Muldair Island
by RobinAnother of the islands between Karameikos/5Shires/Ierendi
Muldair Rock based on a small island between Karameikos, 5Shires and Ierendi. As being part of my 1 mile hex, I had to detail this small island
Together with Irving Galvez I succeeded. Here is the additional information we created together using his compilation workMuldair Rock, also called Muldair's Island, is a fertile rock, and has some hin pirate settlements, and harbour.
The island became part of the Five Shires with the Peace of Vlaad of 775AC .
One of the main captains then, Molasse Muldair. intended to make this rocky island his home.
He never succeeded as on his voyage to the Shire main land he became struck with scurvy and died.
His sons later made a tomb on the rock and placed his remains within the foggy island, with the intention to make it a family tomb. They never retruned home yet their empty vessel did. .
The size of the island is somewhat more than a mile
There is a small village, named Piggaton (after the many pigs wandering here freely) with a rather large Tavern named; Darian's Ostrich, and some farming.
The fields/orchards here are fertile, though must be tended with care or become jungle easily, or lose any crops.
The Pirates have set out pigs here(as they mostly do on islands---hence the Dodo became extinct in Real Life) as an easy accessible foodsource.
Pirates stop here to rest, sell loot amonst eachother (or prepare it to be sold on common markets elswhere) or fix a ship.
The steady population is about 50, yet in busier times can double or triple or quadruple depending on the amount of harboured vessels.
There is a dock enough for 200HP of vessels, a warehouse, and a scribe which can also do some analyzing of unknown magic (Layla; 6th lvl Human mage)
There are also a few camps for vessels landed on the other locations, yet these are not manned continuously, only when there is a vessel there.
These anchor places have space for 1 large or 2 small vessels at best (depending on tide, wind and anchoring location; ie DM).
The northern half of the island is best known, the southern half however is more not than rarely visited.
Nobody knows its way through the rocks, jungle and mangroves further south than the small trail to the lighthouse, and even this one is known for the undead roaming here.There are no safe landing places to the south end of the island, and the sea there is infested by Sharkkin and sharks, which are sometimes seen on the shore.
Sharkkin have several times attacked the vessels, landing Places and even the village, yet were always defeated or chased away due the larger amounts of humans here.
To the south is under water a small sharkkin village named Tavernun, which is build on an much older taymoran ruin.
This village boast 7 Sharkkin families with a total of 23 Sharkkin, including young and old. The Leader is Shaarg, a well experienced Sharkkin of 7th level.
A total of 40 wandering Sharkkin are wandering around and not in the village at any time. Lower this amount with those defeated in the wandering monster tables below.
Shaarg knows the Pirate village, and of the Scourge, yet does not understand the significance between these. He just wants all on land to be eaten.
However, he also knows of undead wandering on the southern part which have made some of his village into undead too.
He is thus very careful, not to provoke these. He prefers to attack the vessels and the village to hunt the hin and humans there...and of course any character they meet in the waters.Within the large Bay, is a large magical area, where perpetual rain and darkness seem to be at hand.
On one of the rocks is a small lighthouse which illuminates the continual rain.
This small pirate lighthouse gives enough light to warn approaching vessels even in the heavy rain from going here.
It is lit by a gem with a Continual Light on it, between several mirrors and lenses enhancing the light to a wide bright beamThe magical circles not only camouflage the island, yet make it increases moisture due precipitation or fog, and thus more tropical in vegetation, giving heavy jungle and mangroves where possible.
It also restricts visibility of The Scourge, and severy limits exploring the southern part of the island. Adventurers will hate it here, everything is wet, moist, cold, and bothersome.
Pirates live mostly in the Third circle and are somewhat more relaxed, yes the rain and fog here is still more than outside the circles, yet less intensive as in the circles 2 and 1.
The almost eternal Fog which spreads to the 4th circle camouflages most vessels here, which is beneficial to the pirates.Within this area known to many pirates, yet seen only by a few is the stranded vessel The Scourge, Twistbone’s original ship, (from Irving Galvez his Compilation book) which so "maintains its grip on the seas of the world (The Council of Dread)".
It is a very large Vessel. and broken in two, hence it uses two shipwreck symbols.
