I'm going back and looking at some of my previous writings, as well as what is in this thread and various timelines I have strewn about, and I thought I would start to put together some of my thoughts on the area circa BC 1000:
Known World Area circa BC 1000
by John CalvinMajor Powers
It seems clear that there are at least two great powers in the area at this time, and possibly a third. Nithia and Oenkmar have pretty much divided the known world between themselves, either controlling territory directly or through one of their vassal states. Rockhome is also able to hold it’s own, defending against humanoid attacks (presumably orchestrated by Oenkmar), and supporting at least one major colonization attempt (the Glittering Lands/Shires are conquered in BC 929).
Nithia was founded a thousand years ago in BC 2000, and soon thereafter entered into a golden age of growth and expansion (from BC 1700 to BC 700). They are nearing the end of that age now, as more entropic forces begin to take hold.
The Empire of Nithia covers much of eastern Brun, from the Northern Reaches to Thyatis and the Island chains of Minrothad and Ierendi. Their influence also stretches to the far West (Savage Coast) as well as to the far East (Isle of Dawn and Thothia). They probably have minimal influence in Darokin (which would be considered borderlands between Nithia and Oenkmar). Nithia establishes some contact with the priests of Oenkmar in BC 1050, and this may be the origin of Entropic influence.
Nitihan Vassal States
Minrothad is established in BC 1100 by the Nithian hero Minroth and his followers. At this point it is still probably a fledgling colony. Much like Thothia to the east, Minrothad is able to resist the worst elements of the Nithian corruption once it begins in earnest in BC 700. When the rest of Nithia is removed from the surface, Minrothad remains.Thothia
Thothia may exist in this time, probably established as a kingdom to maintain control over territories acquired on the Isle of Dawn. While semi-autonomous, Thothia would still fall within the purview of the Nithian Empire.Nithian Territories
The Nithians have explored much of the Known World, and beyond, and have established several bases on multiple continents (Brun, Davania, The Isle of Dawn, and perhaps more). Most notably they have nominal control over what will one day be the Northern Reaches, the Savage Coast, and the Davanian Hinterlands.Nithian Allies
Elves from the Sylvan Realm respond to cries of help from the Gentle Folk living in what are now the modern day Shires. Although the Sylvan Elves are not in time to stop Othrong from conquering the Gentle Folk and their hin allies, they do intend to punish the humanoids for their transgressions, and so begin looking for a long term base of operations.Nithians, who are more than eager to create a buffer state between themselves and Oenkmar, invite the elves to colonize Darokin/Alfheim. The elves won’t undertake a full colonization attempt until BC 800, and their Home Trees won’t start growing until BC 700. It is possible that the elves initiate a magical attack on Nithia after that nation falls to Entropy, which drains water from the east and eventually creates the forests of Alfheim.
Little is known of the Alphatians in the Known World. They are a magical race of humans who have begun to colonize the large landmass east of the Isle of Dawn. The Nithians see them as allies, or at worst as pawns. Perhaps they invite the Alphatians to colonize modern day Alphatia to serve as a buffer state against the numerous dragons in that area. With the Alphatians keeping the dragons (and other indigenous peoples occupied), Nithia is free to colonize the Isle of Dawn without any opposition.Hutaaka
Once servants of the Nithians, the Hutaaka have been able to carve out a kingdom in the south for themselves, ruling over what was once a portion of ancient Taymora. The Traldar, also former Nithian slaves, have fallen into their Dark Ages, and are easily ruled over by the Hutaakans. The oncoming gnollish onslaught will soon be too much for either of these peoples to weather, and the Hutaakans will sink into obscurity in the Hidden Valley, while many Traldar follow king Milen to new territories across the sea.Oenkmar
Atzanteotl purges Aengmor of elves in BC 1290, making it ready for the humanoids on a Quest for a Blue Knife (descendents of Loark’s Great Horde) to find it in BC 1190 (when Oenkmar is founded). Oenkmarian humanoids quickly organize into a militant state, and begin subjugating other minor humanoid tribes and hordes in the area. [As a side note it might be very cool to play through a humanoid campaign of this time, as they struggle with severing the ties to their old hordes in order to create a powerful and unified state.] Oenkmar will remain a power in the area until it sinks back into the earth in BC 500 (at the same time that Nithia is wiped from the surface of Mystara).
The city of Oenkmar is located in the center of the newly formed Broken Lands, but the humanoid’s influence probably extends far north into Glantri and Ethengar, and south into portions of Darokin, Atraughin, the Shires, and Karameikos. They establish formal contact with the Nithians in BC 1050, but have probably engaged in raids, skirmishes, and trade (whichever is most opportune at the time) with their neighbors since the state was created.
Oenkmar Vassal States
Realm of Othrong
Othrong is just beginning to build his realm by enslaving the halflings of Faerdinel. He probably has the backing and support of the Oenkmarians (who may be helping him by supplementing his troops with their own).Oenkmar Allies
Kingdom of Wogar
The Kingdom of Wogar (red orcs) has firmly been in control of Atraughin since BC 1257. They will not be overthrown until Atraughin returns in BC 800. It is possible that Oenkmar has influence here as well, though he orcs of Wogar have been established in the area for far longer than the Oenkmarians. Some may bristle at the implied superiority of their northern cousins, and tensions between the two kingdoms run high.Gnolls
Recently escaped for their Nithian masters, the gnolls of this time are little more than a ravening horde. Oenkmarians shamans may nonetheless be whispering dark secrets into their ears, and directing them to attack some of the weaker human nations as a means of destabilizing the area.Rockhome
Though not an imperial power on the level of Nithia, Rockhome in its current state has existed since BC 1800 when Kagyar remakes the ancestral dwarves into their modern form. Their hero king Denwarf, disappeared into the depths of the earth in BC 1400, leaving the dwarven nation in the hands of King Everast I and his line. The current ruler of Rockhome, Blystar II has been battling humanoid invasions for decades, recently repelling a concerted attack by multiple hordes in BC 1000.
It is probable that the dwarves of this time find the humanoid occupation of surrounding territories intolerable. In order to alleviate the pressure of continued humanoid attacks, the dwarven king has instituted a policy of providing dwarven support to humanoid occupied populations. He sends Loktal Ironshield to former Faerdinel, to help the hin overthrow Othrong and his orcs. Unfortunately for the hin, Loktal will begin to covet their lands for himself, and once the orcs are removed he will conquer the hin in BC 929.
There are of course several Minor Powers as well. I may try to gather my thoughts on those shortly.