Marmæle (Aquatic Monster)
by Håvard
STATS (BECMI) Marmæle Armor Class 6 Hit Dice 4* (S) Move 120' (40') Attacks weapon or spell Damage 1d4 (dagger) or spell No. Appearing 1 (1) Save As E3 Morale 8 Treasure Type A+S Intelligence 9 Alignment Neutral XP Value 125 Monster Type: Humanoid (Rare)
Marmæle (also called Marmennil) appear as small humanoids with fish-like tail similar to a Merman or Mermaid (Often called Merrow in BECMI). Some legends say these creatures are small enough to fit inside a human's mitten, but most are halfling-sized.
The Marmæle is usually not hostile and when first encountered, he will appear to be cold and miserable as he crawls on board a ship or boat. If given clothes or a warm blanket, he will become friendly and may reward those who show him hospitality by ensuring them safe return back to land (via his spell-like abilities) or may offer secrets such as where to find fish or even about treasures below the sea.
If treated with rudeness or hostility, the Marmæle will return to the sea, but use his abilities to cause damage to the ship.
The Marmæle can cast Predict Weather (1st level druid spell) at will. Once per day, he can cast Summon Animals (4th level Druid spell), but this is limited to aquatic animals only, for no more than a total of 3 HD.
Terrain: Sea or Coast
Note: This is based on a little known creature from Norse myths and Norwegian fairy tales and legends.
Note2: See also my other BECMI monsters.