The Karameikan Year and Karameikos AC 1013
by Max MonasI have sent the calendar to the list. I just put in the holidays that are important in Karameikos, if the PCs decide to stay in another country for a considerable time I will make a new one for that country. I have also taken facts from the PWA III and put it all the way at the bottom, so I could look at it and give the PCs some information about what is happening (and also events that are important to the adventure at the moment). Please tell we whether you think if Thyatian celebration should be included for the Thyatians in Karameikos and whether things should be added or left out (I am not sure about 28 Kaldmont the Day if Dread and the Feast of Immotion, for example) * Note that there as some dates which I use for the College of Wizardry (something I bought which I thought could fit really well into Karameikos (Krakatos) instead of the School of Magecraft (basically they are the same but people call them different things). I have taken these things directly from the PWA III (no the celebrations but the events that happen) because they fitted in with my adventure and because it gives a real feeling to the adventure when the person they know is evil and who they are looking for gets caught and escapes again and decided to go somewhere else. Thanks,
The Mystaran Year
Month 1: Nuwmont - Mid-Winter
1 Nuwmont:
The Start of the New Year, which is celebrated with parades and winter festivals
Month 2: Vatermont - Late-Winter
1 Vatermont:
The King's local tax Collector's gather revenue for Sviftmont through Kaldmont of the previous year.
Month 3: Thaumont - Early Spring
1 Thaumont:
This is officially the first day of Spring.
The Gnome Caravan traditionally sets out from Highforge for Mirros on this day.
This is also the traditional date for the start of the shipping season, regardless of when the winter weather actually breaks and the seas allow safe passage (this helps prevent festivities from interfering with actual departure dates). This is a day of feasting, giving thanks and planning for the spring planting (nearly everywhere).
11 Thaumont:
The Gnome Caravan usually arrives in Mirros on this day.
15 Thaumont:
The Gnome Caravan usually leaves Mirros this day.
Opening of the College of Wizardry (after the winter rest).
28 Thaumont:
Day of the Dead. On this day, Traladaran citizens of Karameikos dress in black as if to go to a funeral, sweep out their homes, and tell the spirits of the dead to be gone. At night, they wear white garments and feast merrily.
Month 4: Flaurmont - Mid-Spring
1 Flaurmont:
In Darokin, Glantri, Karameikos, the Northern Reaches and the Thyatian Empire, young people of the proper age (18 or 21, depending on the nation) are confirmed in their adulthood (ceremonies differ from nation to nation).
Month 5: Yarthmont - Late Spring
1 Yarthmont:
The tax collectors gather the revenues for Nuwmont through Thaumont of this year.
28 Yarthmont:
Founding Day (College of Wizardry). The day that Arcane returned to the ruins of Mathghamhna is remembered by the Order (CoW, page 27).
Month 6: Klarmont - Early Summer
1 Klarmont:
Officially the first day of summer.
2 Klarmont:
Day of the Straw Men. In Karameikos, the Traladaran people carry little straw dolls around and whisper the sins they have committed over the last year to them. At dusk, huge bonfires burn the straw dolls - and the year's sins.
28 Klarmont:
Night of Fire. Traladarans of Karameikos and Boldavians of Glantri sometimes spend the night outdoors, for legends say they will see flames flickering above long-lost treasures. Legends also says wolves and vampires prowl this night, so this custom isn't for the meek.
Month 7: Felmont - Mid-Summer
1 Felmont:
Beast's Day. This is the traditional date of the last battle between King Halav and the Beast-Men, and is big, lavish Traladaran holiday all over Karameikos. Participants dress up as Beast-Men and wander the streets in parade, and there mock battles between Beast-Men and Men, dances. and other events commemorating the battle. Religious observations are held by the clerics of the Church of Traladara (they conduct observations of thanksgiving after the mock battles ).
15 Felmont: Day of Valerias. In Karameikos and Thyatis, this day is dedicated to Valerias, the Immortal patron of love and romance. Celebrations include betrothals, marriages, trysts, and duels between competing suitors.
This festival is very popular and is spreading to other nations.
17 Felmont:
The Celestial Conjunction (College of Wizardry). A particular conjunction of celestial bodies occur (CoW, page 26).
Month 8: Fyrmont - Late Summer
1 Fyrmont:
Tax collectors gather the revenues for Flaurmont through Klarmont of this year.
Month 9: Ambyrmont - Early Autumn
1 Ambyrmont:
Officially the first day of autumn.
