Estates of Karameikos
by Sean MeaneyMarilenev Estate
One of the earliest estates established in Traladara, It occupies some of the better agricultural lands. Marilenev is self-sufficient in the production of grains, vegetables, fodders, meats, fowl, fish, salt, wine, honey & wax, timber & wood, and even a range of cheeses.
There has been a distinct shift since the arrival of Duke Stephan Karameikos some thirty years previous, beginning with the crushing defeat of the Marilenev clan and its armies. Widowed, Lady Magda, finding sanity in her anger, began the long task of rebuilding the Estate, this time into an economic power. Despite this, the Karameikans consider her a bitter old crone in a crumbling monstrosity with little power and no allies.
The peasant farmers of Marilenev are increasingly well off, with reasonable stability. No longer do armies of Knights ride through farms, torching vital crops, seize grain harvests, or march their children off to die in castle sieges. Now the small lanes that crisscross the estate and divide farmland are being paved in stone and even being repaired and maintained, as thousands of wagons continuously move vital produce to market.
Geographical Area: 940 square miles
Population (as of AC1000): 11,000 Rural (8,500 Farming)
Marilenev Village: 900The Village of Marilenev
The village of Marilenev is in fact Castle Marilenev – residence of Lady Magda. The old fortress has become a fortified storehouse for the produce of the entire Western half of Marilenev Estate. Half of Lady Magda’s thousand Servants reside here in the “Village of Marilenev”, Others are spread across the estate where they tend the local agricultural districts.The Agricultural Districts of Marilenev
The Logging Camps in the East
With 358,400 acres of light forest, there is a managed harvest plan to ensure a permanent supply of firewood and timber for the estate.
There are 200 families employed across this region, each family harvesting 17 acres of wood per year.
17 acres x 20,000lb = 340,000lb
340,000lb x 20 families x 10 hexes = 71,680,000lbThe Coastal Fishing Communities
Occupying some 40 miles of coastline are 100 families employed in fishing and salt production. 8 months a year, six days a week they fish from their small fishing boats.
Salt Production for fish preservation provides for the
manufacture of 4,800 firkin of preserved fish only
leaving 96 firkin of Salt. This is representative of
12 Cran of fish per year per fishing family
(1 Cran = 37.5 gallons of fish or 750 fish).
Firkin of Preserved fish requires 1/4 Cran fish & 50lb salt.
12 Cran x 4 firkin x 100 families = 4,800 firkin of
preserved fish.
36 gallons of seawater x 6 days x 4 weeks = 216lb Salt
8 months x 216lb x 100 families = 1,296 firkin of Salt
4,896 firkin required.The Cattle herders
Tended by 200 families over 35,640 acres of reasonably good grazing land, each family runs a herd of 74 cattle
200 families, 178 acres, 74 cattle
35,640 / 1.5 x 0.63=14,968 head
Every year each family sends 20 head to the sale yards.
20 x 200= 4,000 headThe Vineyards
The Vineyards along this part of the river are the work of thirty years, and the families who own these vineyards have reaped considerable wealth from the distinct change in Estate Policy that they represent: A change from warfare to commerce and production.
400 vineyards x 70 acres @ 63% yield +20% (Bees)
2 x 200 families x 71 acres = 28,000 acres
28,000 acres x 2.5 ton x 0.83 = 58,100 ton
58,100 ton x 2,240lb
= 130,144,000lb grapes produced annually.
130,144,000lb/90lb=1,446,044 (x 5 gallons)
Wine produced is 7,230,222 gallons per year.
(7,230,222 gallons / 9 gallons)
= 803,358 firkin of wine per year.
Honey & Wax
400 vineyards x 7 skep hives
400 x 7 = 2,800 hives
28,000 lb honey
2,800 lb wax
1.4129 x 10 lb = 1 gallon of honey
28,000lb / 14.129=1981.7 gallon of honey
1981.7 gallons/9 gallons=220 firkin of honey
803,577 firkin required.The Dairy District
Dairy grazing on some 14,000 acres are 200 dairy farms
200x70=14,000 acres
1&1/2 acres per cow.