The ship has somehow become magically entangled on a series of sharp rocks, so the front half is separated from the back.
The bow end of the vessel has in the picture a ramp leading up into it, and is firmly within the Prime Plane.
The torn away backend, however, is even though it is visible on the Prime Plane, it actually is unreachable to most.The stranded backend of the ship creaks and groans as it floats in a dark cold sea that is unknown to any Pirate Lord who has yet visited the captain's cabin.
They can see outside, see a warped illusion of the front end of the vessel, see the dark island clearly with its dead trees, often shrouded in thick fog and strange waving bands of seemingly white cloth coming from the skies(a Limbo feature).
Inside the captain’s cabin in the backend of The Scourge, where the irregular Pirate Lord meetings are arranged using the rings to communicate and to arrive in the abbysmal Limbo location.
With the ship stuck fast, no Pirate Lord has managed to leave the rocks to find out more about this dark region.DM information
From Brethren of the Dread Sea; a compilation worrk by Irving Galvez using several authors(see inside)
The Pirate Lords were created over a thousand years ago by a magician and pirate of astonishing power known as Twistbone. Nobody knows his true name and his place of birth is lost to history.
Even the Immortals are unsure, and some speculate that he came from another plane entirely.
The most credible solution is that he must have been one of the first Alphatian Mages which arrived on this world, deeming himself better than those living here, yet ripe for plunder.
The Scourge was his flying vessel that enabled him to arrive on Mystara. The vessel had powers to travel across the dimensional boundaries (as Old Alphatia is in another Dimension, not Plane).
In his prime he was the most feared pirate on Mystara, using his supreme magical abilities to overwhelm his foes, burning their ships, taking their treasures and attacking their ports with impunity.
With his magically long life, he sailed all the seas of Mystara and brought them under his control.But one man could not rule all the seas alone, so he created the Pirate Lords, each responsible for one Sea and answerable only to him.
Using his powers he crafted a brass ring for each Lord. With these, he could track their general movements, communicate with them and summon them to him.
The rings also granted some magical abilities to their wearers. With his Pirate Lords, he sought to rule the seas forever.
But one should never forget the treachery of pirates. Within a decade of his arrival, the Pirate Lords turned on him and magically imprisoned him in an ornate Mirror of Life Trapping.
It took them several meetings what to do with the mirror, which enable Twistbone to contact one of his alliances through the mirror to map and record it all, becoming a way that Twistbone is looking to lure adventurers to help him escape.
And so this unknown character did. The mirror was carefully hidden, yet the secret map to this location was also made, copied(many faulty) and shared around in the centuries later.
The map survived the records only partiually, and the remaining words seem to include the mirror being a way to become a Treu Pirate lord.
Up to today nobody has found the island on the map, nor the location of the Mirror, as no labels were attached and the handdrawn map is somewhat different from the reality.
The Pirate Lords agreed that none should have overall rulership of the seas and instead agreed to keep to their domains.
Since that time there have been many such Lords.On the death of their wearer, the rings magically return to the display case on The Scourge.
When a Pirate Lord ring reappears on the Scourge, the Pirates will eventually know this, group together and discuss which successor eventually takes the lost captain's place if their is a suitable candidate.
The meetings are irregular and are arranged using the rings to communicate.
They take place in the captain’s cabin on The Scourge, Twistbone’s original ship, Located in Limbo, which is where the rings take their bearers when requested by the use of the teleport ability.
This spell will teleport the wearer safely to the Captain’s cabin aboard The Scourge (and back again whenever they wish. It cannot be used to teleport to any other location).
When a new Pirate Lord of a particular Sea is chosen by the other Pirate Lords and declared and recognised as such, the ring for that Sea is given to the new Pirate Lord, which ritually places it on a finger.5 Shire Canon said; "Red Rory Hackskull (a large Halfling) sets sail from Muldair's Rock and has the most famous active pirate crews under his wing" .
Hackskull, as there are 2 vacancies(see Bethren of the Dread Sea), is trying to become a treu Prate Lord.
He is aware that in some unknown location on the island there is a magic devise that could help him become one (the magic mirror), and knows treasure maps of the island circulate (all of these are copies of the original, with more flaws than the original already had.