24 Ambyrmont:
Apprentice days (College of Wizardry, Krakatos). Once every two years (CoW, page 21+26).
Month 10: Sviftmont - Mid-Autumn
28 Sviftmont:
The King's birthday. This is a holiday in Mirros, with events like those of the New Year celebration. In Mirros, parades and military demonstrations are held. Petty criminals are often pardoned and released Month 11: Eirmont - Late Autumn
1 Eirmont:
Tax collectors gather the revenue for Felmont through Ambyrmont of this year.
Month 12: Kaldmont - Early Winter
1 Kaldmont:
Officially the first day of winter.
15 Kaldmont:
The last day of the school year for the College of Wizardry.
15-21 Kaldmont:
Footman's games (Thyatian Empire and Karameikos).
This weeklong festival includes large fairs and gatherings. Weapon makers and armourers show off their wares, infantry men demonstrate their military arts, and many people turn out to watch the tournaments.
28 Kaldmont:
The Day of Dread. This is a ominous day of ill portents, made more so by the failure of Magic everywhere on Mystara. No spells may be cast successfully on this day, whether of clerical or wizardly in nature. Magical items, permanent enchantments and the works of the Immortals are unaffected by this day.
The Feast of Immotion (College of Wizardry). Shardea of Brightdelve conducts a ceremony for the Immortal Immotion ( CoW, page 26).TIMELINE
Adventure began on 3 Klarmont.
9 Klarmont: Beast-Man Grace Discovered.
The Village of Verge.
A farmer, ploughing a recently cleared field, discovers an unusual skull.
Digging deeper, he uncovers a complete skeleton surrounded by pottery shards and other grave goods. A local sage announces the remains are those of an ancient beast-man (legendary wolf-headed creatures that nearly destroyed the people of ancient Traldar).
What this means:
The discovery sparks the interest of scholars, who journey to Verge to search for more graves. The discovery of another grave (containing gold jewellery) sparks the interest of amateur treasure-seekers. Soon scholars and treasure hunters will overrun the tiny village of Verge.
These graves are not those of the beast-men (gnolls) that overran Traldar many centuries ago. They are the remains of Hutaakans, a jackal-headed race that acted as mentors and masters to the Bronze-Age Traldar.
What the PCs can do:
The PCs may be drawn to Verge as well, either as treasure seekers or as mercenaries hired to protect scholars and the grave-sites they have uncovered. A rash of crime will erupt in the village (a treasure-seeker who fails to find any tombs turns to robbery), while bands of treasure hunters will tramp through the woods and fields stirring up wild animals and other trouble. PCs may stumble upon an ancient Hutaakan tomb. Its outer chambers have become home to monsters (orc, gnolls an ogre, or whatever you like); traps and ancient Hutaakan magic guard its inner chamber.
15 Felmont: Heirs announced.
King Stefan of Karameikos officially announces is choice of heirs. Upon his death, his daughter Adriana will become Queen. This announcement infuriates Queen Olivia, who has been pushing her husband to name her darling youngest son, Prince Valen, as Crown Prince. Most Karameikan nobles consider this a wise decision, as it directs the royal line officially towards Lucien, Stefan's eldest grandson.
12 Fyrmont: Fire in Dymrak Forest.
Dymrak Forest.
Callarii elves in the Dymrak forest of Karameikos have fought an unusual number of small forest fires. One of those fires threatens to rage out of control, endangering 50 square miles of ancient oak forest and many elven communities. The Elves do what they can to contain the fire - building fire breaks to halt its progress and using affect normal fires and similar spells. A messenger astride one of the Callarii's famous white horses gallops to Krakatos to enlist the aid of the College of Wizardry.
What the PCs Can do:
PCs can try to find the cause of the forest fires, as the Elves suspect arson (they also can join in fighting the fire). They will face a relentless enemy unlike anything they've encountered - the mindless, all-consuming fire. It drives forest denizens before it, including deer, bears, boars, and even goblins, elves and centaurs. PCs may hear the desperate screams of a dyrad whose ancient oak is threatened by the encroaching flames. Or they may find themselves trapped by a wall of fire.
14 Fyrmont: Callanya Village Destroyed.
Dymrak Forest.
Forest fires, now raging out of control, overwhelm the elven village of Callanya in eastern Karameikos. Although the elven inhabitants were safely evacuated, the fire destroys their homes.
Meanwhile, elven and human fire-fighters - including many faculty and students from the College of Wizardry- continue to battle the flames.
