PHB3, Hybrid Rules, and Mystaran Elves
by John Walter BilesThe Hybrid rules make it fairly easy to build something close to the Elf character class of Classic D&D.
If you Hybridize Fighter and Wizard, and use your starting feat for Hybrid Talent: Fighter Armor Proficiency, you end up with someone who is like this:
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, Leather Armor, Hide Armor, Chainmail, Scale Armor, Light and Heavy Shields
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple and Military Melee and Ranged
Implements: Orbs, Staffs, Wands
Bonuses to Defense: +1 Fortitude, +1 WillHit Points at First Level: 12 + Constitution
Hit Points Per Level: 5
Healing Surges Per Day: 7Class Skills (Choose 3 for Training): Arcana, Athletics, Diplomacy, Dungeoneering, Endurance, Heal, History, Insight, Intimidate, Nature, Religion, Streetwise
Class Feature: Cantrips (as Wizard), Combat Challenge (as fighter but you only mark when using Fighter powers)
At-Wills: 1 from Fighter, one from Wizard
Encounters, Utilities, and Dailies can be taken from either class, but you have to keep them in rough balance once you have 2 or more of each category.Here's an example character built with a 16/16/12/11/10/8 array
Aradil Arathos
Eladrin Hybrid Fighter/Wizard 1
S: 16
I: 18
W: 10
D: 13
C: 12
Ch: 8AC: 19
Fortitude: 14
Reflex: 14
Will: 13HP: 24
Healing Surge Value: 6
Healing Surges: 7
Speed: 5 (Armor)Feat: Hybrid Talent (Fighter Weapon Proficiencies)
Trained Skills: Arcana +11, Athletics +8, History +11,At-Wills: Reaping Strike, Scorching Burst
Encounters: Fey Step (Racial), Force Orb
Daily: Villain's MenaceGear: Scalemail, Longsword, Heavy Shield, Wand, Adventurer's Kit, 8 GP.