Hulean Correspondence
by Christian ConstantinSlagovich, Vatermont 25, AC 1010
Dear old friend,
Today is the great day! I have been able to find a ship to go on the other side of the Gulf of Hule and somebody to travel with to the land known as "Olgar" in the books that I have sent you. This guy is part merchant, part smuggler. He lives in Ciudad Real in the Baronía de Gargoña but regularly trade with Hule. I am supposed to meet him at his place and then we will go on our trip. He seldom makes the trip toward Hule's western protectorates because it is illegal to do so according to the Hulean law: those lands are forbidden for foreigners. Also, it is a long trip across the goblins-laden Yazak Steppes. But, since he has some stuff to sell there and since I was willing to pay a nice sum to go there, he agreed to take me with his caravan.
Here is the trip as we have planned: We are going to follow the Rio Copos up to its source, then we will go north toward the western end of the Great Escarpment. There we are supposed to meet some "people of the Ksars" who will help us get on the other side of the Hulean frontier. We are supposed to be in Kulnovo, the administrative centre of Olgaria, within three weeks from Ciudad Real, if there are no problems happening. I'm longing to meet those cave folks, the supposed heirs of the Yazak and Karsanites culture.
Your friend,
Zoran Dragovic
PS: Since I don't have any new information on the lands that I'm about to visit, here is some tips regarding the use of the little box I've sent you. I once thought that this creation might be appreciated by the whole world, but I haven't had the time to develop and market it seriously, maybe when I'll come back...
Dragovic's boxes of instantaneous delivery
These small boxes are rare magical items created by Zoran Dragovic, a mage-scholar of Slagovich who was tired of having to wait for months before his friends' correspondences arrive to him. They look like nice little boxes (12" by 6" by 4"), ornate with precious stones and bearing magical runes. A small slot a little larger than the size of a letter is their only opening. They are useless if used alone, but serve as a teleport station for small objects if used by pair. They are enchanted with a Locate Object spell for it to be able to find the addressee's box and a Teleport Small Objects spell (see further down) to do the transfer. For them to work, the user needs to know at least the name of the other owner and the city where he is. Once these two requirements are met, the user only needs to introduce a small object for it to be automatically sent to the other owner. Only small objects like letters, small jewellery, precious stones or thin books that can be introduced in the slot can be sent this way. Magical items like scrolls cannot be teleported by the boxes, if a magical object is introduce in the box there is a 50% chance for it to be lost forever. In other cases, it stays in the box and will be hard to take back because of the small size of the slot (30% chance of permanently damaging the box). In 1010, only five such boxes exist, Dragovic owns two of these, one is in Glantri City, one in Selenica, and the last is in Sclaras.
Teleport Small Objects
Level: Third level M-U spell
Range: 0 (the object needs to be touched by the spellcaster)
Duration: Instantaneous
Effect: Transports a small object to a known place
This spell transports one non-magical object from the caster location to a place that he knows more or less in details. The object must be less than 280 cubic inches in volume, bigger objects just don't move. Small living creatures can't be affected. If the caster tries to teleport a magical object, there is a 50% chance that the object will be lost forever, in any other cases the object is unaffected. The teleport chances of success are the same as in the normal version of this spell, but a casual knowledge of the destination won't work (and the spell will be lost). It is to the DM discretion to determine whether or not a failed attempt results in the destruction of the object. There is no way for the sender to determine if his attempt was successful unless, of course, the destination is within seeing range or if he has magical sight of the destination (crystal ball, etc.)