Embalmed Noble
by ValentiusThe Embalmed Noble is a Nithian undead. Very few survived the spell of oblivion, and many of those remained comatose until their tombs were breached. The Embalmed Noble is a complex creature. It's consciousness resides in it's heart and animates it's mummy, while it's soul takes the shape of a soul bird. Thus the embalmed noble has two creature descriptions, the mummy and the soul bird, both dependant on the heart.
Their mummies themselves look like very thin humans, covered by white linen wrappings. Their face is covered by a large, helmet like mask, made of precious metals (mostly gold and precious stones for the facial features).
They tend to wear many very fine jewels - mostly rings and necklaces.
Unlike "traditional" mummies, the noble's mummy smells quite nice, moves with flowing, serene movements, and speaks with a very normal sounding mortal voice. They still have ALL their mortal class features and alignment.
(although they are mostly drawn to evil after long years as undead)
They tend to speak only ancient languages, such as Nithian. The spell of oblivion still erased most of the specific details about Nithia from their memories - that can make them frightened or angry.The Soul Bird looks like a blurred and insubstantial stork, with the noble's head as it was when alive.
The Embalmed Noble below uses a 6th level fighter as a base creature.
Embalmed Noble - 6th level human fighter
medium undead (augmented human)HD: 6d12 (39hp)
Initiative : +3
Speed : 20'
Armour Class : 21 (+5 armour, +2 shield, +3 natural, +1 dex, 11 touch, 20 flat footed)
Base Attack Bonus/ Grapple : +6/+10
Attack : masterwork scimitar +12 (1d6+8, 18-20/x2) or masterwork composite longbow (strength +2) +8 (1d8+2) or slam +10 (1d6+4)
Full Attack : masterwork scimitar +12/+7 (1d6+8) or masterwork composite longbow (strength +2) +8/+3 (1d8+2) or slam +10/+5 (1d6+4)
Space/Reach : 5'/5'
Special attacks : none
Special Qualities : Control Shadow, Shadow Passage, Separation Weakness, Soul Bird Dependency, Heart Dependency, Damage Reduction 5/-
Saves : Fortitude +5, Reflex +4, Will +2
Abilities : str 18, dex 14, con -, int 12, wis 10, cha 13
Skills : Spot +4, knowledge (nobility) +5, ride +11, Intimidate +10.
Feats : Weapon Focus (Scimitar), Weapon Specialization (Scimitar), Improved Sunder, dodge, Combat Reflexes, Mobility, Spring Attack.
Environment : Any
Organisation : Solitary, pair or family (3-6).
Challenge Rating : 8
Treasure : Double Art
Alignment : Lawful Evil
Advancement : By class.
Level Adjustment : +4Soul Bird - 5th level human fighter.
small undead (incorporeal)HD : 6d12 (19hp)
Initiative :
Speed : 60'
Armour Class : 18 (+3 natural, +3 dex, +1 size, +1 deflection)
Base Attack Bonus/Grapple : +3/+3
Attack : 1 incorporeal claw +6 (1 con)
Full Attack : 2 incorporeal claws +6 (1 con)
Space/Reach : 5'/5'
Special Attacks : -
Special Qualities : Familiar Qualities, Merge With Mummy, Separation Weakness, Touch heart, Embed Heart, Heart Dependency.
Saves : Fortitude +2, Reflex +5, Will +5
Abilities : str -, dex 16, con -, int 12, wis 10, cha 13.
Skills : Spot +9.
Feats : -.
Environment : see mummy, above.
Organisation : See mummy, above.
Challenge Rating : 2 (or none if in encountered with mummy)
Treasure : See mummy, above.
Alignment : See mummy, above.
Advancement : As familiar.
Level Adjustment : -.The Noble's caster level for special abilities is 6th level.
Control Shadow (Su) : The noble has total control over it's mummy's shadow, as if an imaginary light source moves around the mummy at it's whim, as a free action. Powerful light sources may hamper this ability, and it cannot be used in total darkness. The noble can see, hear and speak through the shadow.
Shadow Passage (Su) : The noble can move it's mummy into any spot that it's shadow occupies, as a move action.
Separation Weakness (Su) : For every full 24 hours during which the noble's mummy is separated from it's soul bird, both mummy and soul bird lose 1 HD. When reduced to 0 HD, the noble is destroyed.
Soul Bird Dependency (Su) : If the soul bird is destroyed, the mummy falls lifeless to the ground, a normal dead body. The noble is destroyed.
Heart Dependency (Su) : Should the noble's heart be destroyed, the mummy falls lifeless to the ground - a normal dead body, the soul bird vanishes - the noble is destroyed.
The heart has 9 hp. It cannot be normally attacked while inside the mummy.Familiar Qualities : The soul bird has special abilities similar to a 6th level wizard's familiar - Alertness, Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Empathic Link, Deliver Touch Spells, Speak With Master. It has a +3 natural armour bonus, but retains the noble's intelligence score.