14,000/1.5=9,333 cows x 0.63=5,879 cows
29 cows per family
Milking season 8 months per year
29 x 140 gallons = 4,060 gallons
10.31 x 4,060=41,858lb milk
41,858 x (5/43.25)= 4,839lb cheese
4,839lb x 200 farms = 967,800lb cheese/yearThe West Country
These are perhaps the oldest and earliest parts of the estate of Marilenev.
Consisting of 168 square miles of agricultural land, it includes in its heavily populated region the capital city (the once guild town) Specularum and the village and castle Marilenev. Of the 105,600 acres only 42,600 acres is held by farming families. This leaves over 98 square miles of countryside. Marilenev Village is a veritable storehouse of goods.
With Six hundred families farming in the West
71 acre farms: 3 fields of 23 acres @63% efficiency
23 acres of barley x 57 bushes x 63%=825 bushels barley.
825 x 50lb= 41,250lb grain
825 x 213lb chaff = 175,725lb chaff
23 acres of turnip x 25 ton x 63%=362.25 ton
9 sheep overgrazing 23 acres with thirty ton of chaff as fodder support.
9 sheep x 2.5lb wool = 22.5lb wool
& Dairy 180 days @ 1/4 gallon
8 ewes x 45 gallons=360 gallons
360 x 10.31 x (5/ 43.25) = 429lb cheese
808,473 firkin are manufactured across the estate each year using 7,276,257lb wood.Total Annual Production Yields
Produce, Baron (30%), Salt Tax (10%), Church Tithe (7%), Farmers (48%)
Timber & Wood, 9600 ton, 3200 ton, 2240 ton, 15360 ton
Wine, 241007.4 firkin, 80335.8 firkin, 56235.06 firkin, 385611.84 firkin
Honey, 66 firkin, 22 firkin, 15.4 firkin, 105.6 firkin
Wax, 840 lb, 280 lb, 196 lb, 1344 lb
Fish, 1440 firkin, 480 firkin, 336 firkin, 2304 firkin
Salt, 388.8 firkin, 129.6 firkin, 90.72 firkin, 622.08 firkin
Dairy Cheese, 290340 lb, 96780 lb, 67746 lb, 464544 lb
Cattle, 1200 head, 400 head, 280 head, 1920 head
Turnip, 65205 ton, 21735 ton, 15214.5 ton, 104328 ton
Wool, 4050 lb, 1350 lb, 945 lb, 6480 lb
Ewes-milk Cheese, 77220 lb, 25740 lb, 18018 lb, 123552 lb
Barley, 7425000 lb, 2475000 lb, 1732500 lb, 11880000 lb
Chaff, 14120.76 ton, 4706.92 ton, 3294.84 ton, 22593.21 tonEXPORT
Barony of Kelvin
POPULATION (AS OF AC1000): 20,000
CITY OF KELVIN: 20,000The Barony has little in the way of farm land. Instead it is very dependent on passing trade. Those few farmers it employs produce sufficient produce to feed and fuel themselves and the Baron’s eight hundred and twenty soldiers, staff, and their stabled mounts. That left some sixteen thousand people desperate for employment, food, and fuel to fend for themselves. Fortunately most are employed in the extensive peat diggings in the moor adjacent to the city of Kelvin. Others are employed in the Logistics of the movement of Trade goods by riverboat and Wagon.
It is still a place of exploitation, poverty, and sickness however. When its fishing industry and river water supply declined recently as a consequence of Poisons from the Leather tanneries at Penhaligon upriver some three thousand fell ill and most of them died. The City was fortunate to recover from the loss of population but must now bring its water in from the river to the east.The Baron’s Cavalry
The Baron has established a considerable Stable and Barracks in the City to house his troops and servants.
700 x Light Horsemen
Farming the Strip
Positioned along the river are the only farmlands in the Barony. 600 Families are employed in the Farming of these 100,000 acres.
