The village has banned all arcane spell-casting unless cast by an agent of the Duke or Lord Ivan.
Notable Mages: Barrick the Sage (N Human Wizard
7/ Master 3) is Lord Ivan’s court mage. He is a middle-aged man from Darokin who has served Lord Ivan for the last twenty years. Barrick is a slender, studious man who wears simple robes in grey and white. He has an extensive library in Lord Ivan’s tower and is known to hire adventuring bands to retrieve spell components from the wilderness or settlements down river. He has occasionally trained apprentices over the years, but is generally concerned with spells of knowledge not combat so many quickly leave his tutelage. Ilya the Red (NG Human Wizard 2) is Barrick’s current apprentice. A young Traladaran from a homestead outside the village, Ilya is quite young but a very promising student. She has an extensive knowledge of both Ancient Traldar and neighboring Darokin and Ylaruam. She is no combat mage, preferring to study in the library. Barrick has suggested she needs to travel a bit to “toughen up” and gain some real experience.
Notable Personalities: Varn Steelsoul (LN Male Dwarf Master
4/Fighter 3) is the foremost smith in the village. A native of Highforge to the south, Varn is an excellent blacksmith, armorer and weaponsmith. He was once an adventurer up and down the Altan Tepes Mountains before settling in the village some time ago. His wares earn top dollar and he is in demand throughout the area. He is respected as a warrior as well as smith, carrying a +1 Orc-Bane Battle Axe in defense of the village. Sergeant Mahmoud the Infidel (CG Human Male Ranger 4/Fighter 2) is the head of the mercenary troops of Lord Ivan. An Ylari of Alphatian and Alasiyan descent, he became a caravan guard in his teens and explored his desert homeland, Darokin and Karameikos quite extensively. He chose to settle in Novaci to lead the soldiers of Lord Ivan rather than return to the prejudice he faces in his homeland as a non-believer. He fights with scimitar and the exotic broadbladed shortsword. He is a good leader and a skilled tracker. He is distrustful of Thyatians and cannot stand to see oppression or tyranny.
Gren Ilenovich (LG Halfling Male Scout 4/Fighter 2) is the village’s constable and justice of the peace. A retired adventurer from Luln, Gren is hiding from an unjust warrant issued by the Black Baron. Gren aided in the escape of his uncle and cousins from Fort Doom, killing several of the Baron’s men in the process. He fled east, taking up semi-retirement in Novaci. When not keeping the peace, he is frequently in the Tower Library and still adventures from time to time. He is a skilled fencer, wielding a magic rapier.
Notable Churches: There are no churches in Novaci though the Lord’s tower does have a chapel tended by Father Berabellus of the Church of Traladara (LG Human Male Cleric 4). An old village priest, Berabellus has never adventured but has experience defending the village from raiders. He is a peaceful man, preferring to heal and bolster defenders over combat.
Outside the village, a shrine to Zirchev is tended by a member of the Bergoi Druid Circle. Larissa Ravenhair (N Human Female Druid 7) is a middle-aged woman of surpassing beauty and charisma. She is a healer and forest guardian, doing her best to mitigate the worst of the humanoid raiders on the area.
Adventurer’s Quarters and Supplies: Partial in summer and poor availability in winter.
There is a single large inn and tavern in town. The Rocky Stag is run by Old Marissa (N Human Female Expert 4), an old hand at hospitality. The inn has been in her family for three generations. She is an expert cook and her son, Darin (NG Human Male Scout 1/Expert 2), brews a variety of beers and ales.
The Barony of Altieri
This domain is part of the Republic of Darokin’s Borderlands, and it’s ruled by Baron Guidobaldo III d’Altieri. The Altieri family has Thyatian origins, and came here from Alasiya when Al-Kalim threw the Thyatians out of Ylaruam. Altieri’s noble title traces back to the second half of 9th century AC, when his grandfather married into the local Rashdun noble family.
Altieri is a small barony nestled in two narrow valleys down the slopes of the Altan Tepes. Its inhabitants live on shepherding (mostly sheep and pigs), hunt, and agriculture (primarily fruit trees and barley). The village of Vallestretta (470 residents), which controls the access to the domain, is the largest settlement of the area; it’s followed by the villages of Anzaldo (330 inhabitants), located on the shores of Lake Resta, and Glorenzia (260 inhabitants), a fortified settlement overlooked by a crag on which Altieri Castle is built. Altieri Castle is a menacing tower surrounded by a wall and is the primary residence of the Altieri family.
The domain must bear from time to time the frost giants’ raids during winter, and it receives help in the form of money and soldiers from the city of Selenica – where the Baron has allies among the Hallonica – to better defend itself from this danger. The giants usually only perform swift strikes, destroying some buildings and taking away some cattle, then retreating in their mountain lairs; so far, they’ve never engaged in a vast-scale invasion. The domain has long had a rivalry with neighboring Flowerhill, which opposes House Hallonica’s domination of trade in the region.
Village of Vallesretta
===========Population: 470
Demographics: 98% Human, 2% Other
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Center: Conventional; ruled in the name of Baron Guidobaldo III by an elected mayor and town council.
Ruler: Rannick Teranius (LN Human Male Merchant 9), mayor of Vallesretta. A Darokinian native of Thyatian descent, Rannick is a lifelong merchant with ties to House Hallonica. He leaves the travelling aspects of his business to his sons, preferring to plan and run the village from a comfortable chair in his cozy but well-appointed home.
Armed Forces: Soldiers from the Second Army secure the trade roads. These soldiers (Human Warrior 3) are mounted soldiers who wear chain shirts and carry rapiers and spears. Half of the soldiers are mounted archers who dismount before engaging the enemy with their longbows. House Hallonica pays for additional troops to secure the barony against raids by giants and orcs from the mountains. These troops (Warrior 2), who bear the colors of Hallonica, are equipped with studded leather armor, longbow and rapier. They patrol in groups of 20.
Major Industries: Grain, apples and berries are traded and exported along the trade road. Sheep and goats are herded in the mountains.
Notable Laws: The village has banned offensive spell-casting and intrusive spells such as Detect Thoughts.
Notable Mages: Elkrunner (CG Female Elf Wizard 5/Fighter 2) is a young elven wizard from Clan Long Runner in Alfheim. She has taken up residence in the barony as a base to strike against orcs and goblinoids. She is rarely in town, as she is typically adventuring with her comrades (the anti-orc raiders known as the Swords of Corunglain). She is a mage with a flexible set of spells and a skilled archer.