Eventually with or without this mirror Hackskull will most likely succeed to become chosen to become a treu pirate lord (Even though he has some allegiance with the Shires itself, this would not restrict him becoming a pirate lord).
With the canon description as a base and some calculations, he already has 5 halfling pirate vessels under his command.The Treasure map leads to the location where hidden on Muldair Rock is the mirror that imprison Twistbone.
Of course, PC's following the secret trail of the treasure map to reach the 'unreacheable' southern end would have some local opposition, beside their pirate competitors.Unknown to any on the southern end of the island live Harkunash, a female Nagpa (lvl 20) and several controlled Tabis and local animated old Taymoran Topis (little undead similar to the ones in the Crater of "The mummy Returns Movie" see stats; Monster Manual: Chapter 4 pages 1161-1162 ).
The Nagpa, is also an recent agent searching for the unknown magical sources of great power(the Limbo Gate, yet wrongly thinks it must be an item, the pirates have secreted away, which controls this gate).
She is hindered greatly by the pirates curses, barriers, and such, and lack of knowledge of the item sought for and this island to locate it.
Her magics brought it to the Ruptered Gate, which is interesting in itself.
She lives in an old Taymoran ruined Temple Tamaris closeby and already has discovered that the Taymorans followers of Nys have tried almost 1800 years ago to open a gate to Limbo in search of their quests to Immortality.
The temple Tamaris dedicated to Nyx is ruined and forgotten to all its followers, yet enough research material can be found to determine the origin and failure to open a gate to Limbo. However, a copy of the Temple (intact) exists in Limbo named Siramat. It is unknown of the ancien Taymoran build this or that Masters of Chaos did so, steered by greater Powers (Immortals like Nyx, Thanatos, or even Old Ones).
Unknown to the Taymorans their spells and enchantments did seem not to work, yet in effect they did. The Planar Fabric was weakened by their powerful enchantments.
And when Twistbone arrived with his magical vessel with Planar Travelling magic on this location both magics merged within a few moments and tore away the Planar border through the vessel breaching it.
The vessel itself broke apart with one section in Limbo and another in the Prime Plane, with inbetween these the Planar Tear Gate.The Treasure map leads to the underground location where hidden on Muldair Rock is the mirror that imprisons Twistbone.
Of course, PC's following the secret trail of the treasure map to reach the 'unreacheable' southern end would have some local opposition, beside their pirate competitors.
The mirror is thus within the hidden pirate hoard(of the Pirate Lords of those days past), as per treasure map.
The mirror is the actual prison of Twistbone , yet ruours exist it could help those desiring to become a Pirate Lord (and this is what Rory Hackskull believes)
It actually is possible for Hackskull to become a Pirate Lord if he speaks to Twistbone in the Mirror, and makes agreements, a treu twisting story root.
This means there will be several agents working together to the same goal within their own agenda(how twisted that might be); Twistbone, Hackskull, the PC's, other pirates (who want to suck up the ass of either Twistbone or Hackskull).The treasure itself down in that hidden cave is guarded by several Dread (Monster Manual: Chapter 4 page 1153), amongst others DM choice. This dugeon is a natural multilevel cave of about 200 yard diameter over a depth between 40 and 250 feet, Tunnels vary between 3 to 15' width and height, and rooms between 10 to 50 feet wide and high..
The dreary and rainy darkness around The Scourge wreck is indeed be a magical location.The Next section is additional information, mostly for the DM and to clarify and tie all together.
The Scourge a very large Galleon, able to cross Dimensional barriers, and was created by Twistbone's magic.
The Scourge travelled to the nearby Muldair Island to lay still and then convene with the Pirate Lords.
This was the day Twistbone was betrayed. Already a few Pirate Lords were secretly onboard, and while Twistbone was controlling the Scourge to set anchor in the Muldair Bay, they surprised and trapped him into a Mirror of Life Trapping.
The vessel, now uncontrolled, continued its course straight towards the bay of Muldair Island, and passed over the rocky reefs on which ancient Taymorans 700 years earlier worked on Limboitic experiments (a truly formidable feat on itself).
Ramming with full speed into the reef, the magical vessel with its dimensional warping magic ruptured the ambient residual magical aura's of the Taymoran on this reef and tore open a gate to Limbo.
