Izonda (Invincible dictatorship of)
by Francesco DefferrariLocation: Western Davania, east of Pelatan and south east of Arica
Area: more than 1,000,000 sq miles
Population : 1,000,000
Language: Izondian (mixed ogre-Tanagoro) written in Tanagoro.
Calendar: 1016 AC is 1886 IY (Izondian year)
Government: dictatorship of the invincible warrior.
Industries: agriculture, fishing (in the central lake) hunting, mining (all kind of minerals, stones and gems) leather, some textile (cotton), weaponcraft.History: After the fall of the enduk empire by the hands of the minotaur of Minoides, the minotaur themselves inhabited north western Davania, fighting with the elves of Pelatan and Kwythellar and the lizard kin and gyerian clans of the surrounding lands. Continual warfare weakened the minotaurs, and at last the arrival of Tanagoro colonists from the west drove them in the desert of Izonda, where they continued to fight the lizard kin. In 1250 BC ogres followers of Sumag arrived in the Tanagoro lands and were initially welcomed. Some of the ogres however, influenced by Hel, enslaved the humans. The centuries of good or bad convivence at least mixed the two population, and ogre kin were born. In 900 BC Zumando, an Arican priest, declared the war of purification against the tyranny of ogres and ogre kin. Even innocents and peaceful ogre kin were driven off. The followers of Sumag went north in the arm of the immortal (where they eventually founded Gombar and Sumag), while others ogres and ogre kin were driven south to the desert of Izonda. Here the ogre kin and the ogres fight together against minotaurs and lizard kin, who were defeated and scattered. But in 870 BC a civil war starts between ogre kin leaded by Amuro and pure ogres leaded by Aktrom. The ogres were defeated and escaped south (until they arrived in the green bay) and Amuro founded the invincible dictatorship of Izonda. The capital city of N'diazo (conquest) was built on the south shore of the great lake at the centre of the desert, and Amuro was the first dictator. Shortly after more humanoids came from Brun, and the Izondians were forced to fight again. The church of Hel became predominant, but others churches (Korotiku and Sumag) were never outlawed. Edizaro, son of Amuro, leaded the Izondians in glorious battles against Pelatan, but was defeated and killed by the priestess Iemara in 801 BC. For the following centuries Izondians fight against all their neighbours, conducting major wars against Pelatan in 400 and 300 BC, Kwythellar in 500 BC, Nivall in 700 and 200 BC, Arica in 650 and 250 BC, and they fight many more times with minotaurs, humans, gyerians and humanoids clans of the surrounding lands. From 150 to 100 BC Izondians fight their longer war against Pelatan and Arica, and after founded two little colonies in the north. Two other important wars were against the humanoids in 435 AC and against Pelatan and Nivall in 750 AC. That last war was a great defeat for Izonda. Other countless wars and raids were performed from 0 AC to 800 AC. In 800 AC the Izondian society had a major change, when the church of Hel became less warlike (the goddess doesn't want the Izondians destroy themselves). The warlike church became from that date the churches of Jammudaru and Thanatos (two gods who spread their faith in Izonda from 800 BC). In 900 AC, after the dictator Takozo, priest of Thanatos, leaded the Izondians in a disastrous war against the Kwythellar elves, the other churches rise against him and the church of Thanatos was outlawed. In the meantime the united churches of Valerias and Ixion became stronger and stronger. Slowly Izondians became less warlike, even if the church of Vanya was founded in 980 by Heldannic missionaries. In 1007 AC the churches of Valerias, Ixion, Korotiku rose against the dictator Ewaro, priest of Jammudaru, who was planning to attack Pelatan. The churches of Jammudaru and Vanya were defeated, with the neutrality of the church of Hel. The revolution, called the flowers' strife, caused a woman to became dictator, for the first time in Izondian history.
