Forester spells:
by Carl QuaifThese spells, created by the Forester Arelan of Greenheight, are available to Foresters and Vyalia Elves throughout Thyatis. Very rarely, outsiders who prove themselves Elf-Friends may be taught one or more of these spells, but they may never be purchased under any circumstances.
Squirrel Climb
Level: 1
Range: touch
Duration: 1d6 turns
Effect: assists in climbing treesThis spell lets the recipient climb wooden surfaces like a squirrel; the climber's hands and feet can find handholds in even the slickest tree trunk. Under the effects of this spell, the climber may move at a rate of up-to 30' per round in any direction on a tree's surface, and may walk sure-footedly along the highest, thinnest branch, so long as it can bear his weight. Foresters and Elves use this spell to travel swiftly through the forest.
Enchanted Quiver
Level: 2
Range: touch
Duration: 1 turn
Effect: 1 quiver of arrowsThis spell enchants up to six normal arrows. Although they gain no pluses to hit or damage, the spell lets the arrows damage foes who are only affected by magical weapons. At 3rd level, a Forester can enchant the arrows to hit creatures affected by +1 enchantments or greater; the plus-effect increases by +1 for every 2 levels of the caster, to a maximum of +4 at 9th level. Once an arrow is fired, the enchantment is lost whether the shot was successful or not. Any arrows unused by the end of the spell's duration lose their enchantment, but may be reused as part of a later spell.
Healing Sap
Level: 2
Range: touch
Duration: 1 round
Effect: 1 personThis healing spell requires sap from any sap-bearing tree, either fresh or preserved. The Forester must smear the sap on the wounded area before casting the spell (if the sap is preserved, it will need to be softened by heating it over a fire before it can be used). The spell heals 1d6 points of damage, +1 per level of the caster, if the sap is fresh; otherwise, it heals 1d4 points +1 per level. If the recipient has suffered no obvious wound, the sap must be ingested to be useful.
Enchanted Blade
Level: 3
Range: touch
Duration: 1 turn
Effect: 1 bladed weaponThis spell enchants one normal bladed weapon (including swords, polearms, axes etc) to hit creatures normally affected only by magical weapons. The weapon gains no pluses to hit or damage. At 5th level, a Forester can enchant the weapon to hit creatures affected by +1 enchantments or greater; the plus-effect increases by +1 for every 2 levels of the caster, to a maximum of +3 at 9th level. The weapon loses its enchantment at the end on the spell's duration, but may be reused as part of a later spell.
Deadwood Blade
Level: 3
Range: touch
Duration: permanent
Effect: 1 piece of woodThis spell was designed to enable a Forester to rearm himself in the forest should he be deprived of his weapons. The spell reshapes any single piece of dead wood (a broken branch, a plank, etc) into a bladed weapon. The size of the weapon is dependent on the amount of wood available; a longsword requires more wood than a dagger, for example. Excess quantities of wood are consumed during the transformation. The Deadwood Blade is equal to a normal bladed weapon of metal, but against an enchanted weapon, a Save vs. Crushing damage must be made after the first blow; a failure means the Deadwood Blade has shattered. A Deadwood Blade may receive further temporary, or even permanent, enchantment - an Enchanted Blade spell, for example - and will remain useable until destroyed. Living wood, or wood especially cut from a tree for the purpose, cannot be transformed by this spell. a 4th level Druidic version of this spell is also available.