Hexographer2/Worldographer map of the Known World
by Darren MoffettI have Created a Hexographer2/Worldographer map of the Mystara Known World. I used Trail Map 1 and 2 for the base and added Countries as needed until I had completed on the North South Axis: Glantri and Ethengar down to Ierendi and Minrothad. On the east to West I have Atruaghin to The Empire of Thyatis. I used Thorfinn Tait as inspiration for this Project and tried to make my map look as close as possible to his, as much as Worldographer allows. It's not perfect, especially the coast lines but they are very close. Where there was a conflict between the trail map and any other map I gave the trail map precedence. Except in Karameikos, where I used a forested version also by Thorf. Another Exception is the Adri Varma Plateau. Where I used the cliffs outline from Thibault but I simply filled in badlands. This is because the map symbol of American Desert Cacti does not look right to me so I left it all as Badlands. It is in Worldographer .wxx format 4.75 MB. A jpg is 41.2MB or png is 33.8MB. The picture file is too large for Yahoo mail's 25MB limit. Worldographer is free to download and use, anyone can export it as a .png if they want or simply display it in Worldographer, I am sending you a copy of the File so others can use it in their D&D Campaigns if they have Worldographer. They will be able to add their own things to that map as they see fit within their own campaigns.It is totally changeable and update-able if you know how to use Worldographer. Add your PCs Strongholds to the map if you like. Locate Dungeons where you like and so on. Its already made for you. If you need Worldographer; you can Google search for Inkwell Ideas Worldographer. But here is the web address: https://worldographer.com/download/.