The vessel itself was torn apart by the gate, became locked on its current location and in Limbo at the same time.
Actually the Vessel's original Dimensional breaching magic prevents the vessel and the gate from collapsing up to this day.
(even on Days of Dread these effect continues, unaffected by the nullifying effects of the Radiance (this due the Pure natural Limbo magic)
Both sides of the vessel can still be seen from either Plane as if somehow still there, yet can no longer be accesses freely between eachother, there are several planar restrictions at hand.
The backend of the vessel stuck in Limbo, and the torn away front end in the Prime Plane stuck on the rocky reef of Muldair Island.The Limbo side of the gate is exactly on the same location yet in another planar location.
Due this nothing on the back end of the vessel can leave the vessel in Limbo, yet those who manually entered the vessel from Limbo can leave (albeit difficult) manually in the Prime Plane AND Limbo.
Those who manually entered the front end of the vessel from the Prime Plane, and can leave equally easy.
They can enter the Limbo part of the Vessel only when crossing the void of the Planar Tear between the front and backend of the vessel with much more difficulty
Not only the void has to be crossed, the magic of Limbo restricts those from Leaving or entering.
Thus difficult that a Teleport, Elemental Travel or Wisdom Check at -4 is required by the character on the Limbo side
Those who arrived the Limbo section of the vessel by any Teleport can't leave the vessel in any other way, except by Teleporting back hence they came from the Prime Plane.
However he may be aided by a Raise Dead(Fully) spell cast on some of his body in the Prime Plane(1 pint of blood/flesh suffices), lowering the wisdom restriction to 0, and giving a +1 bonus per 3 levels the caster is above the character) manually in the Prime Plane.
Do not forget Time has another course than on the Prime Plane. (see added table...Source; Bruce Heard/Dragon Magazine)The Pirate Rings Teleport the users on the Prime Plane to the Limbo section of the vessel only, or back to their last location. These Teleports are always without error chances, but can't be performed on Days of Dread.
Remember though, to return to the vessel they were on, the vessel has to be on the same location as before the teleoport away from it. If not, the captain appears on the location the vessel was without knowing where the vessel is.
This is the reason the Pirate captains do so only when their vessel has ported or set anchor (just as Twistbone intended with the Scourge originally).In a 1000 years the Muldair Island and the wrecked vessel were eventually rediscovered by the Pirates.
Even if they continued to use it all those centuries, they were unable to leave the backend other than by Teleport back hence they came.
In the last decade, after its rediscovery in 955AC, a ramp has been created at the large vessels front end, and pirates started to explore.
Discovering this is indeed the Scourge, the refrained from trying to reach the back end through the strange magical void in front of it.
They did loot the front end of all useful, and build a small village from these against the northern rocks.This ruptured Entropic Gate influences both locations greatly.
Yet the effects can be seen as circles of variant intensity around the Gate itself.
The circles of effect would be
1 300 yard diameter(3 hexes)
2 1900 yard diameter (19 hexes)
3 3900 yard diameter (39 hexes)
4 5800 yard diameter (58 hexes)The effects are;
1 The vessel appears larger than it actually is. Most magic will not breach the Planar Tear (only Teleport, Elemental Travel are able to do so, and then still with great difficulty.
Roll 1d100 once (this is equal to the Weather System as given in Trail Map 1, though with some changed numbers);
(normally as TM1 Ierendi 0 to 100' altitude about 40degrees latitude Winter;T+65 T-55 P40% F15% Spring; T+70 T-60 P45% F10% Summer; T+75 T-65 P50% F5% Fall; T+75 T-65 P45% F10% Dominant Wind w Dominant current w )
Increase Precipitation chance by 35%, Intensity roll on 1d20 instead 1d10. Clouded as; Some Clouds (10-20% cover) when no rain or Drizzle rain, Cloudly (20-50% cover), when Light Rain, Clouded (50-100% cover) when Heavy Rain, Dark Clouds (100% cover) when Thunderstorm.
if there is no rain fog chance (use same 1d100 but reversed so 38 becomes 83) is increased by 60% and applies to the whole area (circles 1 to 4) with 1d4x10' visibility in circle 1,
if there is no fog the Sky is still clouded, with only short and minor open areas.