Quintus of Darokin (N Human Male Wizard 10) is one of the most powerful mages in this part of the Altan Tepes. The baron pays him a large stipend to cast necessary spells for the barony. He is otherwise absorbed in his research into planar travel. He rarely takes on apprentices but is known to pay adventurers to acquire magic items or the like.
Notable Churches: The Church of Darokin maintains a small church in town. Dedicated to Asterius, it is tended by a cousin of the baron- Varia d’Altieri (LN Human Female Cleric 7). Varia charges a premium for healing and spell-casting, and is generally unsupportive of renegade adventurers tromping about.
Notable Personalities: Malcolm Stoutfingers (N Male Halfling Rogue 6) is a member of the Swords of Corunglain, serving as dungeoneer and trapsmith. He is a native of the Five Shires, and is staunchly opposed to orcs, Glantrian wizards and the Black Baron von Hendricks. He collects magical trinkets and has a number of low-powered pieces. He is the best-known expert on traps and locks in the village (perhaps the barony).
Furio the Cat (CN Male Human Swashbuckler 3/Spell Thief 5) claims to be a semi-retired adventurer and fencing tutor. In reality he made a great deal of money in Glantri as a thief and wizard-killer. He ran afoul of a powerful noble and is hiding out in this backwater. He occasionally crosses the Altan Tepes to see his old adventuring comrade in Bergoi, Thranius.
Adventurer’s Quarters and Shops: Average in summer, poor in winter.
There are numerous rooming houses in the village but only two inns of note. The first is the Whispering Winds, a homey establishment with a rustic menu and an enormous common room. It is run by Mother Wella (NG Human Female Witch 2/Expert 3), a cheery woman with a rotund frame and a harried manner. She is a hedge-witch and healer as well as a superb cook.
The second inn of note is the Grinning Kobold, run by a retired soldier. The Grinning Kobold is a tavern that offers rooms in a separate, neighboring building. Cantorus Dark-Eye (NG Human Male Warrior 6) served in the army of Darokin until he retired following the loss of his left-eye. His establishment offers a limited menu but a variety of ales and beer. He is especially noted for his store of Rockhome brandy.
Village of Anzaldo
==========Population: 330
Demographics: 99% Human, 1% Other
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Center: Conventional; ruled in the name of Baron Guidobaldo III by an elected mayor and town council.
Ruler: Anders Silverblade (LN Half-Elf Male Ranger 4/Fighter 2) was born to a farmer outside the village. He and two friends left the village in search of adventure, making a name for themselves in Darokin and Athenos. Anders is an excellent archer and always accompanied by his falcoln, Moonwhisper. He often leads scouts and hunters from the village against giants and orcs in the mountains. Anders has a small retinue of followers who assist him.
Armed Forces: Soldiers from the Second Army help secure the trade roads. These soldiers (Human Warrior 3) are mounted soldiers who wear chain shirts and carry rapiers and spears. Half of the soldiers are mounted archers who dismount before engaging the enemy with their longbows.
House Hallonica pays for additional troops to secure the barony against raids by giants and orcs from the mountains. These troops (Warrior 2), who bear the colors of Hallonica, are equipped with studded leather armor, longbow and rapier. They patrol in groups of 20.Major Industries: Grain, apples and berries are traded and exported along the trade road. Sheep and goats are herded in the mountains.
Notable Laws: The village has banned offensive spell-casting and intrusive spells such as Detect Thoughts.
Notable Mages: Alya Dragonblood (NG Human Female Sorcerer 5/Human Paragon 2) is a local girl who ran away from a politically and economically expedient marriage to become an adventurer. She and two friends journeyed east to Darokin City where they made a name for themselves as sell-swords and investigators. She returned upon the death of her father and has settled into a role as one of the protectors of the village and to raise her twin children, half-elves fathered by a former adventuring companion.
Notable Churches: There are no churches in the village.
Notable Personalities: Jarren d’Maltorana (NG Half-Elf Male Bard 4/Druid 2) is the third “prodigal son” of the village, having returned after several years abroad. Jarren had displayed a knack for magic and music as a child, eventually becoming a bard and druid. Jarren is always accompanied by his wolf, Greymantle. Jarren speaks numerous languages and is also a skilled healer.
Tharrn (NG Male Half-Orc Druid 4) is a half-orc from the area near Xorg who has rejected his savage heritage. He lives outside the village, acting as a watchman for the village and its primary healer. He is friendly with Anders, often joining him on hunting trips.
Adventurer’s Quarters and Shops: Average in summer, poor in winter.
There are a few small taverns favored by the locals, but most visitors end up at Kragen’s Lodge. Stuffed heads and antlers dominate the décor of this inn’s common room and fresh game is always on the menu. Kragen (NG Human Male Warrior 2/Expert 4) is an avid sportsman who is responsible for teaching several village youths to hunt and track.Village of Glorenzia
==========Population: 260
Demographics: 98% Human, 2% Other
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Center: Conventional; ruled in the name of Baron Guidobaldo III by his seneschal.
Ruler: Lydia of Athenos (LN Human Female Bard 4) is Baron Altieri’s seneschal. She has displayed a knack for keeping the baron relatively productive. She originally performed in Athenos as a bard while selling her services as an investigator and mercenary. She was hired by the baron a few years ago on the advice of a friend in House Hallonica.
Armed Forces: Soldiers from the Second Army help secure the trade roads. These soldiers (Human Warrior 3) are mounted soldiers who wear chain shirts and carry rapiers and spears. Half of the soldiers are mounted archers who dismount before engaging the enemy with their longbows. House Hallonica pays for additional troops to secure the barony against raids by giants and orcs from the mountains. These troops (Warrior 2), who bear the colors of Hallonica, are equipped with studded leather armor, longbow and rapier. They patrol in groups of 20.
Major Industries: Grain, apples and berries are traded and exported along the trade road. Sheep and goats are herded in the mountains.
Notable Laws: The village has banned all arcane spell-casting without the express permission of Baron Guidobaldo or one of his agents while within the village walls.
