Ok... An odd one this one, the abilities and appearance being a fantasy take on the peculiar physics of holmium metal. This is another one thats primarily extraplanar in my campaign, one that guards and watches the strange power sources on outer planes.
Dragon, Holmium (Morganite)
by Cab Davidson
Stat Small Large Huge AC: -2 -4 -6 HD: 11** 16+3*** 22**** Move: As Gold Dragon As Gold Dragon As Gold Dragon Attacks: As Gold Dragon As Gold Dragon As Gold Dragon Damage: As Gold Dragon As Gold Dragon As Gold Dragon Number Appearing: 1d4 1d3 1d2 Save As: F11 F33 F36 Morale: 8 9 10 Treasure Type: H Hx2,I Hx3,Ix2 Intelligence: 9 12 15 Alignment: Chaotic (Holmium), Lawful (Morganite) XP Value: 3500 6600 14000
Spells Levels 1 2 3 4 5 Small 4 4 4 Medium 5 5 4 3 Large 5 5 5 4 3 Breath Weapon: Cone of heating or cooling force (Holmium), with Magnetism (Morganite)
Holmium dragons are large, silvery-white metallic dragons that appear strangely coloured in different light sources. In torch or lamp light they appear to have a yellow tinge, whereas in magical light there is a distinctly golden or orange tone, and in sunlight they have a pinkish red pallor to their metallic skin, with shaded areas being orange or yellow. They are drawn to sources of power, whether ley lines, potent sources of dangerous ore, lost sources of great magical potency, etc. This is instinctive, they neither seek to use such power sources nor have any particular interest, they are essentially bringers of mischief and chaos. For indeed while they are not actually evil, they revel in breaking up the efforts of civilised folk in exploiting such power sources, and expend a huge amount of effort and thought on finding creative methods of doing so.
Their breath weapon is a near invisible cone of pulsating magnetic force, having no particular impact on inert materials but creating either heating or cooling in all organic or animated matter, the choice if which being the dragons. Essentially with neither fire nor frost they can heat or freeze targets, causing damage related to their hit points in the usual way.
Morganite dragons appear very like holmium dragons, with the same colours shimmering from beneath their skin. They are also drawn to sources of power, but seek largely to protect intelligent and good races from harming themselves playing with forces they do not understand. In addition to damage, any creatures failing their saving throw vs. dragon breath find they and all of the items they carry are afflicted by a strange magnetic effect, being stuck to the character from that point onwards. The forces involved are so great that no amount of pulling will allow a character to put down a sword, remove armour, undress, or even take a hat off until they have taken 6 dice of electrical damage (such as from a blue dragon or lightning bolt). What the character is holding they must continue to hold, what they wear must remain worn, until the character is fully demagnetised.
Like other metallic dragons, holmium and morganite dragons are mater shapeshifters and can polymorph at will. They use this ability primarily to explore and discover new sources of power.