Black shucks and similar dark dogs haunting the night are common in British myth and legend, with many persisting or even first appearing in the 20th century. There isn't one trend to what they are, or indeed what the stories may be based on. But they're too prominent not to use.
see, for example
There's even one associated with the road I live just off here in Cambridge.
So there could be almost countless versions of ghostly or monstrous dogs - this is my take on the black shuck as an entropic hunter. I may return to the subject at a later date.
Black Shuck*
by Cab Davidson
Statistics Black Shuck* AC: 0 HD: 7** Movment: 180' (60') Attacks: 1 bite Damage: 2d8 + energy drain No. Appearing: 1d4 (1d8) Save As: F7 Morale: 9 Treasure Type: E Intelligence: 8 Alignment: Chaotic XP Value: 1250 The black shuck are undead, ghostly black hounds, roughly the size of wolves, seeming to be made up of shadow and darkness. Often the only part that can be seen is their eyes, which glow a dull red that is visible on the darkest of nights and in the darkest of places.
Black shuck able to pass between Limbo and the Prime Plane at will, up to once per turn. They freely hunt those who have been sent to Limbo in battles against the undead, and when not doing so they prefer to hunt on the prime. A successful bite from a black shuck inflicts 2d8 damage plus a level of energy drain, and humans and demi-humans killed by a black shucks energy drain rise as wraiths the following night. Black shucks also attack wolves and dogs, who return as black shucks.
Black shucks may also, three times per day, howl. The howl of a shuck strikes terror into the hearts of foes. All living creatures within 60’ of a howling shuck must make a saving throw vs. paralysis or be paralysed in fear for 1d6 rounds. Black shucks are immune to normal and silver weapons, and can only be struck by magical weapons. They can be turned, and for such purposes they are treated as wraiths.