Notable Mages: Martha the Owl (CG Female Halfling Wizard
3) is a Halfling fortuneteller and potion maker from the Karameikan city of Kelvin. She has the baron’s writ to cast spells. She sells scrolls and potions in addition to her fortune telling. Martha is a pretty; slightly plump Halfling female who appears much younger than her 60 years. Kermint the Wild Eyed (N Male Human Wu Jen 4/Fighter 1) is a Makistani “sorcerer” and wanderer who has been staying just outside the village walls since last winter. He rarely interacts with the villagers, but has been seen in the company of strange hooded men. Rumor has it that he is seeking a great treasure in the mountains.
Notable Churches: The village maintains a small chapel to Asterius, tended by Sister Anya (LG Female Human Cleric 4). Sister Anya is a young and idealistic woman. She is a scholar, not an adventurer or preacher. She rarely leaves the village and will not adventure under any circumstances.
Notable Personalities: Cale Stoutfingers (CG Halfling Male Ranger 2/Paladin of Freedom 2) is an adventurer and “crusader” from Hinmeet. He has decided to spend some time in the mountains hunting orcs for “sport” before travelling on. He is an archer and capable of smiting with his bow. He is also an expert rider, favoring war dogs or small ponies.
Leandra of Chossum (CG Female Elf Scout 4/Fighter 4) is an Alfheim scout and archer who serves as Baron Guidobaldo’s scout and hunter. She is also an expert bowyer and fletcher, selling high quality specialty arrows. Leandra leads several of the village’s hunters on periodic sweeps of the surrounding mountains.
Jaime of Selenica (LG Male Human Knight 4) is a young crusader and hero from the eastern city of Selenica. A skilled rider, Jaime fights with an ancestral bastard sword. He is quite handsome, extremely brave and oddly humble. Despite growing up with a great deal of wealth, he is a simple soul at heart with a love of clean living, hard work and just battle. While he drinks prodigious amounts of beer and ale, he is rarely intoxicated. He is a favorite among the villagers as he has volunteered to help erect a barn or pull a cart out of the mud without a second thought.
Adventurer’s Quarters and Shops: Average in summer, poor in winter.
A few small taverns frequented by the locals dot the village, but these are usually closed to visitors. The Mountain Goat’s Rest began as a small manor but was converted into a large inn and rooming house. The kitchen is superb, offering meals from breakfast to well past midnight.
Barony of Flowerhill
The Barony of Flowerhill belongs to the Republic of Darokin’s Borderlands, and it’s ruled by Baron Horace Rendiers. His family is at odds with the Hallonica which rule the city of Selenica, as well as with their Altieri allies. Baron Horace does his best to annoy Hallonica’s caravans passing through, and he sketches the occasional plot against the neighboring Altieri. While usually limited to rigorous inspections and lengthy examinations of manifests, Baron Horace has hired woods-wise saboteurs or archers who may fire arrows to annoy or wound a horse. In order to avoid submission to the Hallonica’s trade dominance in this area, he keeps open a trade route with Ylari villages on the other side the border; this route goes through the nearer passes of the Altan Tepes, reaching Hojambaz. The Baron is also fastening closer ties with the Al-Azrad, in order to annoy the Hallonica.
The Barony of Flowerhill is located across the paved road which leads from Selenica to Parsa through the Selinna Pass. Its main settlement, the village of Flowerhill (630 inhabitants), is located amidst a wonderful series of hills which blossom in spring, showing a breathtaking multicolored landscape to the viewer.
A rough trail goes from Flowerhill southward to the village of Sternstone (460 dwellers), the center of local iron mining, before continuing on to Scarroof Keep, the Baron’s and his family’s dwelling place. Both Scarroof and Sternstone are well-fortified: during winter this area is covered by abundant snowfalls, and the frost giants’ raids are much more frequent; because of this, Scarroof Keep, an impregnable stronghold built on a rocky spur, is fortified with towers stocked with ballistae and catapults.
Village of Flowerhill
==================Population: 630
Demographics: 99% Human, 1% Other
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Center: Traditional. The village elects a mayor and a town council.
Ruler: Yasmina d’Gloriela (LN Human Female Noble 3/Sorcerer 5) is a half-Ylari native of Selenica. She is rumored to be the bastard daughter of a powerful member of a merchant house, sent with her mother to the distant city of Selenica to avoid a scandal. She grew up well off, and attended the finest schools of Selenica. She eventually found her fortune as an adventurer before retiring to the charming village of Flowerhill. She is extremely charismatic (Cha 18) and has access to a great deal of magic.
Armed Forces: The Second Army patrols the trade road and passes through Flowerhill regularly. The Army maintains a way station in the village where soldiers can resupply and pick up fresh horses. The soldiers ride in patrols of 10, wearing studded leather armor and carrying rapier, longspear and dagger. Half of the soldiers are archers, carrying rapier, dagger and longbow.
Major Industries: Hospitality and supplies are the village’s chief concerns, keeping caravans to and from Selenica supplied.
Notable Laws: None.
Notable Mages: Named for his simple but rich robes, Kareth the Black (NE Male Human Wizard 5) is a selfish and greedy wizard who casts spells for exorbitant fees. He will make potions on demand with the cost paid up front. He keeps to himself, with the exception of always attending performances by visiting bards. He has a weakness for complex epic songs and poems of battles.
Sister Nightshade (NG Half-Elf Female Witch 4) is a seemingly ageless wise woman and local healer. She is an expert on plant lore, especially poisons and antidotes. She maintains a small shack outside the village, and is popular with the common folk.
Notable Churches: The majority of the village (and the passing caravans) attend the Church of Darokin rather large cathedral. It is designed to hold the increased numbers of visitors during caravan season, accounting for its large size. The flock is led by Father Sardacci (LG Male Human Cleric 7), an old priest who was once an army chaplain. He is assisted by two junior priests (Human Cleric 3).
Notable Personalities: There are several mercenaries and sell-swords in the village as caravans often take on additional guards or need replacements for those fired for being derelict in their duty. Among them is Derek One-Tusk (CG Male Half-Orc Fighter 4), a half-orc of remarkable civility and skilled with a greatsword. He is trustworthy and reliable, plus his knowledge of the orcs in the area is unmatched.
Druna Silveraxe (LN Female Dwarf Artificer 5/Master
2) is an émigré from Rockhome. She is a master smith and her work is in high demand. She also crafts magic items for sale, often by caravan captains heading into the desert or through a particularly dangerous part of the Altan Tepes. Adventurer’s Quarters and Shops: Good, year ‘round.
There are numerous small taverns, rooming houses and inns to be found in the village. During the off-season, there are many vacancies and prices are half normal.