Wheat: 33,333 Acres @ 63% x 20 Bushels = 419,995 Bushels of Grain & 42,000 Tons of Wheat Chaff
– 1,999,980LB Seed = 18,999,777LBBarley: 33,333 Acres @ 63% x 23 Bushels = 482,995 Bushels of Grain & 46,682 Tons of Barley Chaff
– 1,999,980LB Seed = 22,149,770LBHunting Boars in the Dymrak
In this small corner of the Dymrak the Baron enjoys conducting hunting Parties where Boar and the occasional Goblin can be chased down. The Baron Black Eagle was most impressed by it.
Wild Boar can be found here at seven per square mile and six families are employed to watch over the 168 square miles of heavy forest.
3 x 164 = 504 Boars/YearPeat Mining on the Moor
Kelvin having no source of Firewood (the Dymrak being off limits), was fortunate to discover considerable Peat moss in the adjacent moor. Peat moss for fuel is its only export. Importantly it employs twelve thousand of the otherwise unemployed Population of Kelvin City on its peat diggings. Currently they excavate over 1.35 sq mi/year.
Peat Yield Rate: 3238.86639 Tons/acre @16.4’ deep
12,000 workers: 12,000 Tons per day x 240 working days = 2,880,000 Tons per year
=6,451,200,000LB/YearMarket Value (D&D 3.0)
Peat-moss : Firewood
• Peatmoss (1cp/57lb)
• Firewood (1cp/20lb)The Population of Kelvin uses 254,464 Tons of Peat moss per year for fuel. This leaves some 2,625,536 Tons surplus for export.
The Peat diggings have yielded a great many artifacts. Diggers are just as likely to stumble across a Sword crafted by Halav as the bones of some ancient fiend.
Total Annual Production Yield
Baron (30%) Salt Tax (10%) Church Tithe (7%) Farmers (48%)
PRODUCE Baron (30%) Salt Tax (10%) Church Tithe (7%) Farmers (48%)
WILD BOAR 504 Boars
WHEAT GRAIN 2,544.6 Tons 848.2 Tons 593.88 Tons 4,071.36 Tons
WHEAT CHAFF 12,600 Tons 4,200 Tons 2,940 Tons 20,160 Tons
BARLEY GRAIN 2,966.487 Tons 988.829 Tons 692.18 Tons 4,746.37 Tons
BARLEY CHAFF 14,004.6 Tons 4,668.2 Tons 3,267.74 Tons 22,407.36 Tons
PEAT MOSS 864,000 Tons 288,000 Ton 201,600 Ton 1,382,400 TonFUEL REQUIREMENT: PEATMOSS (28,500LB) =FIREWOOD (10,000LB)
PEATMOSS-FUEL (2,625,536 Tons)
The Black Eagle Barony
The Barony is almost everything they say of it. The Barony is ruthlessly oppressed. As a consequence there is little in the way of opportunity for private enterprise as every sack of grain and every cord of wood is rationed and controlled. Sickness comes from a combination of firewood shortages and Ergot exposure during the Rye Harvest. Most of the local food is uncooked due to fuel rationing– people making due with spice preserved vegetables and salted fish, with only a small ration of black bread.
Geographical Area: square miles
Population (as of AC1000): 13,440
Fort Doom: 10,000Fort Doom, a town surrounded by Gardens
2,000 acres are available surrounding Fort Doom to provide each family with their own 1 acre vegetable.
2,000 acres x 25 ton x 0.63
= 70,560,000lb of vegetables each year.Fields of Rye & Ergot
As part of his Agricultural reforms, the Baron has some 17, 920 acres of Marsh farmed as rye crop.
The Rye is yielding 12 bushels of rye grain per acre.
12 x 17,920 = 215,040 bushels =
10,752,000lb grain
45,803,520lb Rye Thatch
This is tended by workers from Fort Doom. Under these marsh conditions the rye is supplying the Baron with 1/10 lb/acre of ergot.
The Baron makes good use of this ergot in various schemes to contaminate crops, grain shipments, and poison wells.
