My current trend of basing monsters on real life invertebrates brings me to the hammerhead flatworm. These things are just weird. And horrifying.
So obviously I've made one big enough to chow down a small dragon.
Deep Hammer
by Cab Davidson
Stat Deep Hammer AC: 5 HD: 20*** Move: 120’ (40) Attacks: 1 wrap/1 bite Damage: Special/1d12+Special No. Appearing: 1 (1) Save As: F8 Morale: 11 Treasure Type: Nil Intelligence: 1 Alignment: Neutral XP Value: 6500 The largest of all predatory flatworms, able to extend its simple, flat body up to 80’ long but also capable of squeezing through gaps as narrow as 1’ wide, the dark brown, slime covered, flat body of the creature ends with a wide, hammer shaped head at the front. It detects its prey (any creature smaller than 30’ long is considered prey) by touch and smell, and is thus able to sense all creatures (including those that are invisible) within 120’. They are incessant hunters, taking no rest, never stopping, always travelling to find prey.
Deep hammers attempt to engulf prey in their soft rubbery bodies before pushing it towards mouthparts that are half way along. This wrap attack exposes prey to their venomous slime. Any creature thus enveloped must make a saving throw vs. paralysis or be paralysed for 1d6 turns. A paralysed victim is automatically swallowed the following round, whereas a non-paralysed victim struck the previous round is swallowed the next round if deep hammer succeeds with a hit roll. Swallowed victims take 1d12 points of damage per round until freed and must make a further saving throw vs. poison each round or die.
Deep hammers are among the most feared predators of the darkest places, preying on anything from halflings to small dragons. They can reproduce by laying eggs (they are hermaphrodites), or by removing their own tails, producing two half sized, 10HD deep hammers fully capable of hunting within a week.