Fafnirian Sorcery (5.5 Draconic Sorcerer re-skin)
by Marc SaindonRather than have a Draconic ancestor and have hereditary magic, you copied a page from the tale of Siegfried (or Sigurd) and stole that magic by killing a dragon, bathing in its blood, and maybe even eating its heart (one dead dragon can only transform one person into this subclass). Obviously, Dragons won't like for this, will notice the stench of stolen power, and are likely to come after you first (which might be strategic for tank builds). Perhaps other creatures - or people - can provide blood baths for other types of powers (although this didn't end well for Countess Bathory).
This might allow you access to draconic sorcery later in game without having to rewrite your backstory or join a Glantrian secret society, and it gives a different type of reward instead of the usual exp points, glory and treasure hoard.
Mechanically, you're bound to the first dragon you've killed, so powers like Elemental Affinity will give you the Resistance associated with that's dragon type (e.g. white dragon gives resistance to Cold, red dragon grants resistance to Fire). It might be possible to cumulate Affinities, although I'm guessing that the blood of the next dragon should always be from a greater tier of power (killing an adult dragon might require you next find a target in its elder or ancient stage). Or just replace one Affinity by a more prefered one (so if you Fafnirian Sorcery from killing a white dragon, but now see more interest into resisting fire, you can change that by killing a more powerful red dragon). In the DM should rule if any of this applies.
Elizabeth Báthoryimage from: https://www.deviantart.com/puppiesandsunshine/art/Sigurd-674347345