Village of Sternstone and Scarroof Keep
=================================Population: 460
Demographics: 99% Human, 1% Other
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Center: Traditional. The village elects a town council who report to an administrator appointed by the Baron.
Ruler: Haralan the Herald (N Male Half-Elf Bard 6) is a steady, patient learned man of middle years. He appears younger than his years, clean-shaven and quite handsome. Haralan is an expert on such diverse topics as other planes of existence to the ancient history of Blackmoor. In private, he is prone to letting his mind wander. While executing his duties, he is brusque and brief but efficient.
Armed Forces: The Second Army patrols the trade road and passes through Flowerhill regularly. The Army maintains a way station in the village where soldiers can resupply and pick up fresh horses. The soldiers ride in patrols of 10, wearing studded leather armor and carrying rapier, longspear and dagger. Half of the soldiers are archers, carrying rapier, dagger and longbow.
Baron Horace keeps a private mercenary force of 100 troops (Warrior 2) stationed in Scarroof Keep. They are wear scale mail and shield, carrying longsword and crossbow. They patrol the rough path between Flowerhill and Scarroof and often “inspect” caravans bearing Hallonica markings.
Major Industries: Iron ore and finished goods.
Notable Laws: None.
Notable Mages: The Baron has hired the Makistani Jamil the Mystic (NE Male Human Wu Jen 6/Rogue 1) to act his personal magus. Jamil also has ties to several smuggling groups that operate on the border between Makistan and Flowerhill.
Notable Churches: The village does not have a church but does have several unmanned shrines to Asterius, Halav, the Eternal Truth and Ixion. The baron keeps a familial shrine that is tended by a chaplain. Thorrin Ravenson (LN Human Male Cleric of Odin 4) is an Ostland born Northman hired by the baron to be his chaplain and bodyguard. Thorrin is a massively muscled man with fiery red hair and a magic spear.
Notable Personalities: Kemal the Trader (NE Human Male Merchant 2/Rogue 2) is an Ylari merchant of minor repute. He specializes in spices and salt, occasionally dabbling in common cloths like wool or linen. He is shifty-eyed and greedy. Some say he smuggles illicit substances or ancient works of art in his spice bundles.
The baron’s huntsman and hound trainer is a young man named Rikkon (NG Human Male Ranger 2), a village native. He trains the baron’s hounds and accompanies the baron while the baron hunts. Rikkon has a good heart and serves the baron loyally, often overlooking the baron’s more selfish impulses.
“Boss” Alton (NE Human Male Fighter 2/Expert 6) runs the baron’s mines. He is a harsh taskmaster and a bit of a bully. He is effective at keeping production high without breaking too many laws, so he is well-paid by the baron.
Adventurer’s Quarters and Shops: Good in summertime and poor in winter.
Most of the taverns in town are small, informal affairs geared toward the locals. Several rooming houses are found near the center of town but most visitors find themselves at the Cold Comfort Inn. Run by the same family for three generations, Cold Comfort has a large stable and a separate out building for use as a kitchen.
Viscounty of Kermanend
This border domain is part of the Republic of Darokin’s Borderlands. The Kerman family, of Makistani origin, has ruled this land since the 6th-century AC. The current Viscount Ferhan V Kerman comes from generations of inter-marriage between Makistani and Darokinian bloodlines. The Viscount is in good standing with Great Khan Kamal Mazin of Makistan, as well as with the Hallonica and Al-Azrad, both of which appeal often to him as their middleman at the Great Khan’s court. The Viscounty’s location is indeed quite important, because it lies in a point watching the main pass used by northern goblin tribes to come down from the Altan Tepes. Thus the Republic and the city of Selenica grant Viscount Ferhan any assistance he needs to face this threat every time it arises.
The Viscount’s family dwells in Karakerman Castle, an old fortress watching the northern valleys settled by peasants and shepherds, often endangered by goblin raids; the castle defends the pass which, from those valleys, leads to the domain’s heart, and it often has to bear sieges by the humanoids. The village of Shiravan (520 residents), set in a dale surrounded by pleasant pastures, is an important center of sheep herding, and an extremely welcoming village where both Alasiyan and Makistani immigrants are found. Eastwards, the paved road reaches the village of Zemin (850 residents), the last Darokinian settlement before the border with the Emirates of Ylaruam. Zemin is a typical border settlement, where Darokinian residents mix with Alasiyan and Makistani immigrants, where mercenary companies in search of employment arrive, and where infamous characters hide from the law. The village is fortified, and a part of its wall is occupied by a small border keep manned directly by the Darokin. In the keep, a small garrison of a hundred men is stationed, kept occupied by duties like controlling and taxing the trade passing through Zemin, and patrolling the surrounding countryside in search of bandits and goblinoids. Often, small tribes of Makistani herders camp outside Zemin, coming to the village to trade cattle and leather, or to smuggle various types of goods before setting again on the move with their herds.
Village of Shiravan
================Population: 520
Demographics: 94% Human, 5% Dwarf, 1% Other
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Center: Traditional. The village elects a mayor and a town council.
Ruler: “Prince” Khalid ibn Mussa (NG Human Male Expert 4/Noble 2) is the mayor and head of the town council. In the tradition of the Ylari, “prince” is a general title of leadership and respect. Khalid was born to a family of goatherds and he showed a knack for negotiating the best prices at market. He helped his family expand their flocks, becoming richer over the years. He is now in his 50’s, having been mayor for 10 years. He is an easygoing man with a hearty laugh and a heedful of proverbs and stories. He enjoys having adventurers at his table. He has a weakness for books of all types and is often in the company of Mammon the Barber, Ali the Strange and Kane Trencherman.
Armed Forces: The Second Army patrols the trade road and passes through Shiravan and Zemin regularly. The soldiers (Human Warrior 3) ride in patrols of 10, wearing studded leather armor and carrying rapier, spear and dagger. Half of the soldiers are archers, carrying rapier, dagger and longbow. The Viscount keeps a small detachment of mercenaries at the village to guard against goblin raids. These mercenaries are hired from the Makistani tribes to the east and very loyal to the Viscount. They are skilled horsemen (Human Warrior 3) and wear leather armor while fighting with scimitar and shortbow.
Major Industries: The village’s primary industries are sheep and goats with a good side business in leather from the herd animals. Hospitality and re-supplying the caravans are also a large part of the village economy.
Notable Laws: None.