They're gradually making progress in containing the fire to the west, where it threatens another elven village, but have had little luck containing the blaze in the east.
17 Fyrmont: Cause of fire discovered
Dymrak Forest.
Adventurers combing the Dymrak Forest for clues to the cause of the forest fires discover a pack of hell hounds in the area. It's obvious that, for the health of the Dymrak Forest and its inhabitants, the hell hounds must be destroyed.
What the PCs can do:
This may start out as a simple monster hunt for any player characters involved, but will quickly turn into more. The hell hounds have established many lairs, each with hell hound puppies that also must be dealt with if they're not to grow up to cause forest fires themselves. Once the PCs deal with all the hell hounds (either destroying them or capturing them), there is still the question of where the hell hounds came from. The PCs should look for whoever summoned the hell hounds to the Prime Material plane, and deal with him, as well, or hell hounds and forest fires may become a recurrent problem.
20 Fyrmont: Forest fires quelled.
Dymrak Forest.
Fire-fighters in the Dymrak Forest quell the last of the fires threatening elven communities in the area. Their success is due to the heroic efforts of hundreds of volunteers. Brief and heavy downpours yesterday and today helped as well.
1 Sviftmont: Rumours in Mirros.
Nasty rumours that Queen Olivia and King Stefan have taken to sleeping in separate chambers begin circulating through Mirros. According to the rumours, Queen Olivia hasn't spoken to hear husband, except in public situations which could not be avoided, since Stefan announced his choice of heirs to the throne of Karameikos.
What this means:
The rumours are true, although Olivia hasn't moved to other quarters because she disagrees with her husband's choice of heir. The King's snoring has worsened with age, and the Queen simply didn't want to put up with it anymore.
8 Eirmont: Black Eagle Captured.
Kolossopolis, New Kolland, Glantri.
A group of halflings ambush Ludwig von Hendriks, secret adviser to Prince Kol of New Kolland. They attack him with priestly spells and a fishing net as he's making his way through the broken landscape of the Great Crater.
Before the Black Eagle can summon help, they pop him into a sack and wind ropes all around him. With the help of few silence spells, they carry the wildly squirming bundle off as quickly and as quietly as they can.
What this means:
Jaervosz Dustyboots and his companions have been seeking Ludwig von Hendriks since Flaurmont. They have come close several times, but the former Baron of the Black Eagle Barony has proven elusive. Now that they have him, they'll take him back to the Five Shires as quickly as they can.
12 Eirmont: Black Eagle Rescued.
Southern lip of the Great Crater, Western Broken Lands.
Kobold warriors ambush the halflings as they carry the bound and gagged Ludwig von Hendriks through the Western Broken Lands. Greatly outnumbered, the halflings lose two of their party before Jaervosz Dustyboots calls a retreat - leaving the Black Eagle to his kobold treasure.
What this means:
The kidnapping of Ludwig von Hendriks was not unnoticed. Prince Kol ordered his soldiers to track the kidnappers and rescue his adviser from the halflings. The kobold troops, aided by Broknag the Sly's shamanistic powers, found Jaervosz's party before they crossed the bordered into Darokin.
What the PCs can do:
If the PCs are with Jaervosz they may overcome the kobolds (all 25 kobolds are armed and armoured better than the average kobold) and keep their captive, but Kol's forces will try again and do their best to rescue Ludwig von Hendriks. The PCs will find themselves hunted by hordes of humanoids as they try to flee the Broken Lands.
15 Eirmont: Kol Protests Kidnapping.
Glantri City, Glantri.
Prince Kol of New Kolland appears before the Council of Princes in Glantri to protest the stalking of Ludwig von Hendriks by Five Shires military. Kol requests a diplomatic reprimand to be sent to Shireton, demanding that the halflings recall all troops from New Kollands vicinity.
20 Eirmont: The Black Eagle Baron flees to the Heldannic Territories.
New Kolland, Glantri & The Heldannic Territories.
Ludwig von Hendriks, surprised and scared after being kidnapped by Hin military forces, decided to flee the to his niece, Anna von Hendriks in the Heldannic Territories. (see the Black Eagle Baron for more information).
24 Eirmont: Five Shires Denies Responsibility.
Glantri City, Glantri.
A human member of the Darokin Diplomatic Corps, speaking on behalf of the Five Shires, informs the Council of Princes that the government of the Five Shires has no knowledge of any military activity within the borders of Glantri. If New Kolland is experiencing difficulties with halfling "invaders", it's not due to any activities sanctioned by the Five Shires.
