Black Eagle
by Marc-Antoine GuidaultI've heard a story, an old Kelven inhabitant told his child at the evening ...
They were talking about Ludvig von Hendricks, the Black Eagle ...
<< He did made many crimes in his time ...
- How does our king punish him, ask a young boy ?
- Stephan was not king then and did not punish him as Ludvig was cruel and evil but also he was very clever and can't be accused of anything.
- Let's tell us, pope, please ... say the dozen of young people seated all around the old man ...
- Well, there's not a lot to say ... but let's see if your intelligence is high enough to see behind the facts ...o In fall 1001, the Black Eagle ask the dwarves of Rockhome for thousands weapons and armours ... the command will be ready for the following summer.
o During winter 1001, two galleys of war at the end of their building were stolen in a Thyatian port of Hattias. These were asked by Stephan ... his navy won't evolve until new galley will be built.
o In the same time, a horde of looters (goblin thieves) block the duke road between Penhaligon and Selenica.
o At the beginning of spring : the duke and the Black Eagle send troops to re-open the pass. No battle are fought but the road still stay closed : the looters manage surprisingly to avoid the ducal army.
o In the same time a great piracy emerge in the Halav gulf ... Nothings seems to be able to stop it.
o End of spring : a troop of mercenaries, "Vanya's Punch" , manage to make free passages threw the gulf : most of trading companies use them as escort. The other stop working.
o Beginning of summer : although the efforts of Karameikan and Darokin troops, the road is not sure enough to let caravans use it ; dwarves decided to travel threw Darokin to get Akoros. There, they'll use ships to reach the Black Eagle.
o A party of adventurers are sent by Korrigan to inquire about who are the pirates ...
o Summer : Engaged by the dwarf company, the "Vanya's Punch" escorts the boat, but the boat never arrive at Noircastel -hum Fort Doom ?-. Everybody think the boat was lost during a battle against the pirates. Dwarf company isn't paid ... and stop any relation with Black Eagle for two years.
o Korrigan and the adventurers party decide to set a trap to the pirates by creating a false transportation of weapons ... (with help of the dwarven company and many companies ruined by piracy). They won a naval battle and discover the nest of the pirates, who are in fact the mercenaries "Vanya's Punch". They don't find the loots ...
o Fall summer : the duke road re open as the looters seems to have disappeared ... Black Eagle is thanked by the Duke for having helped ... with gold mines near Threshold.
- So Kids ... These are the events as we learn them ... 20 years later, what do you conclude ? >>