Public Buildings and Monuments
by AllanPagathokles has already produced information on the City Jail, Foreigners' Graveyard, Column of Flavian Osteropulos, and Statue of Ban Bogdan Ivanovich.
Based on work by others, I've put together some descriptions for the Bust of Petros Radu , The Hill Graveyard, and the South End Traladaran Graveyard - see below...
I hope you feel these meet the quality of what has been produced before.I'd like to add at least a couple of other "public buildings" to complete this section. I'm thinking of writing up something on one of the District Courthouses. Any suggestions for one or two other buildings?
Bust of Petros Radu
(Stronghold District S14)
In the formal garden below Radu Manor’s east wing, a bust of Petros Radu sits atop a small column. The eyes of the bust gaze straight towards the city gate that allows entrance from the Duke’s Road. Some say this signifies the Radu faction watching trade into and out of the city.
It was Petros Radu, Prior of the Merchants' Guild, who led the rebellion against Duke Alexandr Marilenev in AC 612. His success resulted in the founding of the oligarchic republic known as the City-state of Marilenev which lasted almost three centuries until the Thyatian Occupation. It was Petros who had an irrigation channel dug to provide a steady supply of water to the then farmlands North End. Succeeding Radus fortified the Stronghold District and campaigned for the building of a city wall, as well as pioneering other building projects to benefit the city-state.
Whilst memorials to other Radus are found in the Manor grounds, it is the bust of Petros that dominates the area..Hill Graveyard
(Hill District, H7)
After the Thyatian Occupation of AC 900, the slopes of The Hill saw new residences erected for the newly arrived Thyatian upper-class who sought to live in close proximity to their Governor’s palace atop the hillock. Prominent Traladarans who pledged their support to their new rulers were also granted permission to establish homes in the district.
Unlike the Thyatians who cremated their dead, Traladarans bury their deceased. Consequently, some land to the south of The Hill was acquired to provide a burial ground for the prominent Traladaran families. In a number of vases past remains were disinterred and reburied in the new cemetery.
As might be expected, the cemetery contains more ornate memorials – crypts, tombs, and similar - to former Traladaran nobility than the more basic style found where the lower classes are buried. A rumour regularly circulates in the city that one of the crypts actually covers a secret entrance to long-lost tunnels (dating back to the time of the Nithian kings) that run beneath The Hill and up to what is now the Duke’s Palace. But it would be a foolhardy party of adventurers who might investigate this – the desecration of noble tombs would reap high penalties, would the risk be worth it?Traladaran Graveyard
(South End, SE4)
Traladarans bury their dead. In past centuries there were small family/community graveyards. These were primarily in the poorer districts, where the families were unable to afford to buy a specific "family plot" outside the city gates. A number of these still exist – some cared for, some decrepit and run down. A noted graveyard stands within the block east of the Church of Traladara.
A graveyard dating back to Traldar times, and more recent ones for some of those fallen during the Traldar Wars and Vampire Wars existed in what is the modern Church District. Collectively known as the Marilenev Graveyard, these burial grounds were damaged during the Thyatian Occupation like the rest of that area. Part of the re-building of the district led to what remains that could be salvaged being moved to a new site, then outside the city’s southern wall. This site had previously been established to provide “family plots” wealthier Traladarans. Since then the new graveyard has become the major resting place for the Traladaran lower classes. Following Duke Stefan’s construction of a new outer city wall, the South End Graveyard now lies within the city perimeter.City Well
(North End, NE19)Across the Westron Alley from the Church of St Lucor, is one of Specularum’s larger public wells.Set between the Grand Market and the Lesser Merchant District, this water source sees many inhabitants regularly visiting the location. Be they servants collecting water supplies for their masters, lower class residents obtaining their own supply, or just people going about their daily business, everyone needs water.
The well can be a good source of information as well as sustenance. Stopping at the well, you can find yourself engaging in conversation with all sorts of people and learn about what is going on in all parts of the city. A servant might let slip that their master is planning to entertain a visiting wealthy merchant (an opportunity to relieve the guest of some of his riches?). Another individual might let slip their suspicions about a neighbour’s activities (a chance of a little blackmail, maybe?). A guard stopping to refresh his steed at the adjoining water trough might boast of the cargo that he will be escorting (perhaps some of it could be “diverted”?). “Lord “ Dimitrios, so-called Prince of Beggars , may often be seen here seeking refreshment after one of his performances in the marketplaces.
Being a public area where citizens gather, announcements or proclamations may be made at this location. Additionally, notices from those seeking to hire adventurous types may be posted on nearby walls.
District Courthouse
(Old Quarter, O18)There is a local Courthouse in most of the city districts from which the Duke’s Law is administered. This is one of the oldest, it’s once grand frontage now deteriorating and in need of attention in places. It stands on the east side of Ivanovich Square, near the Church of Traladara.
Steps lead up to the entrance doors, beyond which lies an entrance hall leading to the main courtroom. In the centre of the courtroom is the criminal dock, facing the magistrate’s desk that stands on a raised platform facing it in front of the far wall. Rudimentary seating is on either side of the dock for the use of the public wishing to view the proceedings. Public attendance varies at court sessions, depending on who the defendant is, or what the weather is like outside!
The magistrates have offices on the floor above, which is also the province of 6 clerks who administer the proceedings. Off the entrance hall are rooms used by the guards who police the building. Other guards can be found on the buildings lower level (most of it below ground) where the detention cells and punishment block are located. High up on a wall of each cell is a grille, set just above ground level through which the prisoner can get a restricted view of the outside world, or through which locals can abuse the inmates, shower them with filth, or perhaps communicate plans for (unlikely) escape.
Whilst the Duke’s Law dictates the punishments to be levied on criminals, both magistrates and guards may be susceptible to influence of varying kinds that may adjust a defendant’s sentence – favourably or unfavourably.
(The Courthouse has been derived from a similar building in the "Pellinote City League" setting that appeared in TSR UK's Imagine Magazine.)