17,920 x 0.1lb = 1,792lb Ergot
He certainly has no problem feeding the tainted rye to his serfs after they have picked out the ergot by hand.The Baron's Boars
The woods are off limits to peasants looking for fire wood. Timber felling here is very much illegal. It is here that eight families are employed to hunt boar for the Baron (and work as warden of the woods) when he is not doing so himself (although boar is not the only thing hunted here).
These woods yield 1 boar/ square mile per year.
4 x 56 square miles =224 boars per yearThe Timber Plantations
Because of the Baron's management, the peasants of the Black Eagle Barony have a regular Ration of fire wood.
112 square miles of farmland are used to produce the firewood fuel needs of the Barony. These Woodlots occupy the hill country in the north of the Barony.
112 x 640 x 20,000lb x0.63 = 903,168,000lb
903, 168,000lb/8,000lb = 112,896 cord
112,896/5 year re-growth = 2,579.6 cord
Four hundred families work these timber plantations year round. As a consequence each family of the Barony gets a ration of firewood. Although this is only 1/5th of the firewood needs of a family, they must make due with their ration.Fishing the Halag
Eighty Families fish the Gulf of Halag each producing one Cran of preserved fish per month.
80 families x 8 months x 4 firkin = 2,560 firkin of salted fish.
(16lb x 80 x 8 ) /200lb = 51 firkin of Surplus SaltFields of Barley & Hay
112 square miles of prime agricultural land is farmed for Barley and Hay. Unfortunately none of it goes to the peasant farmers. Considering the Serfs get a ration of untaxed Rye, a share of salted fish, and firewood ration as well as the produce of their market gardens, the Baron looks on this as the Tax they didn't pay.
112 x 640 acres = 71, 680 acres
71,680/3 = 23,893 acres
Barley: 23,893 acres x 57 bushel x 0.63 = 857,997 bushels
857,997 x 50lb = 42,899,850lb grain
857,997 x 213lb chaff = 182,753,361lb barley chaff
Hay: 23,893 acres x 5 ton/ acre = 119,465 ton of HayTotal Annual Production Yields
Produce, Baron (30%), Salt Tax (10%), Church Tithe (7%), Farmers (48%)
Barley Grain, 12869955 lb, 4289985 lb, 3002989.5 lb, 20591928 lb
Barley Chaff, 54826008.3 lb, 18275336.1 lb, 12792735.27 lb, 87721613.28 lb
Hay, 35839.5 ton, 11946.5 ton, 8362.55 ton, 57343.2 ton
Ergot, 1,792lb
Boars, 224
Salted Fish, 768 firkin, 256 firkin, 179.2 firkin, 1228.8 firkin
Salt, 15.3 firkin, 5.1 firkin, 3.57 firkin, 24.48 firkin
Wood (cord), 773.88 cord, 257.96 cord, 180.57 cord, 1238.21 cord
Rye grain 3225600 lb, 1075200 lb, 752640 lb, 5160960 lb
Rye Thatch, 13741056 lb, 4580352 lb, 3206246.4 lb, 21985689.6 lb
Vegetables, 21168000 lb, 7056000 lb, 4939200 lb, 33868800 lbEXPORT
Barony of Vorloi
POPULATION (AS OF AC1000): 9,200
TOWN OF VORLOI: 7,500Vorloi
Though the estate is worked by almost 6500 people 340 families reside outside the Town of Vorloi in Logging Camps, Tending cattle herds, and fishing the coast of the Barony from assorted fishing camps. Over seventeen hundred families work family owned market farms adjacent to the town of Vorloi. Those who do live and work in the Town are employed in shipbuilding, or the Logistics of movement and storage of the Barony’s produce. As a consequence the Vorloi Ship Yards turn out a hundred small Sailing ships a year and maintain the Baron’s existing fleet.Timber for the Shipyards at Vorloi
With 394,240 acres of light forest, there is a managed harvest plan to ensure a permanent supply of timber for the shipyards in Vorloi.
