Karameikos/Ravenloft connections
by RobinOk I did some puzzling (as my D&D session was cut short due personal issues of 2 gamers) on the map I had found earlier and posted above.
I took my 1 mile hex maps of Karameikos Central and Karameikos North thus far and cut/pasted the region together
Then I worked on locations...
I know this is jus t brainstorming...I had not expected this, yet there are certainly possibilities.
And yes this is very rough work, yet similarities are there for sure.
So this part of Fanon might as well be possible....on the single additional important account that in Ravenloft as well as Karameikos memories have faded and changed on the past (by magic/Immortals or else). In Darokin and Karameikos the Ravenloft period and all attached to it is forgotten, in Ravenloft all the Karameikan past is renamed, and although similar, the terrain is different too...brooks and creeks turned to rivers and new roads (the black lines now circumvent Barovia), beyond these roads are the Eternal Fogs of Ravenloft.Brasov is on the Location of the village of Barovia, Fort Cruth on Zeidenburg, Maramur on Teufeldorf.
The Gopherbrook is in Ravenloft the Gundar River
The Rosecreek/Kollummercreek/Alleybrook is in Raveloft the Tepurich River
Thw Wood regions around Triple Point are in Ravenloft the Tepurich ForestThis name could still exist in Karameikos
Myskmyr Falls Is in ravenloft the Gorge of Passing Sorrows
Mnt Maglich is in Raveloft Mnt Sawtooth (which seems logical with two spires)
Immol's location is Along the Cruth River, yet in Karameikos nothing remains (maybe I'll add a few obscure buildings)
The hills along the Cruth River are the Bloodfang Hills (possible named after the Local Hill Giants) This name could still exist in Karameikos
The forested hills west of Brasov (aka Barovia) are the Svalich WoodsThis name could still exist in Karameikos
Further North is the Balinok Mountains and the Hills of Bleak Vistas (which relate to an abanoned fort on a cliff and an area owned by the Blackstone Orcs)These names could still exist in Karameikos
Mnt achelos is in Ravrenloft Mnt Baratak
The river Magos passing through the mountains is the Svalich Pass in Ravenloft
Lake Kiel is in Ravenloft Lake Zarovich
The Ruined village named Do Ratep by the local Giants in Karameikos is in Ravenloft the village Vallaki
The slight depression west of Mnt Magos in Karameikos, the Meadow Valley, as well as the pass towards Fort Cruth is in Ravenloft Dreadpass This name could still exist in Darokin on the pass between Fort Cruth and Meadow Vale). The part of the pass towards Karameikos does not exist (anymore). Both the Dreadpass and the Crimson Road passing over to Darokin could in Karameikos have been tunnels which collapsed after Barovia was transported...and still exist as such in Ravenloft (there is no description it is not partially a tunnel road)
Mnt Solomonar is in Ravenloft Dreadmount
And finally Castle Ravenloft could have been located in Karameikos in the steep sided mountain as depictedThe Crimson road in Darokin is certainly different in apparance as well as direction in in Ravenloft, as being a combination of different trails in Karameikos/Darokin
Krezk in Darokin and Lake Krezk are in Darokin the crystal petrified village of Armanda....and this would now have a more or less logical reason...crystals grow on magic rich/or tainted locations...maybe this was were the taking of Barovia towards Ravenloft ended...with a devastating effect to the regionI think Brasov would still hold some Barovia buildings, and nobody knows this
Do Ratep (Stone Giants name) is a ruined village, very possibly be the treu remnants of Vallaki
Teufelsdorf as well as Zeidenburg(aka Maramur and Fort Cruth) as unchanged and just bear another name in the Ravenloft history locations as well history, as well as the other location.
Only Immol would hold some unexpected / weird structures in the wildernessHope you all like my Ravenloft Karameikos Brainstorm