Any lightning chance is as normal yet may release a Topi Undead or a Wight or Wraith (DM) from Limbo into The Prime Plane on the location where the lightning did strike.
(these Topis were created by the Nosferati Taymorans long ago, and accumulated in mass over the ages on this location in Limbo, due this the limbo Location has a Taymoran temple closeby in the Prime Plane AND in Limbo.)2 Increase Precipitation chance by 25%, Intensity roll on 1d12 instead 1d10, if there is no rain The fogbank in this region has 1d4x15' visibility.
Same Lightning effect as circle 13 Increase Precipitation chance by 15%, Intensity roll as above -2, if there is no rain the fogbank chance in this region has 1d4x20' visibility. No lightning side effects
4 Precipitation chance and intensity as normal, if there is no rain the fogbank in this region with 1d4x30' visibility, no other side effects.
As can be seen it is possible it is raining and with a higher intensity in the inner circles than the ones outside.
This is never reversed. A natural storm appearing in this area and beyond will have its maximum normal effects outside the magical circles while within its own conditions roam.On the Limbo side the effect is lesser, but still;
1 no non-Limbo creature (ie Living) can leave this circle, it is as if a force pushes them back unnoticed.
Each step, jump, fly, swim or other movement attempting to go through this barrier, is nothing more than a move on spot and will not penetrate this barrier.
The same applies to Souls and any Undead on the Limbo side. They can see and speak to eachother though.
This area can only be reached by Teleport use (with all normal risks. The Pirate Lord Rings have non such risks)2 As on day times Prime Planar Light penetrates the Gate, this area is lit, though dimly, (like in a late afternoon/early morning/heavy rain) but still.
This frightens most undead and roaming souls, yet will attract sentient Undead which are able to cross the boundary of Limbo/Prime Plane anyway (Ghouls, Wight, Wraith, Spectre, Lich, Ghost, Master of Chaos, etc See; ) using not the Gate, but their own methods.
These then might wander the island and the Prime Planar side of the Vessel as they normally could if they desire to do so. THey can't reach the Limbo side of the vessel in any way.
The other two circles have no discernable effect in Limbo, other that that it is somewhat lighter than normal.
Wandering Monsters Muldair Island
check each Turn (10 minutes)
0-15% No encounters
16-20% 1d6 x3 Minor Wildlife like birds; these birds may swarm and confuse the PC's 1 round until the birds disperse with a loud noise, or they might reveal the PC's to others nearby.
21-40% Bother some insects; use either Insect Swarm statistics, or let PC's SaveDR -10 each round or be stung/bitten once, and suffer 1 damage per 10 stings/bites in total.
Continue counting until cured(naturally, magically, or applied). Insect wards and repellants do prevent this.
Characters will never die by this damage alone, yet will be sick and weak if their hp reach 0; All abilities x50%, MV x50%, Initiative -6. Any other damage will kill them however if reaching -10hp.
Below 0 Natural curing does not apply, treatment is then needed.
41-50% 1d20 individual rats which may turn into a Rat Swarm if threatened, else they disperse individually. Rats have a 10% chance to have a disease.
51-75% 1d6+2 Pigs. See stats;
76-85% 1d6 Pirates DM roll as adventurwrs according RC rules. best is to use a few predetermined groups of HD/class variations.
Pirates do not directly attack, as there are more vessels of various pirates here. However if any of the PC's is bearing clear Thyatian or other Army
Marks, or threatening behavior, an attack is easily provoked.
Following up encounters of this kind will then automatically be aggressive, and no longer be tricked or intimidated.
86-93% 1d3 Wandering Sharkkin of level 1 to 3 which immediately attack. Replace these if on rocks with no encounter. Adjust the number encountered
as there are no more than a total of 40 sharkkin.
94-95% 1d6 Topis Roaming around. Replace these if close to settlements or open areas with no encounter.
96-97% 1d2 Wights Roaming around.Replace these if close to settlements or open areas with no encounter.
98-99% 1 Wraith Roaming around.Replace these if close to settlements or open areas with no encounter.South
0-10% No encounters
11-20% 1d6 x3 Minor Wildlife like birds; these birds may swarm and confuse the PC's 1 round until the birds disperse with a loud noise, or they
might reveal the PC's to others nearby.
