Thoughts about Charter of the Grand Duchy of Karameikos
by Paul DupuisThought of the day [long post]: In AC970 when Stefan Karameikos struck his deal with Thincol, some sort of contract must have been created. Thyatis is noted for its bureaucracy. Both parties would have wanted the terms in writing for future heirs. So the most likely is a "Charter of the Grand Duchy of Karameikos", with copies at least in Stefan and Thincol's possession.
Such a document would spell out the boundaries of the newly established Grand Duchy in terms using natural boundary (like the Rugalov river, etc.). Likewise the area of Machetos. The ceding of all of Machetos to Thincol. Thincol with his authority to bestow patents of nobility, elevating the Duke of Machetos to the Grand Duke of Karameikos.
Then it must really get interesting. Stefan wants autonomy. Thincol wants a wilderland tamed for the empire. What subtle clauses and details may have been included. Clearly, Stefan wanted what all nobles have, that the Grand Duchy passes to his designated heir and so on, but Thincol would have wanted a clause that if there was no heir, the Grand Duchy reverts to him to decide who it fall to.
There must be a mutual protection pact. If Karameikos was invaded by any foreign power (i.e. Darokin) the legions of the empire would come to aid, but Thincol would like have wanted the flip, that Karamekos would provide soldiers to the Empires legions. I envision Stefan argues for some minimum size his armies must reach (to defend his own territory) before he could provide forces to Thincol.
I picture that even in the autonomy of making hos own laws, Thincol would have still required some taxes from the Grand Duchy, spelled out in the Charter.
What other nuggets of possible political intrigue or adventure seeds might such a document contain? Has anyone work out any of this for their campaigns?