Marilenev Rebellion
by Glim GarrickCurrently I am DMing a campaign in Karameikos AC 1013. One of my players is of direct Marilenev bloodline - grandson of Magda Marilenev. The character is sort of pirate with strong chaotic orientation due to prolonged distrust and hatred to Thyatian rule represented by king Stefan. He just joined Kingdom of Thieves to add to his highly romantic, bold but unlawful soul.
He is not fully aware of his family background and of his living relatives. One of side-stories is based upon his ambition to purify the name of Marilenev and bring back the glory of family.
I got very limited access to canon materials so probably some facts I presented are in breach with official story but who cares - it is my story.
Magda (f)
Marilenev (m)
Yuriy (m)
Irina (f)
former head of clan
died in 1st rebellion
died 980 AC
died in 1st rebellion
Ilia (m)
Alya (f)
Roxana (f)
Peter (m)
Iordan (m)
died in 2nd rebellion
lives in Darokin, married rich merchant AC 1013
local leader of cult of Dragon Claw (High priestess)
imprisoned during 2nd rebellion, supposed to be dead
spouseless, childless *
Rodin (PC) aka Dude Luke **
Irina (f)
senior of Kingdom of Thieves
* lonely wolf, his fate unknown for other members of family, lives lonely life of Druid in Dymrak Forest on the borders with Thyatis - not attentive to politics and family matters, was in close relation with his older brother Peter, after his imprisonment cut family ties.
** left with mother Karameikos in age of 4, obtained standard Darokin education, returned to Karameikos in 1008 (than 16) to pass shearing. He spent shearing years as sailor, considers himself pirate, when 20 finished shearing and upon recommendation of close family friend Sergiy (former Head of Intelligence Service of Marilenevs) joined KoT as a junior.
What Rodin knows/thinks:
- his mother and grandmother
- as all family he assumes his uncle Peter deadWhat he is not aware of:
- his uncle Peter has been imprisoned for 15 years now under the city of Kelvin, currently preparing escape and possibly revenge upon Kingdom - does not know about his wife Roxana and daughter IrinaFacts about living family:
Magda - I am stuck more or less with description in Gaz 1/K:KoAAlya is well situated member of Darokin merchant society, she fled from Karameikos with her 4 years old son about 16 years ago after dead of his husband and cousin (supposed). Is not willing to come back to Karameikos, married another rich merchant about 10 years ago.
Peter - imprisoned uncle of Rodin - potential head of clan after dead of Magda (not likely unless political situation in Karameikos changes rapidly). If escape attempt is successful he will likely try to establish well-prepared group of Traladaran followers to corrupt the state authorities and expel Stefan - very dangerous for state as he is natural charismatic leader able to attract both followers, funds and information.
Roxana - originally she was member of Cult of Halav believing Marilenev is returned king of Traladara, she left the Cult after first rebellion when some powerful but mistaken members declared Stefan as the long-awaited hero of Traladara people. After death of her husband Peter (supposed) she left Karameikos and settled in Minrothad. As potent priest with bitter past he has been contacted by dragon to head the group of followers called Cult of Dragon Claw. Currently this group controls Karameikos, Thyatis, Minrothad, Ierendi and some independent islands.
Irina - fun-loving, open-minded, extremely dexterous 23 year old bisexual girl. cousin of Rodin. currently one of original 7 members of Kingdom of Thieves - close friend of Alya from childhood, heads as senior one of important division of guild - very dangerous thief due to her quick and very rational mind and unbelievably high dexterity (22). Is supposed to fall in love with Rodin, vice versa - I wonder how this option will be exploited by my very experienced player.
Cult of Dragon Claw - long story perhaps I will explain sometime in the future - worldwide evil organisation. The ultimate purpose of leader - dragoness Valya - is to seek the power to control the dragons and all races of Mystara and achieve Immortality among dragons. Currently she controls through her network 36 regions of Mystara, all of them under leadership of lesser dragons who build up cells headed by High Priests (these and lower ranks are not fully aware of aim of Valya - truly they even do not know about Valya). The ultimate goal of these High Priest is to gather all possible information on so called Godly Pattern. The understanding of this Pattern is the key to control fully magic and nature of Mystara and is even beyond the reach of Immortals except the most powerful. It allows to create new races, use magic to its full extent, etc. There is belief that all powerful empires (Blackmoor, Thonia, Nithia, Taymor, Alphatia, etc) were superior to all others because had been able to find some piece (not in material sense) of this Godly Pattern. So followers of Cult actively seek for every piece of ancient civilisation to learn the trick and report to dragons. Valya believes that she will be finally able to assemble the puzzle and grab the power and tap the source. Btw, Valya is sister of another PC.
There is story that if dragon (in human form) seduces the human lady of opposite alignment and she delivers baby such baby can achieve Immortality. The chance of successful breeding is very small but this is potential reason why dragons hunt virgins (fairy story obviously). Dragons got ancient and much more detailed story about this.
One ancient red dragon seduced the Traladaran woman - priestess of Church of Traladara and she delivered twins - boy (PC) who is half-dragon with some limited dragon powers which will come to full blossom only when PC meets the conditions necessary (he does not even know about them) and girl (Valya) who is full red dragon. The legacy was obvious since birth - the dragon-girl (now 30) is 3 age categories higher than normal and controls all younger dragons of evil alignment. And she will continually grow in power as other dragons do. After birth the dragon killed the priestess and recognising lesser genetic potential of son planned to kill him as well. The boy survived and grew up. Father has taken the girl to deserted island to take care of her and now is her mentor and closest guardian. Hope at the very high level my PC knows the background, bloodline and will have chance to fight or join the evil. I hope he will take latter.