Notable Mages: Mammon the Barber (LN Human Male Wizard 2/Expert 2) comes from a large family of barbers. His cousin is the famed “Barber of Kirkuk”, known for his wisdom and interpretation of modern Ylari morals. Mammon is a scholar of Ylari history and religious studies. He is a healer and master groomer. He is no adventurer and will never aid those he feels are disrespectful.
Ali the Strange (N Human Male Wu Jen 6) is a master of the elemental magic favored by the Makistani and their Ethengari ancestors. He is much more comfortable in Darokin where his rejection of the Eternal Truth is not so shocking. He is a follower of Djea, believing in a balance in all things. Ali crafts potions and sells scrolls and spell components to interested parties. He rarely casts spells for hire but has been known to trade favors for spells.
Notable Churches: A thriving group of adherents to the Eternal Truth meet in a non-descript building that was once a merchant’s warehouse. The inside is now a sparsely decorated prayer hall with a small library and space for a healer. It is led by Prayer Leader Haroon White Hair (LG Male Human Cleric of Al-Kalim 7), an ancient man of great wisdom. He is rather strict in his observances of his faith but is not hostile to infidels. He does have little patience for half-hearted followers of any ideal, finding devotion and dedication to be great virtues. He is aided by his granddaughter, Nirama the Merciful (LG Human Female Healer 2), a woman of great healing ability.
A small family of dwarven craftsmen, farmers and merchants make the village their home. They are led in spiritual and familial matters by their matriarch Dorta Flinteye (LN Female Dwarf Cleric of Kagyar 6). She was born into the Wyrwarf Clan, to a family of farmers and goat herders. After adventuring for a few years, she led some of her family and friends to this village where they have prospered away from the divisive politics of Rockhome.
The Old Shrine is a small chapel dedicated to the Church of Darokin. It is tended by Sister Kayla (NG Human Female Cleric 2), a young novice cleric. She has been assigned to tend this chapel until next season and then she plans to adventure for a few years. She dreams of travel and is anxious to talk to adventurers and travelers.
Notable Personalities: Kane Trencherman (CG Male Halfling Rogue 3/Fighter 2) is a Hin from the Five Shires and adventurer. He is an explorer of dungeons, the bane of goblins and expert cook. He smokes too much pipe weed and has a penchant for roast fowl with complex sauces. He uses the village as a base to range up and down the Altan Tepes, hiring himself out as a guard, trap smith or adventurer.
Nizam the Sworder of Justice (LG Male Human Paladin 2) is a stern young man who is currently using the village’s temple of the Eternal Truth as a base. The youngest son of a desert nomad tribal leader, he has gone forth into the lands of the infidel to spread the word of the faith and fight evil. Unfortunately his lack of patience towards non-believers and his strict adherence to the social mores of the desert make him an outcast. Still, he means well and only time will tell if he can accomplish anything of significance.
Adventurer’s Quarters and Shops: Good, year ‘round.
There are numerous small taverns, rooming houses and inns to be found in the village. During the off-season, there are many vacancies and prices are half normal. Particularly personable adventurers may be invited to stay at the mayor’s house, who is a wealth of information and rumors. Due to many believers of the Eternal Truth, some establishments in town do not serve alcohol, and serve traditional Ylari drinks such as khafe or tea.
Village of Zemin
===============Population: 850
Demographics: 97% Human, 3% Other
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Center: Traditional. The village elects a mayor and a town council.
Ruler: Malcolm of Caerdwicca (NG Male Half-Elf Fighter 3/Bard 4). A former adventurer from the Isle of Dawn, Malcolm came to the Altan Tepes with his wife and child almost a decade ago. His wife was born into a noble family that supported the Kin faction. Running away to avoid an arranged marriage to a vizier twice her age and to keep her burgeoning magic a secret, she returned to the Known World with her husband. Malcolm is a charismatic man with a ready laugh and open manner. He normally appears unarmed and armored, except for a simple dagger. Thanks to a ring of arming, he can be armed and armored with but a thought- often catching foes by surprise. He fights with an enchanted bastard sword.
Armed Forces: The Second Army patrols the trade road and passes through Shiravan and Zemin regularly. The soldiers (Human Warrior 3) ride in patrols of 10, wearing studded leather armor and carrying rapier, spear and dagger. Half of the soldiers are archers, carrying rapier, dagger and longbow. The Viscount keeps a small detachment of mercenaries at the village to guard against goblin raids. These mercenaries are hired from the Makistani tribes to the east and very loyal to the Viscount. They are skilled horsemen (Human Warrior 3) and wear leather armor while fighting with scimitar and shortbow.
Major Industries: The village’s primary industries are raising hardy goats. Hospitality and re-supplying the caravans are also a large part of the village economy.
Notable Laws: None.
Notable Mages: Miryam Green Eyes (NG Human Female Wizard
6) is the wife of the mayor and a retired adventurer. She and her husband have a large deposit of gold in several banks in Darokin thanks to their lucrative adventuring career. This has allowed Miryam to engage in spell-research and raise her two children. She contributes magic to the defense of the village and has taken on an apprentice or two in the last decade. She dresses in a mix of Ylari and Darokinian styles and she has lost none of her youthful beauty. Ivan the Mystic (N Human Male Sorcerer 2) is a young traveler from Karameikos. A sorcerer of growing power, Ivan journeyed to Darokin on a caravan before stopping in Selenica. He continued east until he stopped here during the winter. He is anxious to travel on but seeks a band of adventurers to accompany. H would like to continue east and then board a ship to far-off lands like Alphatia. He is a bit naïve but he has seen a few battles with raiders.
Notable Churches: Thanks to many travelers and several adherents in the village, followers of the Eternal Truth meet in a large and well-appointed mosque near the center of town. Led by Prayer Leader Omar the Just (LG Male Human Paladin 4/Cleric of Al-Kalim 4), the mosque is quite active in the village. Omar was once a faris who led a band of Makistani adventurers against a cabal of Magian Fire Worshippers. Injured in the battle that resulted in their defeat, he became a priest and settled in this quiet village.
There are small shrines in the village to Ixion, Chardastres, Halav and Kagyar that are tended by whatever clerics or faithful wander through the village. Though not part of any church, Maroof the Eagle (CN Male Human Spirit Shaman 4/Fighter 2) is a Makistani shaman of the old ways. He lives outside of town in a simple hut, often pursuing an unknown agenda.