21-30% Bother some insects; use either Insect Swarm statistics, or let PC's SaveDR -10 each round or be stung/bitten once, and suffer 1 damage per 10 stings/bites in total.
Continue counting until cured(naturally, magically, or applied). Insect wards and repellants do prevent this.
Characters will never die by this damage alone, yet will be sick and weak if their hp reach 0; All abilities x50%, MV x50%, Initiative -6. Any other
damage will kill them however if reaching -10hp.
Below 0 Natural curing does not apply, treatment is then needed.
31-40% 1d20 individual rats which may turn into a Rat Swarm if threatened, else they disperse individually. Rats have a 10% chance to have a
41-50% 1d6+2 Pigs. See stats; ; MMMC animals Monster Manual: Chapter 2 page 59
51% 1d6 Pirates DM roll as adventurers according RC rules. best is to use a few predetermined groups of HD/class variations.
These Pirates do directly attack, as any other they encounter here is a competitor to their search/quest.
52-60% 2d4 Wandering Sharkkin of level 1 to 3 which immediately attack.Replace these if on rocks with no encounter. Adjust the number encountered as there are no more than a total of 40 sharkkin.
61-70% 1d6x2 Topis Roaming around. MMMC undead Monster Manual: Chapter 4 page 1161-1162
71-80% 1d4 Wights Roaming around. MMMC undead Monster Manual: Chapter 4 page 1197-1199
81-90% 1d2 Wraith Roaming around MMMC undead Monster Manual: Chapter 4 page 1122-1124
91-95% 1 Minion of Chaos roaming around See stats; ; MMMC undead Monster Manual: Chapter 4 page 1385
96-97% 1 Spectre roaming around, MMMC undead Monster Manual: Chapter 4 page 1129-1131
98-99% Harkunash roaming around (not directly aggressive, yet very careful)Underwater or in water
0-10% No encounters
11-33% 1d6 x3 Minor Wildlife like Fish, crabs (AC9 1d4hp, THAC0 20, DM1, XP 0 or food), which are easily scared away.
34-39% 1d4 Seahorses Monster Manual: Chapter 2 page 289 15% chance being riden by a single merrow (level 1d4)
40-45% 1d3 large Crabs Monster Manual: Chapter 2 page 262 at half statistics given there.
46-50% 1d3 Mako Shark See Stats; MMMC animals Monster Manual: Chapter 2 page 312
51-55% 1 Large Octopus See Stats; ; MMMC animals Monster Manual: Chapter 2 pages 344-346
56-60% 1 Pirate vessel passing by noticing the PC's. DM roll as adventurers according RC rules. best is to use a few predetermined groups of
HD/class variations.
These Pirates do not directly attack, as any other can be a pirate too. if any of the PC's is bearing clear Thyatian or other Army Marks, an attack is
easily provoked. (DM act accordingly as these pirates have knowledge).
They will attack with intent to imprison if threathened, or to kill of attacked with magic or weapons.
61-75% 2d4 Wandering Sharkkin of level 1 to 3 which immediately attack. Adjust the number encountered as there are no more than a total of 40 sharkkin.
76-80% 1 White Shark. See Stats; ; MMMC animals Monster Manual: Chapter 2 page 313 15% chance being riden by a single
Sharkkin (level 1d3)
81-85% Sharkkin level 3+1d4 any class, coming from afar do not deduce from the 40 roaming locals or the sharkkin village.
86-90% 1 Wereshark Roaming around see PC4 level 1d3 or use basic Wereshark from the Rules Cyclopedia
91-95% 1d3 Lacedon roaming around see stats; Monster Manual: Chapter 4 page 1141 Replace these if daytime with no encounter.
96-97% 1 Devilfish Vampire roaming around; Replace this if dayime with no encounter.Monster Manual: Chapter 2 pages 328-333
98-99% 1d4 Greenslime weed as single mass floating around. can be avoided easily. see; Monster Manual: Chapter 3 page 1111Limbo Outside The Scourge
0-45% No encounters
46-55% 1d6 souls of common NPC Demi/Human/oids; DM roll as adventurers according RC rules. best is to use a few predetermined groups of HD/class variations.
56-65% 1d6x4 Topis Roaming around.
