Karameikos Wandering Monster Tables
by Giampaolo AgostaI've started designing random monster tables for my Karameikos campaign based on the excellent Mystara Monstrous Atlas work from the VoP.
I've decided to divide Karameikos in several areas (in italic those already covered in the file linked above):
- Eastern Dymrak (starting from the forested hills and east to and beyond the Rugalov river)
- Western Dymrak (west of Segenyev)
- Altan Tepes (Haven should have its separate table)
- Wufwolde Hills (including also the area of the Shutturga and Castellan rivers -- does this area have a proper name?)
- The Nameless Moor
- Black Peaks
- Western Coastlands (Svoga to Sulescu)
- Eastern Coastlands (Eastron Road/Traldar Bay)
- Central Coast (Gulf of Marilenev/Vorloi/Dmitrov)
- Black Eagle Barony
- Blight Swamp
- Riverfork
- Northern Radlebb Woods (north of the Westron Road)
- Southern Radlebb Woods (south of the Westron Road)
- Eastern Cruth Lowlands (east of the Gustos river)
- Western Cruth Lowands (west of the Gustos river)
- Cruth Mountains
For each area, I'd like to have day and night tables.I'd be glad for any comment (missing monsters, errors, monsters that should not be in the area, etc.).
As a general rule, monsters in the range 1-10 are rare, 11-40 are uncommon and 41-100 are common.