Immortal Equivalents of 4E deities, by nation
by Giampaolo AgostaIf the purpose is mostly to handle on the fly conversions for adventures, then the list should be region-sensitive.
E.g., Vanya may replace Bane in some regions, but other Immortals may be more useful elsewhere -- e.g., Brissard in Alphatia, and, as already pointed out, Kaarash in the Broken Lands.
While Havard clearly focuses on the KW, even there there are some cases where things are clearly nation dependent on a smaller scale: e.g., Erathis might replaced by be Khoronus or Petra, in some regions, but in Karameikos, the Church of Karameikos (Vanya, if you want an Immortal) fits better. Same in Thyatis, where Vanya should take both Erathis' (Church of Thyatis) and Bane's (Hattian branch) role.
On the same line, Masauwu fits Asmodeus well, but Loki would be a more suitable replacement in the Northern Reaches.
Thyatis Northern Reaches Darokin Karameikos Avandra Asterius/Tyche Loki Asterius/Nob Nar Asterius/Nob Nar Bahamut Tarastia/Vanya Forsetta/Thor Al Kalim Halav/Tarastia Corellon Ixion Odin Ilsundal Ilsundal/Zirchev Erathis Tarastia/Vanya Forsetta Khoronus Petra/Tarastia Ioun Odin/Tiresias Odin/The Norns Twelve Watchers Zirchev/Ilsundal Kord Thor Thor Thor Halav/Vanya Melora Protius/Terra Freyja Zirchev Zirchev/Ilsundal Moradin Kagyar Kagyar Kagyar Kagyar Pelor Ixion Frey Ixion Petra/Asterius The Raven Queen Nyx Hel Nyx Nyx Sehanine Valerias Freyja/Loki Valerias/Asterius Asterius Io Great One Great One Great One Great One Llolth Thanatos Thanatos Thanatos Thanatos Tharizdun Thanatos Thanatos Thanatos Thanatos Asmodeus Masauwu Loki Masauwu Masauwu Bane Vanya Gylgarid Karaash Vanya/Karaash Gruumsh Alphaks Leptar Leptar Leptar Torog Nyx Leptar Jammudaru Jammudaru Vecna Thanatos Loki Thanatos Thanatos Zehir Talitha Hel Atzanteotl Hel Orcus Orcus Orcus Orcus Orcus Demogorgon Demogorgon Demogorgon Demogorgon Demogorgon Tiamat Alphaks Kurtulmak Jammudaru Jammudaru Yeenoghu Ranivorus Ranivorus Ranivorus Ranivorus