The People: Izondians are ogre kin, usually 7 or 8 feet tall, with dark skin, hair and eyes. They live normally to a maximum of 70 years (only a little less than humans). Izondians have 5 established churches and one secret church. The established are Valerias-Ixion, Korotiku, Hel, Vanya, Jammudaru. The secret church is the church of Thanatos, outlawed and working in disguise. Other religions from neighbours lands are known and sparsely worshipped (nature pantheon of Pelatan, Diulanna, Tarastia). Izondians are always been civilised and pacifist among themselves. Act of violence and brawls are punished with lashing and immediate enlistment in the army. Duels for religious causes are admitted under authority control and in official places. Murder is punished with decapitation, but officials duels are permitted to the death. If the challenged is obviously less strong of his enemy, he can chose a champion among those of the same religion. In a big town like N'diazo (200,000 inhabitants) there is at least a duel every week, but note that less than one on fifty is to the death. Theft is a minor crime like in Pelatan, and punished only with restitution and/or performing some service for the victim. Warriors are very important in Izonda, and very often they are vowed to a god (even if they aren't paladins). The army is very disciplined and in Izondian history never fight a civil war. (Clerics and common people fight in the revolution, 'cause the army has the prohibition to fight Izondians). There are wizards in Izonda but much less than in Pelatan. Wizards are respected and often serve in the army, but they have a strong guild and never allied themselves with one church.
Society and Government : Izonda is theoretically egalitarian, but little women enter in the army or become wizard. Churches of Vanya, Hel and Valerias have a 50% of women, other churches no more than 10%. A 10% of women are also in the army and among the wizards. Now that the dictator is a priestess of Valerias nearly 30% women serve in the government, but usually was no more than 5%. The dictator rules with many provincial and inferior functionaries, and is aided by a council of twelve people, one from the army, five for each church and one for each guild of wizards, farmers, merchants, smiths, miners and hunters. The counsellors have always the right to speak but is always the dictator who decides. The counsellors are often from one of the wealthiest fifty families of Izonda, heirs to the ancient clans of ogre kin. Each citizen of Izonda is linked to one of the fifty families, based in the five provinces. Most citizen are also partisans of a church. Every family is usually linked to a particular church, but not all the members of a family are partisan of the same church. It's a great disgrace for a noble family that its brethren have not houses or food, and it's a shame to have and show superfluous luxuries. The dictator can rules for all his life, but the council can depone him if he made a big mistake or lose a war. The deposed dictator remain a member of the council only if was the higher priest of a church or a guild speaker. The precedent dictator Ewaro was deposed by the revolt and killed in duel by the actual dictator. Such a thing happened in Izondian history only another time, at the dictator Takozo, in 900 AC.
Adventures links: There are a lot of intrigues and fights among churches in Izonda and rivalries between noble families. In spite of this, you have to remember that is a crime to bring disorder, unrest and violence among Izondian citizen. So most of the intrigues are carefully planned in the dark and usually includes thefts and duels. Before the flowers' strife strangers were not welcomed in Izonda. Things now are changed, but remember that not-ogrekin will always be regarded with suspicion. Minotaurs and humanoids are a constant threat to Izonda, and so human barbarians to the south and east
Important figures: Ekara N'iombo the invincible dictator. (C31) Ekara is a woman of striking beauty and strong personality. She rules wisely and try to not upset any church, family and guild. She is 30 years old. Gasu N'elgoyo, high priest of Jammudaru (C26) Gasu plot to be the next dictator and overthrow Ekara. He despites the actual dictator but is not a fanatic. He is a moderate, and some young clerics of his church accuse him to be little warlike and always undecided. Itsea N'jeimu. This young wizardess (M25) is rising to the head of the mage guild. She is not a follower of Valerias but she want closer ties with Pelatan to improve magic in Izonda. Hadapi Katap. The high priest of the hidden church of Thanatos is a bitter and cruel man, disfigured by horrible scars. He is a man of no scruples and has committed innumerable crimes. Many want him dead. (A little note: the letter "n" before the surname is sign of noble descent)
Neighbours lands: Izonda is now at peace with Pelatan, Nivall, gyerian clans and Arica, and probably will be until Ekara is dictator. There are bad relations with the Kwythellar elves, but not fighting at the present. Sometimes there are little clashes with minotaurs, lizard kin, humanoids and barbarians humans. The major trading partners of Izonda are Gombar ad Sumag, but sometimes Izondians are visited by merchants from the savage coast and Zyxl too. There are good relations with the Heldannic knights of Scheimmiz.