[Dominions] Natural and Unnatural Disasters
by Giampaolo AgostaHerebelow is the entire list of natural events, with a collection of the ideas already mentioned in this thread.
- Comet
- Omen from an Immortal
- Visiting (or shipwrecking) spacecraft
- Lovecraftian space monsters hive
- An expected comet might arrive early or late
- Any comet event might also trigger a fanatic cult Unnatural Event
- Death (Official, Ruler, etc.)
- Drought
- Earthquake*
- Explosion
- Mage with fireball or similar spell
- someone bringing a torch to a source of natural gas. I guess this would mostly happen underground, maybe near the ruler's mines etc?
- Some kind of incursion from the Plane of Fire or other elemental plane
- Alchemical goods imported by a local wizard react when the cart is tipped over in the middle of the market.
- Gnomes!
- Flour explosion (in a mill or warehouse, most likely)
- Explosive monster (e.g., Blast Spores)
- Fire, Minor
- Fire, Major*
- Flood
- Hurricane*
- Market Glut
- Market Shortage
- Meteor Strike (major)*
- Meteor Shower (minor)
- Plague*
- Disease affecting humans and/or demihumans
- Disease affecting livestock or crops
- Plague of locusts, rats, or other large swarms (which can carry diseases)
- Could be a magical plague (lycanthropy, mummy rot) or radiance-related
- Evil/Entropic Cleric might be be involved in spreading a plague
- A plague might be the result of a curse (e.g., such as the Red Curse)
- A plague event might trigger adventures to find or procure cures, or bandits events that lead to loss of shipments
- Population Change (double normal) Gain or Lose
- Resource Lost
- Resource, New
- Sinkhole
- Storm
- Tornado*
- Trade Route Lost
- Trade Route, New
- Volcano*
- Waterspout
- Whirlpool
BTW, Birthright rules do have a similar (but shorter) table. There is one Birthright accessory, "Legends of the Hero Kings" that expands each event into a short adventure.
The Birthright events can be matched to the BECMI table as follows:
- Blood Challenge: no match, since this is specific to Birthright
- Assassination: corresponding to Assassination Unnatural Event in BECMI
- Festival: possibly corresponding to Birth in the Ruling Family Unnatural Event in BECMI
- Feud: possibly corresponding to Border Skirmish Unnatural Event in BECMI
- Natural Event: corresponding to most Natural Events in BECMI
- Diplomatic Matter: possibly corresponding to Spy Ring and VIP Visitor Unnatural Events in BECMI
- Corruption/Crime: corresponding to Traitor Unnatural Event in BECMI
- Monsters or Brigandage: corresponding to Wandering Monsters, Bandits and Raiders Unnatural Events in BECMI
- Trade Matter: corresponding to Trade Route (new and lost) Natural Events in BECMI
- Intrigue: possibly corresponding to Spy Ring Unnatural Event in BECMI
- Unrest or Rebellion: corresponding to Insurrection and Rebellion (minor) Unnatural Events in BECMI
- Matter of Justice: possibly corresponding to Assassination, Traitor, Bandits or even Migration Unnatural Event in BECMI
- Great Captain or Heresy: corresponding to Fanatic Cult and Pretender/Usurper Unnatural Events in BECMI
- Magical Event: corresponding to Magical Happening Unnatural Event in BECMI