66-75% 1d4 Wights Roaming around.
76-85% 1d2 Wraith Roaming around
86-95% 1 Minion of Chaos roaming around
96-97% 1 Spectre roaming around
98% 1 ghost roaming Around (DM determine race, class and sort of Ghost) Monster Manual: Chapter 4 pages 1324-1324
99% 1d4 Minios of Chaos or if already defeated 1 Master of Chaos; See stats; Monster Manual: Chapter 4 1387Limbo Inside The Scourge
0-75% No encounters
76-80% 1d4 Pirates Lords DM choose from the work of "Brethren of the Sea of Dread" by Irving Galvez, if no stats available choose High level
stats accordingly. best is to use a few predetermined individuals of HD/class variations.
These Pirates do directly attack, as any other they encounter here is a competitor to their search/quest.
If they are defeated, the rings teleport them back hence they came, no matter if perished or captured, where they revive with 1 hp left, and the
awareness the Scourge is comprimised.
81%-90% 1d4 Topis succedded to enter the vessel
91-95% 1 Wight succedded to enter the vessel
96% 1 minion of Chaos succedded to enter the vessel
97% 1 Wraith succedded to enter the vessel
98% 1 Spectre succedded to enter the vessel
99% 1 Ghost, succedded to enter the vesselFor Level or ability draining Undead like Wight, Wraith or Spectre keep in mind they have varied abilities in Limbo according the details of Bruce Heard in Dragon Magazine. See also in my mystara monster manual compilation on each of the given undead individually (links see above)
There are several sunken vessels in the area.
South point Island; 933AC. Covra's Galleon. Captain; Jolly Covra. Reason Sunk; Mass attack By Sharkkin. No survivors
West Island; 925AC. Starscraper. Captain Master Harsh. Reason Sunk Attacked by Sharkkin and crashed into reef. 32 Survivors due not sunk beneath the waves.
West Island; 917AC. Lucretia's Breath. Captain Lucretia Power-stealer. Reason Sunk; Starboard torn open by reef in storm. 3 survivors, including the captain (which is rumoured to have lost her belt which she used to steal abilities of other creatures enabling to use herself thereafter).
North Island; 989AC. Ottoman's Hammer. Captain Havard Ottoman. Reason Sunk sea battle with the Blue Luciano. No survivors.
North Island; 989AC. Blue Luciano. Captain Luciano " Thyatianslayer' Barados of Ierendi. Reason Sunl; Sea battle with the Ottoman's Hammer. No survivors.
North East Island; 991AC. Scaru Sue. Captain Scary Sue. Reason Sunk; crashed into reef due stearing flaw 1st mate. 1 victim (1st mate by gallows)
Nort East Island; 967AC.The Gov'ner. Captain Jarmond Ticklefinger. Reason sunk; greed=overload by 150%. 15 survivors including captain
East Island; 988AC. Thyatian Galley. Captain Lucinius Takethetius. Reason crashed; failed invasion attempt, surprised in fog by three vessels and blocked/sunk by Mangrove Root Reef). 112 Survivors (all hanged on Gallow Dunes as example, later burried in simple tomb when falling down)
Main Bay; 977AC. Narwal's Horn. Captain Jonny Redd. Reason Crashed Rock Reef (some say the vessel an/or captain was cursed due killing an Albatros). 21 Survivors. Captain seen as Lacedon in the waters together with other drowned ones. further giving reason to confirm the curse.
Main Bay; approximate 900BC The Scourge Captain; Twistbone. Reason Crashed Reff and Planar rupture during a mutiny. Survivors only the mutineers and the captain magically imprisoned in a Mirror hidden somewhere unknown.
Main Bay; (not visible on map, but close to the Scourge); 998AC.Potter's Charge. Captain Henry Potter. Reason Sunk; lost in thunderstorm, rammed into the Scourge and Sunk. 12 rowers lost, are now LacedonUnderwater NE of the island is a strange rock outcropping underwater with undetermined ruins from the Taymoran era. Some sages having told the description, say it was a landing platform for large flying creatures in times forgotten (dragons are assumed). A large Octupus lives underneath the outcropping
The small treasure map and the vessel art are not mine, yet required to fit the adventure base. The treasure map I had to adjust slightly.