Notable Personalities: Bladeflower (CG Female Elf Duskblade 3/Rogue 1) is an adventurer from the Red Arrow clan of Alfheim. She is the disciple of a famous Bladedancer and looking to prove herself worthy of his training. She is in the Altan Tepes to fight orcs, which she hates with a passion.
Aurelius of the Shining Crusade (LG Male Human Ranger 3/Paladin 4) is a Darokinian warrior of Thyatian descent. He has a growing reputation as an undead hunter, notable for his ability to channel his smite evil ability through both sword and arrow. He is a rising member of the Shining Crusade, a growing organization dedicated to fighting evil. He is in the village to establish a small sanctuary for the order. He has the ear of the viscount, an old ally of the order. He is accompanied by his squire, Mizra (LG Human Female Noble 1/Ranger 2). Mizra is the daughter of a Al-Azra merchant but has taken up the vow of a crusader following the death of her brother.
Adventurer’s Quarters and Shops: Good, year ‘round.
There are several small taverns and inns, accommodating the influx of visitors and merchants. Adventurers are pointed to the Raven’s Roost, a bizarrely decorated inn run by the former thief and adventurer Paulina Riverrock (N Female Halfling Thief 5) and her mate Meriwether (NG Male Halfling Scout 4/Fighter 1). The Roost features an extensive menu of baked goods and teas, as well as ales and beers. It is famous for its meat pies.
Village of Scabton
================Population: 210
Demographics: 99% Human, 1% Other
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Center: The village is governed by the small keep it grew around. The village is ruled by the commander of the tower. Scabton falls under Darokin’s Heartland Law thanks to its proximity to Selenica. It is directly administered by the Second Army in the name of Selenica.
Ruler: Commander Anton Aryanovich (LN Male Human Fighter 3/Marshall 5) is a native of Athenos and of Traladaran descent. He is a career soldier and officer, having risen through the ranks relatively quickly. This is his first command and he certainly sees his share of action thanks to the frost giants in the area. He demands discipline and honor from his troops but he leads from the front and is loved by his men.
Armed Forces: 150 troops from the Second Army are stationed at the Scabton Keep. They are responsible for defending Scabton, the trade road and nearby Valima. The troops are hardy and experienced, thanks to forays against orcs, goblins and frost giants. The soldiers (Human Warrior 4) wear chain shirts and carry rapier, longbow and longspear.
Major Industries: Grain is farmed in the fields outside the village. Fishermen ply their trade in the waterway next to the village.
Notable Laws: For all intents and purposes, the village is an army encampment. There are no laws aside from Heartland Law and the Military Code. The villagers are united and friendly with the soldiers. In cases of trouble, the villagers band together, seeking shelter in the keep if necessary.
Notable Mages: Sergeant Stephano Rentius (LN Male Human Warmage 4/Fighter 1) is the second in command of the keep. He trained in the College of War Magic in Corunglain and is a bit rough around the edges. He is foulmouthed and arrogant but a master strategist and efficient soldier. He disdains the typical Darokinian rapier in favor of the bastard sword.
Notable Churches: Scabton Keep maintains a small chapel to the Church of Darokin but there is no proper church or shrine in the village. The army sends a chaplain twice each month to attend to the soldiers’ spiritual needs.
Notable Personalities: Corella Varinisi (NG Female Human Fighter 1) is the youngest daughter of a Scabton farmer. She is a skillful archer for her age and enjoys observing the soldiers train outside the keep’s walls. She earns good money as a fletcher, selling arrows to villagers for hunting.
Haldon (LG Human Male Expert 6) is the unofficial spokesman of the village. A fisherman with a large family and contacts throughout the area, he is likely to meet any strangers or travelers that make their way to Scabton.
Adventurer’s Quarters and Shops: Poor, year ‘round.
There are no inns or taverns in the village and only a single general store which stocks basic supplies and farming equipment. Specialty gear must be shipped in by caravan, often finding space on the supply wagons bound for the keep.
I have more to post, including some fleshed out NPCs. I tend to play a sandbox-type game where PCs can pick from several storylines they want to be involved in. I do a cooperative character creation where all PCs have a tie to one or more of the story hooks. Some of the hooks include:
1. The rise of a unifying force among the disparate non-human tribes. Who is responsible for the increasingly coordinated attacks by goblinoid and orc raiders? Rumors say it's a cabal of Magian Fire Worshippers. Others tell tales of a cunning orc warrior.
2. A dark necromancer raising an army of undead. The necromancer ultimately serves/worships the lich Oirtulev. Any Traladaran PC clerics receive sendings from Halav and Petra that give them clues to this threat.
3. A growing movement to secure recognition from Duke Stefan of Traladaran power. Some want to declare an independent realm in the rugged north east others want the Duke to name a Baron of Traladaran blood. This causes increasing tension between the villages and the soldiers of Castellan Keep.
4. Bergoi is a thriving village thanks to its open-minded ruler and her connection with the fey of the surrounding woods. Lady Elayna encourages adventurers and the study of wizardry. The PCs start off in her employ. She keeps a few barracks open to local adventurers, feeds them and pays them a few gp a month for errands and as a retainer. Errands include things like acting as a messenger, augmenting the guards. Anything more and she hires them as normal adventurers. Lady Elayna also has designs on founding a formal order based on the Foresters of Thyatis, which she encountered in her youth. She envisions this order as protecting the people and wilderness of NE Karameikos. Could the PCs bring about her dream?
