This one was purely because I like the idea of a dragon mechanic or technician, a dragon who might have an affinity or fascination for gnomish or other inventions. And copper seemed the best link, the metal perhaps most associated with technology. This one isn't intended as a major antagonist for PC's, more likely a contact or an ally.
Copper (Sphalerite) Dragon
by Cab Davidson
Stat Small Large Huge AC: -1 -3 -4 HD: 7** 11*** 15**** Move: 90’(30’) 120’(150’) 150’(50’) Move (Flying): 240’(40’) 300’(100’) 360’(120’) Attacks: As blue dragons As blue dragons As blue dragons Damage: As blue dragons As blue dragons As blue dragons No. Appearing: 1d4 1d3 1d2 Save As: F12 F22 F36 Morale: 9 10 11 Treasure Type: H Hx2,I Hx3,Ix2 Intelligence: 12 14 16 Alignment: Neutral (Copper), Lawful (Sphalerite) XP Value: 1250 3500 5850 Spells
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 Small 3 3 3 Medium 5 4 3 2 Large 5 5 4 3 2 Breath Weapon, Copper: Cone of lightning (dimensions as red dragon), Sphalerite: Cone of lighting and mechanise
Copper dragons are among the more intelligent of draconic kind, with an innate fascination in invention, technology and industry. Everything from simple firing of pottery to the complex technology of gnomes fascinates them, and they travel great distances to find the most interesting examples thereof. Like many metallic dragons they are master shapechangers, and frequently spend time in human, dwarven or gnomish form to allow them to more closely study such inventions.
Their breath weapon of a copper dragon is a cone of crackling forked lightning, in an area equivalent to the breath weapon of a red dragon.
Sphalerite dragons (the gemstone equivalents of copper dragons) are very like coppers in their fascination with technology, but they differ in that they seek not just to study but to help. They typically keep their true identities secret while doing so, but otherwise their behaviour is very similar to that of copper dragons (with whom the get on very well). In addition to causing damage by lightning, all surviving creatures that fail their save vs. dragon breath or be transformed into mechanised versions of themselves. Their movement rate will be halved, and each round they must make a saving throw vs. spells or fall under control of the dragon, becoming automata under the dragons control. New saving throws are allowed with the same frequency as per charm spells. A stone to flesh spell restores the character to normal.