There are 220 families employed across this region harvesting three thousand seven hundred and forty acres a year. This generates 74,800,000lb Timber for Ship Building and Export each year.Oxen Herds
Sixty families run oxen herds on 200 Square Miles of Grazing land for the required livestock to haul the Timber and other farm produce to the Port of Vorloi.
200 square miles x 32 oxen per square mile = 6,400 oxen
1,729 Oxen are sent to the cattle yards each year.Fishing on the Coast
60 families fish the Coastal regions producing:
12 Cran x 4 Firkin x 60 families = 2,880 Firkin of Salted Fish
This requires a minimum of 720 Firkin of Salt which is used in the Salting of the Fish.The Market Farms
Adjacent to the community of Vorloi are 112 Square miles divided into 40 acre holdings to provide farm incomes for 1,792 families.
Barley: 6&1/2 Acres @ 63% x 23 Bushels = 2,166 Bushels of Grain (48.34 Tons of Grain) & 213lb x 2166 bushels of chaff = 205.96 Tons of Chaff
– 350 lb Seed grain = 107,950lb Grain (48.19 Tons Grain).
Hay: 6&1/2 Acres @ 63% x 5 tons per acre = 20.375 tons
Firewood: Because the Timber Plantations are exclusively used in timber for shipbuilding and export, there is little in the way of firewood for the near twenty thousand people living in the estate. Each Market Farmer grows 13 acres @ 63% x 20,000lb of yearly harvested Firewood producing 73.125 tons of firewood. This covers the needs of the Barony.
The remaining 13 acres sits fallow to ensure the farms get good sustainable growth.Total Annual Production Yield
PRODUCE, Baron (30%), Salt Tax (10%), Church Tithe (7%), Farmers (48%)
SALTED FISH, 864 Firkin, 288 Firkin, 201.6 Firkin, 1,382.4 Firkin
FIREWOOD, 39,312 Tons, 13,104 Tons, 9,172.8 Tons, 62,899.2 Tons
BARLEY GRAIN, 13,906.94 Tons, 4,635.65 Tons, 3,244.95 Tons, 22,251.11 Tons
BARLEY CHAFF, 110,724.1 Tons, 36,908.03 Tons, 25,835.62 Tons, 177,158.55 Tons
HAY, 10,953.6 Tons, 3,651.2 Tons, 2,555.84 Tons, 17,525.76 Tons
TIMBER, 10,017.86 Tons, 3,339.29 Tons, 2,337.5 Tons, 16,028.57 Tons
OXEN, 518.7 Head, 172.9 Head, 121.03 Head, 829.92 HeadEXPORT
10,000 Tons of Timber
10,000 Tons of Hay
100,000 Tons of Barley ChaffThe Estate of Dmitrov
DESCRIPTION: Primarily a Fishing Community producing only ten percent of its sustainable firewood needs for its population with a surplus of fifteen hundred unemployed persons suggesting overly large families in the existing employment opportunities available to the local population.POPULATION: DMITROV (6500 people)
200 families fishing the coastal areas (each producing a cran of salted fish per month=4 firkin)
200 Cran x 12 months = 2400 Cran
9600 Firkin/Preserved Fish
200 x 12 = 2400 Firkin of SaltFARMING
600 families farming 102,400 acres in rotation
34,133 acres x 60 bushels x 0.63
= 1,290,277 bushels
=64, 511,370 LB OATS
- 1,706,675 LB seed grain
=62, 804, 695 LB (28037 tons)HAY:
34, 133 acres x 5 tons x0.63
200 families x 17 acres = 3400 acres/year
3400 x 20,000LB = 68,000,000 LB
PRODUCE, Baron (30%), Salt Tax (10%), Church Tithe (7%), Farmers (48%)
Timber, 20400000lb, 6800000lb, 1428000lb, 32640000lb
Hay, 32225 tons, 10751.8 tons, 7526 tons, 51608.6 tons
Oats Grain, 8411 tons, 2803.7 tons, 1962.59 tons, 13457.76 tons
Fish, 720 firkins, 240 firkins, 168 firkins, 1152 firkinsEXPORT
32,000 Tons of Hay
8000 tons of Oat Grain