Unusual Weapons, Armor and Equipment of the Known World
by HåvardUnusual Equipment of the Known World, Plants of Mystara, Metals and Minerals of Mystara, BECMI Armor from different materials, Unusual Weapons and Armor of the Hollow World, Unusual Equipment of the Savage Coast
In a discussion about converting 5E to Mystara, I made a list of unusual equipment from the BECMI sets, Gazetteers etc:
- Wolfsbane
- Honey, Giant Bee: 2 pints of this honey restores 1d4 points of damage (RC p 160)
- Fire beetle Glands: Gives off 10' radius light. Lasts 1d6 days (RC p 160)
- Tusk, Elephant: Worth 100-600 GP per tusk (RC p 176)
- Tusk, Mastodon: Worth 200-800 GP per tusk (RC p 176)
- Horn, Narval: Worth 1000-6.000 GP (RC p 212)
- Fire Crystal, Ierendi: 200-500 GP, can produce a small flame if held up to the sun (Gaz 4)
- Armor, Lamellar , Ethengar (Gaz12) - Treat as Scale Mail?
- Armor, Suit
- Armor, Thyatian Banded Mail (DotE) - Treat as Scale Mail?
- Armor, Undersea Shell-Piece Armor AC3 (PC3)
- Armor, Undersea Layered Shell Armor AC5 (PC3)
- Shield, Target/Buckler
- Shield, Wall/Tower
- Shield, Giant Snail: These Shields constructed from the Shells of Giant Snails bestow a +4 bonus to Saving Throws against acid attacks, including that of Black Dragon Breath. Otherwise functions as normal shield. (RC p 204)
- Billy Club (Glantri) - Weapon Mastery
- Polearm, Voulge
- Polearm, Bardiche
- Polearm, Gisarme
- Polearm, Glaive
- Polearm, Spetum
- Polearm, Lochaber Axe
- Polearm, Partisan
- Polearm, Ranseur
- Polearm, Pike
- Polearm, Poleaxe
- Shield, Horned
- Shield, knife
- Shield, tusked
- Cestus (DotE)
- Lance, Ethengar (Gaz12)
- Dagger, Kouglar - Treat as Dagger (Gaz2)
- Sword, Bastard - Like sword, but heavy?)
- Sword, Yataghan - Treat as short sword (Gaz2)
- Sword, Claymore (Gaz3)
- Sword, Katar (Gaz12) - Treat as short sword
- Sword, Cutlass (Gaz 9) - Treat as scimitar
- Sword, Khopesh (HWR3) - Treat as scimitar
- Sword, Gladius (DotE?) - Treat as short sword
- Sword, Elven Longsword (Gaz5)
- Sword, Elven Shortsword (Gaz5)
- Sword, Scallop-bladed Short Sword (Gaz14)
- Chakram (Dragom #197) - disc used by Hulean and other Clerics
- Bullroarer Knife (Dragon #197) - Knife in a chain used by Fighters and Mystics
- Trident
- Rapier
- Eagle Lance (Gaz14)
- Turtle Clan Harpoon (Gaz14)
- Whale Tooth Knife (Gaz14)
- Axe, Tomahawk (Gaz14)
- Dagger, Bone/Stone (Gaz14)
- Axe, Bone/Stone Hand Axe (Gaz14)
- Spear, Buffalo (Gaz14)
- Bow, Composite (Gaz12)
- Bow, Elven Longbow (Gaz5)
- Crossbow, Light
- Hammer, Throwing
- Net
- Bolas
- Blowgun, up to 2'
- Blowgun 2'+
- Lasso, Ethengar (Gaz12)
- Culverin-a-main /hand gun (Dragon #199)
- Spear Thrower / azraxxi (Gaz14)
- Tiger Javelin (Gaz14)
- Bolas, Tiger War / Xitchi (Gaz14)
- Blow Gun, Xitchen (Gaz14)
- Arrow, Flame (Gaz12)
- Arrow, Heavy (Gaz12)
- Arrow, Heavy/Takadi (Gaz12)
- Arrow, Light (Gaz12)
- Arrow, Shark Tooth (Gaz14)
- Arrow, Light/Moraki (Gaz12)
- Arrow, Silver (RC)
- Arrow, Whistle (Gaz12)
- Ballista
- Ballista, Heavy (Gaz10)
- Balilsta, Giant (Gaz10)
- Catapult, Heavy
- Catapult, Giant (Gaz10)
- Catapult, Rockhome Mechanical (Gaz10)
- Springal (Heavy Balista)
- Onangers (Light Catapult) (Dragon #199)
- Trebuchet
- Iron Pot (Dragon #199)
- Serpentine (Dragon #199)
- Bombard (Dragon #199)
- Bombard, Great (Dragon #199)
- Ammunition, Flail (Gaz11, map) - for use with heavy catapult only
- Drop, Rock (Gaz9)
- Drop, Ball (Gaz9)
- Slide, Log (Gaz9)
- Ram, light (Gaz10)
- Ram, heavy (Gaz10)
- Ram, Giant (Gaz10)
- War Machine of Thar, Good (Gaz10)
- War Machine of Thar, Excellent (Gaz10)
- Wreacking Ball (Gaz10, map)
In this thread, I am not so interested in rules conversion, but rather what kind of characters, races and cultures might be seen using these items? Lets focus on The Known World region as the Savage Coast and Hollow World already have their share of unique weapons and armor discussed for specific cultures
Lets start with Bolas. I was just rewatching the Walt Disney version of the Three Musketeers (1993), when I noticed that Athos uses bolas in one scene. According to Wikipedia, Bolas were mostly used by Gauchos of South America. Various Pre-Columbian cultures in that region would also have used them. Unuits would also use them for hunting.Who would use this weapon in the Known World?