Orders of the Calarii
by Joaquin MenchacaWithin the Calarii there are small orders, which for all intents an purposes can be considered a clans by some cultures. Under D&D3e system, each race has a preferred class, which defers multi-class penalties. For the generic elf, this is wizard. However, by following a particular order, one can choose another "preferred" elf, or elect to play the generic elf presented in D&D3e and D&D3.5e systems.
Fantaenis - This order believes in achieving purity and enlightenment of natural world through rigorous training in martial combat, a practice known as Kibol (see below). This is the most common order within the Calarii and comprises of over 75% of the Calarii. The preferred class of the fantaenis is the fighter. The fantaenis do not suffer multi-class penalties when taking levels in the fighter class. The fantaenis are open to interacting with other races as long as they express honour to one's heart and sincerity, as well as a respect for nature.
Baelen - The order has a deep value and appreciate for life and creation and believe in replenishing life through the power of nature. These are the healers of the clan and as such the preferred class of the baelen is the cleric. Baelen do not suffer penalties for multi-classing when taking levels in the cleric class.
Fetelis - The fetelis share a belief in empowering the mind through the study of riddles and puzzles. This order often serves the role of strategists and tacticians. This group also studies the social aspect of warfare. They emphasise alternative means to defeat an opponent rather than direct physical combat. At one time, they formed a pacifist movement through the study of logic called Linara, which ultimately formed the befallen Linarii clan. Though the pacifist aspect of the fetelis has all but disappeared after the Linarii's fate, it still shapes some of the founding principals. The preferred class of the fetelis is the wizard and they do not suffer multi-class penalties when taking levels as a wizard.
Legas - this order devotedly follows strict and rigid code. They give their life completely to perfecting themselves and revere the hero Siras his philosophy Linara, order of logic. Thrugh Linara, one can achieve perfection of combat as one strives to achieve the true Qenta, or enlightenment. They feel that emotions are a distraction from the true path of the warrior. These devote Legas preferred class is the paladin and as such do not suffer multi-class penalties when taking levels as a paladin.
Vendia (Rangers) - this order believes in purging oneself and nature of impurities. The Vendia believe in the old ways and support isolation especially from corrupted societies. Once a Calarii goes astray, it is the duty of the Vendia to perform the vota, or cleansing ritual. The Vendia are considered to be zealous at times, but never dismissed as irrelevant. It is suspected that the more fanatical of the Vendia formed the mysterious rumoured Dinarii clan. The preferred class of the Vendia is the ranger, and they do not suffer any multi-class penalties when taking levels in the ranger class.
Kibol is the rigorous study of martial combat. Upon achieving purity of the mind and body through this training, one can achieve some enlightenment as to the very secrets of nature itself.
Kibol martial style reflects the natural circular patterns of life. It involves intricate movements and dancing. It also utilises kinetic redirection. [Note: this would be a mixture of real-world arts of Tai-Chi, Aikido, and Brazilian Capoeira]
Qenta is the pure moment of enlightenment when one can see all things, in all places, at all times.
Vota is a ritual of cleansing in order to purge the mind, body, and spirit of impure thoughts that corrupt a Calarii from the path to enlightenment.