15 Kaldmont: The Last Day of School Year.
College of Wizardry, Krakatos, Karameikos.
Following a tradition that started in Alphatia, the College of Wizardry (or the Karameikan School of Magecraft) closes its doors for the winter. (The School will reopen on 15 Thaumont next year). The day is not without incident, however. The exuberance of students going home for a three-month vacation from their studies manifests itself in impromptu duels and pranks.
Villagers in Krakatos are variously startled, inconvenienced, and annoyed today by the students tricks.
What this means:
The College of Wizardry is developing an unfortunate reputation for unruly and undisciplined students. In truth, the school's students are no more unruly or undisciplined than those of any other private academic institution - but, as fledgling mages, their pranks are more likely to cause damage. Nor are the school's students any more unruly than those of the Great School of Magic in Glantri - but Karameikan citizens are far less tolerant of misbehaving students of magecraft.
What the PCs can do:
Responsible PCs can minimise the damage caused by students in Krakatos today. Likewise, irresponsible PCs may contribute to the chaos - risking disciplinary actions by the citizens, Krakatos' village militia, or the College of Wizardry's irate Head Master (Arcane) or by Gwyneth Pa'altri.
20 Kaldmont: Collapse of the Griffon's Arms.
Mirros, Karameikos.
Shortly before dawn, residents of the merchant district in Mirros are awakened by a low, rumbling roar followed by sudden screams. Both are caused by the collapse of The Griffon's Arms, a popular inn that is nearly always full of guests. Several surrounding buildings are damaged as the building collapses. But worse than the damage caused by the collapse is the subsequent fire as broken lamps and smouldering fires burst into flames amid the wreckage.
Working quickly, Mirros' fire-fighters contain the blaze within the ruin, minimising damage tot he rest of the block. But the loss of life is terrible. It will be days before rescuers searching through the rubble will announce an official death toll, but estimates run as high as 200 guests and staff.
What the PCs can do:
King Stefan will order an official investigation into the cause of the collapse, with an eye to possible changes of zoning and building laws to avoid similar tragedies. (Official statements blame poor architecture or construction techniques). The Kingdom of Thieves also investigates, suspecting that the collapse may have been designed to cover a theft or assassination. The PCs may be involved either in the investigation or maybe hired by the hotel's owner, who wants his own investigation - he suspects rival hostelry of causing the destruction of The Griffon's Arms.
27 Kaldmont: Preparations for the Day of Dread.
Throughout the world today, spellcasters prepare for the failure of magic expected to occur at midnight, Glantri time. Mages conducting dangerous research do whatever they can to release powerful (or captive monsters) in a controlled fashion. Some powerful spellcasters leave the Prime Plane to avoid losing their powers and becoming helpless. A few wizards put the finishing touch on experiments to test their favourite theories about the failure of magic.
What this means:
Magical research and clerical communing has revealed that the Day of Dread will occur yearly. Many spellcasters have developed schemes designed to get them through they Day of Dread.
What the PCs can do:
If the PCs are powerful spellcasters, this is a good excuse to adventure in another plane or the Void beyond Mystara's moon (where magic may still work).
28 Kaldmont: The Day of Dread.
Magic fails throughout Mystara.
What this means:
All mortal spells and spell-like effects fail today. This includes spells cast from magical items (rings, scrolls, etc.) and some natural spell effects of certain monsters (such as level drains and breath weapons).
Some permanent magic items may retain their powers today. Roll 1d4 for each magical weapon, armour, permanent scroll (such as a scroll of communication - don't forget to roll for its mate), ring with permanent effect (such as protection or sustenance), or other magic item. If the result is greater then the item's Strength (its number of pluses), the item is damaged.
(Consider potions or scrolls +1 items, wands or staves +2 and all permanent items as +3.) Undamaged items can not produce spell effects - a sword +3 of flying may still be +3, but its user cannot fly. Of magic potions, only poison still works. Roll for each potion anyhow - damaged potions are spoiled and useless when magic returns.
Magical monsters may also lose their powers today. Permanent effects affecting only the monster (such as immunity to normal weapons or the ability to fly) still works. Abilities the monster can only use a certain number of times per day or that affect something other than the monster itself (a djinn's spell-like powers or a beholder's eye stalk attacks), it fails.
You may increase or decrease severity of the Day of Dread's effect in your campaign.
What the PCs can do:
Fighters and thieves are high in demand today. They may be hired to protect valuable items or spellcasters until magic returns - or to steal or kidnap them.