Yes, this one is VERY MUCH based on my own version of the mystic character class, which you can find here
The logical conclusion to mystic powers being based on spheres of power is that the positive spheres will have a different end game in mind to Entropy. And the end point of a Master of Entropy might be very, very dark indeed. At least for his enemies they might.
Lich, Mystic
by Cab Davidson
Stat Lich, Mystic* AC: 0 (or by class) HD: 9d8 + 2hp per level thereafter*** Movement: 120' (40’) Attacks: Unarmed Mastery Damage: Unarmed Mastery No. Appearing: 1 (1) Save As: F36 Morale: 11 Treasure Type: Special Intelligence: 15+ Alignment: Chaotic XP Value: Special The process by which Masters of Entropy (high level entropic mystics) become Mysctic Lichs is unknown except to themselves and to certain of the entropic immortals, and whether it is punishment or reward (if such are even different things to such creatures) is hard to ascertain. Indeed, layering the desires of a lich with the concepts inherent to the entropic mystic orders is so alien to most other intelligent creatures as to be entirely impossible to grasp.
The mystic lich appears like any other lich, an emaciated, dead human or demi-human with thin stretched, papery skin. They rarely carry weapons, relying on unarmed weapon mastery and their deadly combat damage bonus and multiple attacks, both of which they retain from life. The process of becoming a mystic lich bonds them in servitude to entropic goals, and they are more dangerous as a result. Every blow from a warrior lich inflicts paralysis for 1d100 days if the target fails to make a saving throw vs. paralysis. They retain all of the abilities they possessed in life, including the extra damage inflicted in combat, weapon mastery, and all Mystic special abilities.
Mystic lichs cannot be destroyed by turning, but can be turned. They are immune to sleep, charm and hold spells, all mind affecting magic, polymorph, cold, lightning, death, stun and poison effects. They can only be struck by weapons of +3 or greater enchantment and spells below fourth level have no effect on them. They invariably possess a number of powerful magical items, favouring those that give them even greater mobility and speed and those that allow escape.
Mystic lichs may serve as masters of entropic monasteries, continuing their teaching, and raising armies of undead followers in addition to their trainee mystics. Entropic mystics are not tolerated in civilised lands, mystic lichs are even more reviled. While they are essentially puppetmasters, controlling legions of evil mystics and undead, they rarely shy away from combat themselves if they can first ensure an escape route.