Karameikos, 1 mile per hex
by RobinOk. I am finally ready for the prerelease of the North Karameikos 1 mile hexmap.
After more than 2 years of work, Karameikos slowly reaches the end of my mapping workI began workin on this trilogy map of Karameikos 08 april 2019 and now 1044 days later, it seems today 15-Januari 2022 I have almost fully finished this map.
Some minor details and altitudes still have to be added, and maybe some changes/additions have to be made depending on your help/extra input.
Here the three Karameikos maps
Don't be shocked, yet these maps have an overlap, hence you'll see areas somewhat double. This map is simply too humonguos to make as one on my PC, hence it needed three maps.There is only one still formidable task to complete; Writing down all the canon and fanon descriptions I used in the Karameikos Atlas (a name I found most suitable). This will soon be presented here as a link, and I certainly need help there to make it an easy reference guide