A mythological creature from the Alps this time, and I've no doubt you can think of places in your campaign world where this mountain fey would fit in well.
by Cab Davidson
Stat Barbegazi AC: 6 HD: ½** Move (walking): 120’(40’) Move (skiing) 240’(80’) Attacks: 1 small weapon Damage: by weapon No. Appearing: 1d6 (3d6) Save As: F1 Morale: 8 Treasure Type: R+S Intelligence: 9 Alignment: Lawful XP Value: 7 Barbegazi look like small (up to 3’ tall) old men with copious white body hair, long white beards and enormous feet. They are fey creatures of the mountain tops and ice fields, joyously skiing on their comically large feet up and down mountain slopes and snow fields (gravity seems to have no hold on them, they can ski upwards as rapidly as downwards) through the winter months and sleeping through summers in remote mountain caves.
They are not in any way aggressive, but they are able to defend themselves if they must. They can, like other fey races, become invisible at will, and their favourite means of attack is to become invisible and attack a foe while skiing past. If they gain initiative over a foe in a combat round, they can make a weapon attack, only becoming visible when attacking, while skiing past with no chance of their enemy returning a melee blow. And at the end of the round they may again become invisible.
Barbegazi are friends with other wild creatures of the mountains and while they are not aggressive they may be encouraged to take action against threats to their homes. They understand snow and ice as well as the nixies know the lakes and sprites the woodlands, and they may make use of avalanches, ice falls and flash floods from glacial lakes with terrible effect.