This is another adaptation from Star Frontiers, of course. Eventually when I've presented the core races as monsters, I'll also upload rules for how to run them as playable characters.
by Cab Davidson
Stat Dralasite AC: 4 (and see below) HD: 2* Move: 90'(30') or 120’ (40’) Attacks: 1 or more weapons Damage: By weapon No. Appearing: 1d6 (3d6) Save As: F2 Morale: 9 Treasure Type: Special Intelligence: 14 Alignment: Neutral XP Value: 30 Dralasites are a spacefaring race of invertebrates, one of the core races of the Galactic Federation. They are rubbery, elastic creatures able to change their shape at will, earning the nickname of ‘blobs’ around other races. They are short, rarely taller than 4’6”, and completely lacking in any hard body parts other than an outer skin which is somewhat rough and scratchy. A network of thin veins seems to cover their whole surface, and these seem to come together to make two dark eye spots on the part of the body where their head may be assumed to be. Their internal structure is almost like a single liquid sac in which there is a central brain and other organs floating within the liquid space. There are no identifiable lungs, dralasites breathe directly through their skins, and possess an excellent sense of smell (enabling them to identify creatures by scent alone).
Dralasites may form limbs according to their dexterity scores (determined on 3d6) according to the following table.
Dexterity Score Max. Number of Limbs 3 3 4-5 4 6-15 5 16-17 6 18 7 They may freely choose as many or as few arms, legs or flippers as they choose, and may use items in arms as they see fit, with no modifiers. With a single leg they may only move at a speed of 30’ per turn, with two they may move at 90’ per turn, and with 4 or more they can move at 120’. They may use arms to handle weapons as they see fit, and suffer no ‘off hand’ penalties, so for example a dralasite with three arms can handle a two handed weapon and a one handed weapon with no penalties to either. They favour the use of gyroget guns (range 50/300/1800, damage 4d8) and vibroswords (ignore armour, damage 2d6) in combat, and often use inertial armour (which doesn’t modify armour class but reduces damage from all hand held or melee weapons by 2d6).
Dralasites are renowned for having an abiding interest in philosophy, and care little for treasures or trinkets, judging themselves by the quality of their thoughts and ideas rather than the value of their goods. They do carry many strange and exotic tools that have value to others, but little of specific worth in itself. They are also well known for having a terrible sense of humour, loving puns and word games. This love of philosophical argument makes them excellent at detecting whether they are being lied to (thus all possess the detect deception spell).
Dralasites are hermaphrodites, passing through male and female periods in their lives. The makes exude spores, and when the females choose to become mothers they accept spore and bud off a new young dralasite in around 4 months.
The statistics given are for ‘basic’ dralasites. They may pursue any character class, and adventuring dralasites often favour becoming thieves.