The Realms of Norwold
by JTROverview
The Nations, Regions, and Alliances of Norwold
Inspirations and Setting Styles
Other Links and NotesOverview
The Realms of Norwold Saga explores seven isolated organized nations and towns that are situated along the coast of Norwold or its Great Bay. [More to come]
The Amber Shores of Littonia: [To Do: Edit].The Heldannic Order: Heldann has ever been a forgotten land with one foot in the Known World and another in Norwold. [To Do: Edit]
The Streets of Landfall: [To Do: Edit]
The Free City of Oceansend: [To Do: Edit]
The Kingdom of Kaarjala: [To Do: Edit]
The Open Arms of Leeha: [To Do: Edit]
The Throne of Norwold: [To Do: Edit]
Inspirations and Setting Styles
(To Do)Features
GazF 72-mph northern map and product placement (To Do)
GazF 24-mph regional map (To Do)GAZ F6 The Amber Shores of Littonia (January 31, 2007):
- Gazetteer (pdf) by Geoff Gander, edited by JTR
- Map 8 miles per hex by JTR
- Supplement: Littonian Pygmy Mammoth by Geoff Gander
- Alternate cover art by Jeffrey Kosh
GAZ F7 The Heldannic Order (May 8, 2007)
- Gazetteer (pdf) by JTR, Colin D. Wilson, and Honorary Lead Designer Bruce Heard
- Map 8 miles per hex by JTR
- Alternate cover art by Jeffrey Kosh
GAZ F8 The Streets of Landfall (July 10, 2007)
- Gazetteer (pdf) edited by JTR
- 8-mph map Landfall and the Kamminer Bay by JTR
- Street Map The Streets of Landfall by JTR
- Alternate cover art by Jeffrey Kosh
GAZ F9 The Free City of Oceansend (November 15, 2007)
- Gazetteer (pdf) edited by JTR
- 8-mph map The Kingdom of Oceansend and the Norwold Coast by JTR
- Alternate cover art by Jeffrey Kosh
GAZ F10 The Kingdom of Kaarjala (July 5, 2008)
- Gazetteer (pdf) by Geoff Gander
- Map of The Kingdom of Kaarjala and the Autuasmaa Plain 8 miles per hex by JTR
- Supplement: Map of The Territory of Itämaa 8 miles per hex by JTR
- Alternative cover by Wille Ruotsalainen
- Alternate cover art by Jeffrey Kosh
GAZ F11 The Open Arms of Leeha (In Progress)
- Gazetteer (pdf)
- 8-mph map
GAZ F12 The Throne of Norwold (In Progress)
- Gazetteer (pdf)
- 8-mph map
Other Links and Notes
- 8-mph map Beyond the Final Range: The Ransarn-Vinisk Valley by JTR
- The actual released title for "The Amber Shores of Littonia" was "The Kingdom of Littonia," a production error on the part of the editor.
- In the map "The Kingdom of Oceansend and The Norwold Coast," "the Norwold Coast" was supposed to have been "the Tranquil Coast."
- missing legends
(To Do)