Hollow World Physics and Structure
by Lance DuncanFinally finished up what I wanted for the Hollow World maths and statistics
So I did the calculations based on the shell model discussed earlier, and took more time to think about it, and decided in the end not to go with it. I ended doing everything for the anit-grav heart/sun. I did look at scrith and neutronium, but decided not to use those materials or other fantastical materials for various reasons.
So I ended up dividing the planet into 7 layers: the Lithosphere, Asthenosphere, Upper Mantle, Lower Mantle, Outer Core, Inner Core, and the World Shield. I didn't include the transition zones simply because it was too difficult to find the mass/density or volume for all the different transitions. I did decide to include a mundane version of the World Shield just to make the math easier for me, but it doesn't have any special magical properties it is just denser material(osmium) at the center of gravity. The other layers have the same composition and properties as found in the real world.
In figuring the depth of each layer I calculated the percentage of total radius of the earth that each comprised, and then applied that percentage to the distance between the surface and the center of gravity. Then I finagled the numbers to get the final mass I needed which was calculated from the real mass of earth plus the effects from the anti-grav sun of the hollow world.
I have everything in a spreadsheet, but i'm just going to list the Depth of each layer for now:
Lithosphere 0-38 km
Asthenosphere 39-96 km
Upper Mantle 97-246 km
Lower Mantle 247-1067 km
Outer Core 1068-1899 km
Inner core 1900-2222 km
World Shield 2223-2224 km
Inner core 2225-2331 km
Outer Core 2332-2763 km
Lower Mantle 2764-3189 km
Upper Mantle 3190-3267 km
Asthenosphere 3268-3299 km
Lithosphere 3300-3321 km
Hollow 3322-6370 kmI'm going to compile the whole process from this thread and provide more detail in a blog post, hopefully in the next few days