Regional Benefits
by argentmantleI got to reading through the new Forgotten Realms Player’s Guide and another method of dealing with the conversion of 4E, one that I have not gotten around to completely exploring. It is quite simply to not redesign the 4E races, but to simply add Regional Benefit to add to characters coming from a particular region. One of my players suggested adding in a host of feats, similar to what I am doing for the Hollow World to really help add flavour to it.
The Grand Duchy of Karameikos Regional Benefit
You gain +2 bonus to saving throws against charm and fear effects.The Emirates of Ylaruam Regional Benefit
You gain resist 4 fire and a +5 bonus to Endurance checks made due to thirst.
At 11th level, your resistance improves to 7. At 21st level, it improves to 10.The Principalities of Glantri Regional Benefit
You can reroll any Arcana check, but you must keep the second result, even if it is worse.Alfheim Regional Benefit
You add Nature and Arcana to your class skill list, and you gain a +1 bonus to Nature checks and Arcana checks.Rockhome Regional Benefit
You can reroll any Dungeoneering check, but you must keep the second result, even if it is worse.Soderfjord, Vestland, and Ostland Regional Benefit
You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against fear effects. You gain a +1 Initiative.The Five Shires Regional Benefit
When you use your halfling second chance ability, the attacker takes a –1 penalty to the new attack roll. At 11th level this penalty increases to -2. At 21st level this penalty increases -3.Thyatis Regional Benefit
When you spend an action point to take an extra action, you gain a +1 bonus to all rolls made during the extra action granted.Alphatia Regional Benefit
Add the higher of your Intelligence score or your Constitution score to your starting hit points (instead of automatically adding your Constitution score). Your number of healing surges is still based on your Constitution score.Atruaghin Clans Regional Benefit
You add Athletics and Nature to your class skill list, and you gain a +1 bonus to Athletics checks and Nature checks.The Broken Lands Regional Benefit
You add Endurance to your class skill list, and you gain a +2 bonus to Endurance checks.Caverns of the Shadow Elves Regional Benefit
You add Perception and Dungeoneering to your class skill list, and you gain a +1 bonus to Perception and Dungeoneering checks.The Ethengar Khanates Regional Benefit
You add Athletics and Endurance to your class skill list, and you gain a +1 bonus to Athletics and Endurance checks.Heldann Freeholds Regional Benefit
You add Religion and Bluff to your class skill list, and you gain a +1 bonus to Religion and Bluff checks.Kingdom of Ierendi Regional Benefit
You add Streetwise and Insight to your class skill list, and you gain a +1 bonus to Streetwise checks and Insight checks.Minrothad Guilds Regional Benefit
You can reroll any Insight check, but you must keep the second result, even if it is worse.
You also gain one additional language of your choice.Norwold Regional Benefit
You can reroll any Nature check, but you must keep the second result, even if it is worse.
You also gain a +1 bonus on initiative checksRepublic of Darokin Regional Benefit
You add Nature and Streetwise to your class skill list, and gain a +1 bonus to Nature and Streetwise checks.Thanegioth Archipelago Regional Benefit
You can reroll any Nature check, but you must keep the second result, even if it is worse.
You also gain a +1 bonus on initiative checks.SavageCoast Regional Benefit
You add Insight and Bluff to your class skill list, and gain a +1 bonus to Insight and Bluff checks.
You gain a +1 bonus to initiative checks.Sindhi Regional Benefit
You add Insight and Diplomacy to your class skill list, and gain a +1 bonus to Insight and Diplomacy checks.Graakhalia Regional Benefit
You gain resist 2 acid, resist 2 fire, and resist 2 poison (or your existing resistance to these damage
types increases by 2).
At 11th level, these values improve to resist 3 (or increase by 3), and at 21st level, they improve to resist 5 (or increase by 5).Divinarchy of Yavdlom Regional Benefit
You add Insight and Religion to your class skill list, and gain a +1 bonus to Insight and Religion checks.Hule Regional Benefits
You may reroll any Bluff check, but you must keep the second result, even if it is worse.
You also gain one additional language of your choice.Slagovich
You may reroll any Insight check, but you must keep the second result, even if it is worse.
You also gain one additional language of your choice.