by Mark Howard
Armor Class: 7 Hit Dice: ½**(S) Move: 120' (40') Attacks: Special or 1 bite Damage: Charm, or 1d2 + disease No. Appearing: 0(2d20) Save As: E1 Morale: 6 Treasure Type: C Intelligence: 9 Alignment: Chaotic XP Value: 7 Monster Type: Humanoid, Fey (Rare) Terrain: Swamp/Marsh Culcidae are descended from Nixies who were infected by magically altered mosquitos.
Smaller than nixies at less than 1’ in height, they live in stagnant ponds, swamps and marshes, their eggs attached to plants in the brackish water. They colonise new areas by floating on the wind as they are so light.
Their skin is typically a sallow grey or green, although after they have fed, it can change to pink or blue.
Like nixies, culcidae may group together to charm a victim. If a victim fails its saving throw it stands still as the culcidae drink its blood, if the victim succeeds, all it hears is an annoying buzzing sound. The bite of a Culcidae is often diseased, and failing a saving throw means the victim has their constitution score reduced to 3 for a week after, full bed rest is required. Once recovered, this score reduction can occur randomly for the rest of the victim’s life (1% change each week) or until a Cure Disease spell is cast.