Divine Power Domains
by John Walter BilesThis is a listing of the domains for the Immortals I most commonly use, using the Divine Power domain rules.
The Immortals
Immortals of Air (Thought) :
- Asterius : Civilization, Skill, Trickery
- Cretia: Change, Luck, Trickery
- Diulanna: Freedom, Hope, Strength
- Halav: Civilization, Justice, War
- Kaarash: Civilization, Strength, War
- Koritiku: Change, Freedom, Trickery
- Koryis: Civilization, Hope, Justice
- Odin: Knowledge, Storm, War
- Sinbad: Knowledge, Luck, Sea
Immortals of Earth (Matter) :
- Atruaghin: Justice, Skill, Wilderness
- Djaea : Life, Storm, Wilderness
- Ka the Preserver : Life, Protection, Wilderness
- Kagyar : Creation, Earth, Protection
- Terra : Knowledge, Life, Skill
- Valerias : Hope, Love, War
- Wogar the Wolf Lord: Strength, War, Wilderness
Immortals of Entropy (Void) :
- Alphaks : Arcana, Destruction, Vengeance
- Arik : Destruction, Trickery, Torment
- Atzanteotl : Civilization, Trickery, Tyranny
- Hel : Darkness, Fate, Undeath
- Jammudaru : Destruction, Strength, Strife
- Loki : Torment, Trickery, Vengeance
- Masauwu : Change, Skill, Trickery
- Nyx : Darkness, Knowledge, Undeath
- Orcus : Destruction, Strife, Undeath
- Ranivorus : Madness, Strife, War
- Talitha: Luck, Strife, Torment
- Thanatos: Destruction, Fate, Torment
- Yagrai : Poison, Tyranny, War
Immortals of Fire (Energy) :
- Alphatia : Arcana, Civilization, Creation
- Benekander : Change, Creation, Skill
- Eiryndul : Change, Freedom, Trickery
- Ilsundal : Arcana, Hope, Life
- Ixion : Civilization, Justice, Sun
- Mealiden Starwatcher : Arcana, Protection, War
- Rad : Arcana, Freedom, Knowledge
- Rafiel : Arcana, Civilization, Knowledge
- Rathanos : Change, Knowledge, Sun
- Razud: Arcana, Freedom, Skill
- Tarastia : Justice, Vengeance, War
- Thor : Strength, Storm, War
- Zirchev : Arcana, Protection, Wilderness
Immortals of Water (Time) :
- Al-Kalim : Civilization, Hope, Justice
- Calitha Starbrow: Hope, Sea, Wilderness
- Khoronus: Civilization, Fate, Knowledge
- Ordana: Fate, Life, Wilderness
- Petra: Civilization, Justice, Skill
- Protius: Change, Destruction, Sea
- Vanya: Civilization, Strife, War
- Yav: Civilization, Fate, Justice
The Dragon Immortals
- Diamond: Hope, Justice, Protection
- The Great One: Earth, Fate, Wilderness
- Opal: Arcana, Freedom, Trickery.
- Pearl: Change, Strife, Vengeance