Baron Guidobaldo III d'Altieri (Baron of Altieri)
Race: Human
Classes: Noble 4/Swashbuckler 3
Sex: Male
Age: 39
Alignment: NeutralAbilities
Strength: 13
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 14
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 14Hit dice: 4d8 plus 3d10 plus 7
Hit points: 45
Initiative: 3
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor class: 19, Touch 11, Flat 15
Base attack: 6/1
Saves: Fort 4 (5), Ref 5 (8), Will 5 (6)Languages spoken: Alasiyian (Ylari dialect), Darokinian, Dwarvish (Rockhome dialect), Elvish (Alfheim dialect), Thyatian (Darokin dialect)
Special Abilities: Noble Bonus Class Skill (Tumble), Favor 2, Coordinate 1, Inspire Confidence 1/day, Grace 1, Insightful Strike
Balance 5 (7)
Bluff 8 (10)
Diplomacy 8 (10)
Escape Artist 5 (7)
Gather Information 7 (9)
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) 7 (9)
Listen 7 (8)
Ride 4 (6)
Sense Motive 8 (9)
Speak Language 2
Tumble 5 (7)Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light, Shield), Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Quick Draw, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Rapier), Weapon Proficiency (Simple, Martial)
Possessions: Ring of Protection 2, +1 Keen Frost Rapier, Masterwork Silvered Dagger, Potion of Cure Serious Wounds, Potion of Gaseous Form, Slippers of Spider Climb
+1 Keen Frost Rapier (Atk 9/4 Dg 1d6 plus 3 plus 1d6 Cold Crit 17-20/x2)Masterwork Silvered Dagger (Atk 9/4 Dg 1d4 plus 1 Crit 19-20/x2 Rng 10)
============================Baron of the Altieri province in Darokin, Guidobaldo’s family was Thyatians driven from Yluarum by Al-Kalim’s fanatics. A half-century ago the family married into the Darokinian Rashdun noble family and began ruling the barony. Altieri is a tiny barong nestled in two narrow valleys of the Altan Tepes, north and west of Karameikos. The family has long had ties to House Hallonica in Selenica. The Barony requires little oversight, with the exception of remaining ever-vigilant against raiding frost giants. The Baron spends much of his time at Altieri Castle, overlooking the small village of Glorienza. He is content to plot harassing tactics against his neighbor, Baron Horace of Flowerhill.
The Baron styles himself as a swashbuckling rake and swordsman. He is a passable fencer and handsome if a bit overweight. His wife spends most of her time in Selenica and Guidobaldo enjoys dalliances with numerous young ladies. He is constantly keeping a wary eye on his rebellious daughter and his scheming son.
Horace Rendiers, Baron of Flowerhill
Race: Human
Classes: Noble 2/Hexblade 4
Sex: Male
Age: 42
Alignment: Neutral EvilAbilities
Strength: 14
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 15
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 13
Charisma: 14Hit dice: 2d8 plus 4d10 plus 12
Hit points: 48
Initiative: 3
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor class: 17, Touch 13, Flat 14
Base attack: 5
Saves: Fort 1 (3), Ref 4 (7), Will 7 (8/10 vs spells and spell-like abilities)Languages spoken: Abyssal, Darokinian, Giant, Thyatian
Special Abilities: Favor 1, Inspire Confidence 1/day, Bonus Noble Class Skill (Use Magic Device), Hexblade Curse (rng 60/DC 14/-2 to attack, saves, ability checks, damage and skill checks) 1/day, Arcane Resistance, Mettle, Familiar
Spells Known (cast 1st: 1)
First Level: Expeditious Retreat, Undetectable Alignment
Spell Save DC 12 plus Spell LevelSkills
Bluff 4 (6)
Concentration 4 (6)
Diplomacy 5 (7)
Knowledge (Altan Tepes) 5 (6)
Knowledge (Religion) 1 (2)
Listen 1 (2)
Ride 8 (11)
Sense Motive 5 (6)
Speak Language 2
Spellcraft 4 (6)
Survival 2
Use Magic Device 5 (7)Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium, Shield), Blind Fighting, Combat Expertise, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Rapier), Weapon Proficiency (Simple, Martial)
Possessions: Mithril Chain Shirt, +1 Flaming Keen Rapier, Glove of Storing (holds magical rapier), Ring of Feather Fall, Ring of Sustenance, (3) Masterwork Dagger, Mighty Composite Longbow, Quiver of (20) Masterwork Arrows, Potion of Gaseous Form, Potion of Cure Serious Wounds, Signet Ring, Signal Whistle
+1 Flaming Keen Rapier (Atk 10 Dg 1d6 plus 1d6 Fire plus 3 Crit 17-20/x2)Masterwork Dagger (Atk 9 Dg 1d4 plus 2 Crit 19-20/x2 Rng 10)
Mighty Composite Longbow (Atk 9 Dg 1d8 plus 2 Crit x3 Rng 110)
BioBaron Horace is the only surviving heir to the Barony of Flowerhill, his older sister having died in a raid by frost giants when she was sixteen. His father died when he was twenty and Horace rose to rule. Like many men of Darokin, Horace fancies himself a fencer and duelist. He also has a reputation of being a bit self-absorbed, especially with the petty feud he has with the Baron Altieri and his Hallonica allies. He hires young bravos to harass caravans and ensures that their agents receive cold welcomes in his lands. He loves to hunt, but his first love is swordplay.
Secret GM InfoIn truth, much of this is an act. Horace is selfish, driven and amoral. As a young man, he and his sister were caught in a giant attack while travelling in the barony. Horace butchered his sister and then blamed it on the raiders. He dabbles in the cult of Thanatos that has plagued the area over the past few years but he isn’t as chaotic as needed to truly rise in power. As it stands, he is happy to use the dark clerics and necromancers to enrich him. Horace pretends to be a simple fighter and noble but his dark heart has allowed him to take the path of a Hexblade. He will conceal his powers as necessary, often using his curse when in a duel. This has allowed him to win several noteworthy victories over seemingly better swordsmen.
