Flameflicker The Thief-King
by Mike NovyOriginal Design by Aaron Allston and Jeff Grubb Previous version appears in GAZ 1* and KOA box set*
14th level human (Traladaran) rogue
STR 10
DEX 19 (+4)
CON 12 (+1)
INT 18 (+4)
WIS 11 (+1)
CHR 16 (+3)SAVES
REF +13
Alignment CN
Speed 30
Size MInitiative Bonus +8
AC 18 (w/leather armour +2)
*HP 60
Melee Bonus +10/+5
Missile Bonus +14/+9SPECIAL Rogue abilities of Evasion, Sneak Attack +7d6, Special Ability (Defensive Roll, Improved Evasion) , Uncanny Dodge (Dex bonus to AC, can't be flanked, +2 against traps)
FEATS Alertness, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Leadership, Mobility, Exotic WP Longsword
LANGUAGES Traladaran, Thyatian, Elven (Callarii Dialect), Minrothad, +2 of DM's choice
SKILLS (221 pts total) Appraise +10, Balance +9, Bluff +8, Climb +12, Decipher Script +10, Diplomacy +8, Disable Device +12, Disguise +14, Escape Artist +12, Forgery +7, Gather Info +10, Hide +14, Innuendo +10, Intimidate +6, Jump +10, Knowledge (Karameikos) +10, Listen +12, Move Silently +14, Open Lock +12, Perform (storytelling) +5, Profession (Fortune Teller) +8, Pick Pocket +11, Read Lips +11, Ride +8, Search +14, Sense Motive +9, Spot +12, Tumble +12, Use Magic Device +8
POSSESSIONS Longsword +1, leather armour +2, ring of invisibility, thieves tools, various other items
*HP were re-rolled due to the fact that OD&D thieves only gained D4 hit dice and level conversion process.