On healing ...
by ParzivalWhat I’m using:
Healing after a short rest: Once per day, after 3 turns of rest, a PC can do a Con check to restore 1HP. +1 bonus to Con check for every 3 turns of rest, maximum of +7 bonus (that is 21 turns (6 hours total rest). This is a way to regain a little (a very little) HP when things get bad.
Healing after long rest: Even with the above, after 8 hours of rest— complete and undisturbed— a PC may roll 1d4 and regain that many hit points, plus their Constitution bonus (ignore penalties), regardless of PC level. However, this is only possible once while in an adventuring or working situation (as a dungeon, camping, on guard duty, etc.).
EXAMPLE: Holbran and Baldron make camp and are able to sleep undisturbed for 8 hours. Both may roll 1d4. Holbran rolls a 2 and restores 2 HP. Baldron rolls a 3, adds his Con bonus, and restores 4 HP. However, they cannot restore health by this method again until after they have returned to a place suitable for normal rest— as a friendly inn, home, castle, temple or similar benign domestic environment.Healing after extended rest: In order to fully restore lost hit points above the above rolls, the PC must spend time recuperating in a restful environment (as a room at a friendly inn, temple, monastery, castle or home); this will be bed rest with minimal activity. If a PC spends a week in a restful environment, she may roll her hit dice equal to her current level and restore that many hit points (up to the character’s current maximum), and may continue to role one hit die per day thereafter until the maximum HP is reached. Of course, healing magic may always be used to speed up or entirely replace this process!
EXAMPLE: Holbran (a 4th level Magicuser) and Baldron (a 3rd level Dwarf) pack it back home, where they spend a week recuperating from their wounds. At the end of that week, Holbran may roll 4d4 and regain that many hit points. Baldron may roll 3d8 for the same purpose. If neither of these rolls fully restore their respective health, the PCs may then roll 1d4 and 1d8 respectively each day they continue to rest until their HP are fully restored.I also use the Healing Skill as the RC.
Honestly, all of the above may be too detailed. I’m more likely to just assume that a return to a safe base and resting restores all HP, provided no “adventure complications” are in place— as say, the safe place is actually not safe, but subject to raids or other enemy assault. (If the Keep is under siege, nobody is getting any restorative rest!)