Expanding the Northern Reaches: Handmaiden
by Marc Saindon(5e Inquisitive Rogue Archetype re-skin)
The Northern Reaches give the most love to Fighters, Barbarians and Clerics. In a warlike society where manly men parade like peacocks and roosters, some women might approach things with more subtlety.
And for the BECMI Thief and the 5e Rogue, one avenue, mainly for female characters, is to serve as a Handmaiden for a noblewoman (this is inspired by Frigg's retinue in norse myth, notably Fulla). This means doing chores for your patron and grooming her, but also getting access to the best gossip, and having the chance to deal in intrigue. This can be either for good or self-advancement, and it can go either Constance de Bonacieux or Milady de Winter if you remember the Three Musketeers: you can plot to help your patron's agenda, or maneuver to even take her place. You might not indulge in pickpocket for thieving, but maybe to slip a message to an ally undetected, or mix in a philter of love in the jarl's cup.
Handmaidens have cliques instead of thieves guilds, and while the groups are informal they do maintain strong personal ties between its members, allies, and pawns. Variants of resourceful ladies-in-waiting, witty courtesans and scheming servants can be found in most Known World nations.
Most actual handmaidens will just be Commoners without levels as Rogues, but that's how the subclass survives by fading into the crowd.
Shenanigans involving this Archetype may include a noble and a servant switching roles and ID, such the Amidala/Padmé switch in Star War episode I.
Or, if the patron is killed, it might lead to some vengeance mission, which might be Kleya's secret in Star Wars: Andor. (I suspect Kleya was one of Amidala's handmaiden)
(art from: https://64.media.tumblr.com/597a4bf198f770a047c79c8fdbbb4159/tumblr_ngscwstCz61slie38o1_640.jpg