Merge With Mummy (Su) : The Soul Bird may merge with the mummy as part of its movement, simply by flying into the mummy. The bird cannot act while merged other than touch the heart (see below) , but cannot be attacked either, in any way. The bird may do this even if the mummy is lifeless.
Touch Heart (Su) : The soul bird may touch and carry the mummy's heart. While touched by the soul bird, the heart is considered an incorporeal object, and has the same immunities to damage as a merged soul bird.
Embed Heart (Su) : While holding the heart, the soul bird may embed it into a humanoid body, of small to large size. The body animates as if an animate dead spell has been cast on it by a 6th level caster. It is under the noble's control. It has the noble's ability scores, speed, skills and feats, but has none of the zombie's or noble's mummy's special qualities. Each day it transforms slowly, and after a week turns into the noble's mummy, at full strength.
The embalmed noble is an acquired template that can be applied to any humanoid, animal, magical animal or magical beast - referred to as the base creature. Two creatures are created by this template - a mummy and a soul bird. Caster level for resolving special abilities is equal to the mummy's HD.
Type : Change to undead. It retains any subtype except alignment subtypes. If the base creature had a kind subtype, it changes into an augmented subtype of the same kind.
HD : change to d12. lose constitution bonus. Do not recalculate base attack bonus, saves, skills and feats.
Speed : as base creature.
AC : as base creature. gain +3 natural armour bonus (stacks with existing natural bonuses).
Attack : As base creature. If no natural weapons, gains a slam attack (damage according to size, see Vampire).
Special attacks : as base creature.
Special Qualities : as base creature. Gains Control Shadow, Shadow Passage, Separation Weakness, Soul Bird Dependency, Heart Dependency, Damage Reduction 5/-
Abilities : as base creature. Gains +2 strength.
Environment : Any.
Organisation : As base creature.
Challenge Rating : As base creature +2.
Treasure : As base creature, Double Art.
Alignment : Usually chaotic evil.
Advancement : As base creature.
Level Adjustment : +4SOUL BIRD
size : one size smaller than the mummy's.
type : undead (incorporeal).
HD : as base creature. half the mummy's hp.
Speed : Double the mummy's.
AC : 10. Gains a natural armour bonus equal to a familiar of a wizard the same level as the noble's HD.
Attack : incorporeal claw (1 con).
Special Attacks : none.
Special Qualities : Familiar Qualities, Merge With Mummy, Separation Weakness, Touch heart, Embed Heart, Heart Dependency.
Saves : As undead.
Abilities : As base creature. gain +2 dex.
Skills : Spot at maximum rank.
Feats : none.
Environment : Any.
Challenge Rating : one quarter the mummy's (or none if encountered with the mummy).
Treasure : None.
Alignment : As mummy.
Advancement : as familiar.
Level Adjustment : -Control Shadow (Su) : The noble has total control over it's mummy's shadow, as if an imaginary light source moves around the mummy at it's whim, as a free action. Powerful light sources may hamper this ability, and it cannot be used in total darkness.
The noble can see, hear and speak through the shadow.Shadow Passage (Su) : The noble can move it's mummy into any spot that it's shadow occupies, as a move action.
Separation Weakness (Su) : For every full 24 hours during which the noble's mummy is separated from it's soul bird, both mummy and soul bird lose 1 HD. When reduced to 0 HD, the noble is destroyed.
Soul Bird Dependency (Su) : If the soul bird is destroyed, the mummy falls lifeless to the ground, a normal dead body. The noble is destroyed.
Heart Dependency (Su) : Should the noble's heart be destroyed, the mummy falls lifeless to the ground - a normal dead body, the soul bird vanishes - the noble is destroyed.
The heart has a quarter of the mummy's hp. It cannot be normally attacked while inside the mummy.Familiar Qualities : The soul bird has special abilities similar to a wizard's familiar of the same level as the mummy's HD. It has a natural armour bonus as a normal familiar, but retains the noble's intelligence score.
Merge With Mummy (Su) : The Soul Bird may merge with the mummy as part of its movement, simply by flying into the mummy. The bird cannot act while merged other than touch the heart (see below) , but cannot be attacked either, in any way. The bird may do this even if the mummy is lifeless.
Touch Heart (Su) : The soul bird may touch and carry the mummy's heart. While touched by the soul bird, the heart is considered an incorporeal object, and has the same immunities to damage as a merged soul bird.
Embed Heart (Su) : While holding the heart, the soul bird may embed it into a body of the same type as the base creature, of small to large size. The body animates as if an animate dead spell has been cast on it. It is under the noble's control. It has the noble's ability scores, speed, skills and feats, but has none of the zombie's or noble's mummy's special qualities. Each day it transforms slowly, and after a week turns into the noble's mummy, at full strength.