I've been linking to images of cryptids and legendary monsters where appropriate, here the image is so very good and the source so very entertaining that I really must shout it out
I'm a little unclear to me whether this one comes orignally from the legends of Shetland or Orkney, or perhaps from both. It sort of feels like it could even be older than that, and I wonder whether it has its origins in Norse mythos.
by Cab Davidson
Stat Bregdi AC: 5 HD: 22* Move (swimming): 120’ (40’) Attacks: 1 bite + special Damage: 2d20 or special Number Appearing: 0 (1) Save As: F11 Morale: 10 Treasure Type: G Intelligence: 4 Alignment: Neutral XP Value: 5000 Bregdi are massive, long necked, ship sized fish with fins in either side adapted in to gigantic claws with which they can clasp a vessel from underneath. They inhabit the colder waters around Northern islands, where they terrorise unwary sailors.
Their preferred form of attack is to wrap their claws around a ship from underneath, where they begin to gnaw on the underside of the vessel, inflicting 1d10 hull points of damage per round. This frightening rate of attrition can allow them to overturn ships very rapidly, at which point they ship is dragged to their underground wrecking grounds where inhabitants are consumed and treasures stored.
They cannot attack anything smaller than a ship with their claws, but they are more than capable of attacking creatures in the water with by biting. On a roll of 17-20 human sized or smaller foes are swallowed whole. They typically ignore single foes in the water, and concentrate on sinking a ship until they become badly wounded.
Thankfully natives on the island around which Bregdi hunt have methods of dissading attack. Bgegdi fear amber, and throwing a single amber bead at them will drive them off. They will however defend their lairs to the death, and cannot be driven off from there with amber.