Galdr Schools of Magic (5.5 Wizard subclasses)
by Marc SaindonA bit of a re-hash from a previous post, where I suggest rhe Galdr (or Völvo) magic system is written in Runes, distinct from the alphatian Arcane lingua franca of the rest of the wizarding Know World. They have similar Schools of Magic, although they go by different names. The current 5.5 Player’s Handbook provides 4 subclasses, which will probably double in an upcoming Wizard’s Handbook : Abjurer, Diviner, Evoker and Illusionist.
Abjurers become Warders (or ‘Rune-Warders’, ‘Rune-Carvers’, ‘Rune-Weavers’). Since their magic is mostly defensive, they’re the more tolerated, and even accepted, Wizards of the Northern Reaches, inscribing defensive spells on shields, knitting woolen sweaters, or engraving protections on hall doors. Most of them have some sort of background in craftmanship (and perhaps higher Dexterity or Strength scores than the usual Wizard) and could find some common ground with the optional Artificer class (who probably are mostly Gnomish), maybe even multiclassing as weaponsmiths of renown or mead brewers with potent rune-inscribed cauldrons. Optionally, they are associated with the Element of Earth.
Diviners become Seers (or ‘Rune-Casters’, ‘Gallowsmen’) who seek to emulate the more mystical side of Odin-as-a-Wizard. They tend to have higher Constitution scores due to the trial and ordeals they go through (sacrificing a eye is a common ritual), and are mostly men (women who are specialists in Divination follow the path of the Norns in their own unique way, as the optional ‘Wise Women’ class, possibly a type of Sorcerer or Warlock). They are both feared and respected, sought after for advice but kept at a comfortable distance nonetheless. Reading a monster’s entrails after killing it might be typical behavior, as is wearing grey cloaks and pointy hats, along with raven and crow familiars. They get confused with Clerics of Odin, and might even multiclass into that religious vocation.Optionally, they are associated with the Element of Water (various mystic pools and wells in norse myths).
Evokers form the Fellowship of Gungnir (as ‘Rune-Singers’ or ‘War-Wizards’), and specialize in offensive magic. They typically have a stronger build (Constitution or Strength) or stronger personalities (higher Charisma) than the usual Wizards. They might develop closer bonds to Skalds (Bards) and many Fighters. Even though their magic is ‘cheating’, having a Fireball burn down a Troll is still useful for most adventuring parties. Shunned a bit because of their volatile magic, Rune-Singers also have a tendency to duel among themselves, keeping their numbers down. Optionally, they are associatied with the Element of Fire, especially the more destructive facet of that element.
Amon Amarth - Oden Owns You All (Lyrics)Illusionists, the Deceivers, either take inspiration from Odin-as-a-Trickster, Loki, or Utgard-Loki. Even though this magic is shunned in polite norse society, there are nonetheless the tales of how Thor got his hammer back from the Giants by masquerading as Freyja in a bridal gown. Still, stories of Fetches and Doppelgangers are still ground for concern, so your typical. Deceiver will probably either pose as another type of Wizard (the typical grey cloak) or even as another class. They do well associating with Rogues and Bards, and are typically from either gender (maybe some cross-dress as a nod to "bridal" Thor or Loki's gender fluidity). Optionally, Deceivers are associated with the Element of Air, notably the eerie mists which alter perceptions.
The other 4 schools, notably Necromancy in Soderfjord (associated with either Hel, Freyja or Odin), also exist in the Northern Reaches, although I'll wait a bit to see how 5.5e handles them.
Previous post on Galdr and magic:
Expanding the Northern Reaches: Wizardry of the Greycloaks and Chants of the Witchesimage from: https://www.deviantart.com/nathanparkart/art/Mage-527572952