Order of Precedence
by Giampaolo AgostaThe Thyatian Emperor
The Duke and Duchess
Any other Head of State, in order of accession
Baron, in his fief
Head of Churchs, in order of accession
Any foreign noble of rank Viscount or more, in order of rank and accession
The Duke's children, in order of birth (until the heir is determined)
Barons/Baronesses (local and foreign, same for all lesser rank), in order of accession
The Minister of State
The Duke's Seneschal
Landed Knight or Lord, in his fief (or Captains in their fort)
Patriarchs of the Church of Karameikos and Traladara, in their see, in order of accession
The Ambassadors to Karameikos, in order of establishment of relations with the foreign country (Thyatis, Darokin, down to Glantri, most likely)
The Ministers, in order of seniority
Landed Knights/Dames, in order of accession
Knights/Dames, Generals and Admirals, Patriarchs, in order of accession
Landed Lords/Ladies, in order of accession
The Townmaster of Specularum
Captains in order of seniority and Bishops in order of accession
The Guildmasters of the Major Guilds, in order of Guild chartering (Merchants to Magicians)
Court Lord/Ladies, Lieutenants in order of seniority
The Guildmasters of the Minor Guilds, in order of Guild chartering (Leathersellers to Hunters)
The Karameikan Ambassadors to foreign nations, in order of establishment of relations with the foreign country
Consuls/Masters of the Major Guilds, in order of Guild chartering (Merchants to Magicians)
Priests, in order of seniority
Consuls/Masters of the Minor Guilds, in order of Guild chartering (Leathersellers to Hunters)
Sergeants in order of seniority