Anatoly Ivanovich
Race: Human
Classes: Noble 2/Spell Thief 4
Sex: Male
Age: 23
Alignment: Neutral GoodAbilities
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 11
Intelligence: 16
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 15Hit dice: 2d8 plus 4d6
Hit points: 25
Initiative: 4
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor class: 17, Touch 14, Flat 13
Base attack: 4
Saves: Fort 1, Ref 4 (8), Will 7 (8)Languages spoken: Alasiyan, Draconic, Thyatian, Traladaran
Special Abilities: Bonus Noble Class Skill (Sleight of Hand), Favor 1, Inspire Confidence 1/day, Trapfinding, Sneak Attack 1d6, Steal Spell (level 0-2), Steal Spell Effect, Steal Energy Resistance 10, Spell Grace 1, Detect Magic (2/day)
Spells Cast: 1st- 2
Spells Known
1st: Charm Person, Silent Image
Save DC 12 plus Spell LevelSkills
Bluff 5 (7)
Concentration 7
Decipher Script 7 (11)
Diplomacy 5 (7)
Disable Device 5 (8)
Hide 7 (11)
Knowledge (Arcana) 5 (7)
Knowledge (History) 5 (7)
Listen 5 (6)
Move Silently 7 (11)
Open Locks 7 (11)
Ride 2 (6)
Search 3 (6)
Sense Motive 5 (6)
Sleight of Hand 5 (9)Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light, Shield), Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Hand Crossbow), Point Blank Shot, Rapid Reload, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Proficiency (Simple, Martial)
Possessions: Mastercraft Studded Leather Armor, Hand Crossbow, Case of (20) +1 Bolts, (2) Masterwork Silvered Dagger, +1 Keen Rapier, (2) Potion of Cure Light Wounds, Potion of Gaseous Form, Ring of Elven Sight (Low Light Vision), Thieves’ Picks, Belt Pouch, Signet Ring, Signal Whistle, Slippers of Spider Climbing
Hand Crossbow (Atk 9 Dg 1d4+1 Crit 19-20/x2 Rng 30)Masterwork Silvered Dagger (Atk 9 Dg 1d4 Crit 19-20/x2 Rng 10)
+1 Keen Rapier (Atk 9 Dg 1d6 plus 1 Crit 17-20/x2)
BioThe middle child of Lady Elayna of Bergoi, Anatoly is a handsome rogue with the typical good-heart of the Ivanovich clan. He was raised knowing he did not possess the personality or aptitude for rulership. Anatoly grew up to be a trickster, eventually becoming a self-taught spy and thief. When the time came for his Shearing, he journeyed through Darokin with a band of adventurers. They made a good sized fortune in the ruins under Corunglain. Returning home, Anatoly has spent his times in idle pursuits like reading and riding through the countryside. Despite his irrepressible curiosity, he loathes politics but does have a flair for it. He prefers to spend his time exploring lost dungeons and practicing his new found talent with magic. He is growing restless and looking to assemble a band of adventurers to follow a few leads of lost treasures he has uncovered in his researches.
Anatoly is not a powerful combatant, preferring to strike from ambush and then fade into the chaos of battle. He is a deft fencer, relying of his dexterity over his strength. In fact, if he can help it, he would avoid combat all together. He prefers to show his superior wits and intelligence. He is kind to those he considers “innocents” but has a sharp tongue for his adversaries.
Katya Ivanovich
Race: Human
Classes: Noble 3/Wizard (Enchantress) 5
Sex: Female
Age: 28
Alignment: NeutralAbilities
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 11
Intelligence: 18
Wisdom: 14
Charisma: 16Hit dice: 2d8 plus 5d4
Hit points: 21
Initiative: 5
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor class: 13, Touch 13, Flat 12
Base attack: 4
Saves: Fort 2, Ref 4 (5), Will 7 (9)Languages spoken: Alasiyan, Alphatian, Draconic, Elvish (Alfheim Dialect), Flaemish, Orcish, Sylaire, Thyatian, Traladaran
Special Abilities: Bonus Noble Class Skill (Spellcraft), Favor 2, Inspire Confidence 1/day, Extend Enchantment 3/day, Cohort, Banned Schools (Evocation and Necromancy)
Spells Cast: 0th- 4, 1st- 4, 2nd- 3, 3rd- 2
0th: All1st: Charm Person, Color Spray, Comprehend Languages, Detect Secret Doors, Disguise Self, Endure Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall, Hold Portal, Hypnotism, Identify, Low Light Vision (Com Arc), Mage Armor, Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, Shield, Silent Image, Sleep
2nd: Dark Vision, Daze Monster, Detect Thoughts, Invisibility, Locate Object, Minor Image, Mirror Image, Obscure Object, Protection from Arrows, Repair Moderate Damage (Com Arc), Resist Energy, See Invisible, Spider Climb, Tasha’s Hideous Laughter, Touch of Idiocy
3rd: Deep Slumber, Discern Shapeshifter (Com Arc), Dispel Magic, Fly, Haste, Heroism, Hold Person, Water Breathing
Save DC 14 plus Spell Level
Spells Typically Memorized
0th: Detect Magic, Light, Mage Hand, Read Magic
1st: Charm Person, Expeditious Retreat, Mage Armor, Sleep
2nd: Daze Monster, Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy
3rd: Fly, Hold PersonSkills
Bluff 6 (9)
Concentration 7
Decipher Script 7 (11)
Diplomacy 6 (9)
Knowledge (Alphatia) 4 (8)
Knowledge (Arcane) 6 (10)
Knowledge (Karameikos) 3 (7)
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) 6 (10)
Listen 6 (8)
Profession (Helmsman) 7 (11)
Profession (Navigator) 6 (10)
Ride 3 (4)
Sense Motive 6 (8)
Speak Language 4
Spellcraft 11Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light, Shield), Brew Potion, Empower Spell, Improved Initiative, Scribe Scroll, Spell Penetration, Weapon Focus (Shortsword), Weapon Proficiency (Simple, Martial)
Possessions: +2 Shocking Shortsword, Potion of Cure Serious Wounds, Potion of Waterbreathing, Potion of Spider Climb, Scroll of Repair Moderate Damage, Scroll of Empowered Charm Person, +1 Dagger of Returning, Ring of Sustenance, Bracers of Armor 2, Ring of Protection From Arrows/1, Wand of Feather Fall (12 charges), Wand of Dispel Magic (15 charges)
+2 Shocking Shortsword (Atk 7 Dg 1d6 plus 1d6 Electricity plus 2 Crit 19-20/x2)+1 Dagger of Returning (Atk 5 or 6 thrown Dg 1d4 plus 1 Crit 19-20/x2 Rng 10)
BioKatya is the oldest child of Lady Elayna of Bergoi. Like all of the Ivanovich children, she has arcane ability. In her case, she has developed her talents to a greater extent than her other siblings. She excelled in her studies, unlike her siblings, and had mastered the rudiments of spellcraft at a very early age. Where her mother and siblings are welcoming and quite egalitarian in their world view, Katya is haughty and aristocratic in the worst sense. Katya was Sheared over a decade ago, finding her way to the Alasiyan coast where she joined an Alphatian trade envoy. Working her way up from cabin girl to navigator, the trade envoy took her under his wing and taught her as his apprentice. She returned home several times, this latest for over a year. She is preparing to journey to Glantri where she intends to study at the Great School of Magic.
Katya has had some combat training and carries a shortsword when travelling. She relies on her magic, often using spells to charm or distract opponents. She always travels with companions or hirelings who she ensures will defend her. She is a charming manipulator and completely self-centered. She plays the vixen quite well, and has surprised one or two attackers with her quick blade.
Secret GM InfoDuring her travels with her Alphatian mentor, she briefly visited the Hollow World land of Milenia.