Bellissaria (continent of)


Location: West of southem Skothar, southeast of Aquas.

Area: 1,295,215 sq. mi. (Dawnrim 255,900 sq. mi.; Horken 103,258 sq. mi.; Lagrius 244,677 sq. mi.; Meriander 92,034 sq. mi.; Notrion 338,956 sq. mi.; Surshield 260,390 sq. mi.)

Population: 457,000. (Dawnrim 27,000; Horken 30,000; Lagrius 150,000; Meriander 100,000; Notrion 50,000; Surshield 100,000.)

Language: Alphatian.

Coinage: Alphatian Standard: Crown (gp), mirror (sp), judge (cp).

Government Type: Autonomous monarchies formerly belonging to the Alphatian Empire ' (In Surshield, the land outside the city of Spearpoint is an ungoverned anarchy.)

Industries: Agriculture (mostly poor); trade.

Description: Bellissaria is a small continent with broad plains, a few forests, low mountains, large areas of semiarid scrub lands, and few native monster species. Copper-skinned Alphatians with little magical talent first settled here. Bellissarians are noted for being closemouthed and, often, closed minded as well. They don't much care for strangers; they simply want to be left alone. Current events have made that difficult, however.

Dawnrim: This western nation supports fishermen on the coast and cattle and sheep herders inland. The nation is so poor in magic that not even one spellcaster is interested in ruling; Dawnrim's king is a fighter. The nation now hosts a sizeable division of the New Alphatian Empire's military. Capital: Alinquin (population 5,000). Ruler: King Teskilion.

Horken: This nation's northern region contains lightly wooded grasslands; the southern hills border the kingdom of Surshield. Located on the Inner Sea of Horken, the town of Horken is a shipbuilding center. The men and women of Horken build the best ships in Bellissaria, using timber brought down from. Blueside in Lagrius. Business is brisk; Horken's large business families have greater control of the nation than does its king. Capital: Horken (population 5,000). Ruler: King Villiun.

Lagrius: Centered in Bellissaria around a great freshwater lake, Lagrius is a nation rich in timber and fish and not much else. The capital, Blueside, is protected by steep bills on one side and the lake on the other. Capital: Blueside (population 15,000). Ruler: Queen Elenitsa.

Meriander: This is a nation of rolling plains to the north, lightly forested hills farther south, and rich forests in the fat south. Alchemos, the capital city, is a center of alchemical research and one of the few places where Bellissarians can get something like a university education. Capital: Alchemos (population 15,000). Ruler: King Hubertek.

Notrion: Although Notrion's borders enclose much fertile land, most of the nation's population bas clustered along the northern shore to profit from trade. Since Alphatia's sinking, trade bas dropped off dramatically. In AC 1010, Notrion's king imposed new taxes to help fill the rapidly draining national treasury and to build up the Notrion military against possible Thyatian aggression. He brutally quelled the resulting uprising, but was murdered in the streets on Kaldmont 4, AC 1010. The resulting chaos-as mages and their followers fought one another for control of the city of Aaslingave Commander Broderick an opportunity to conquer Aaslin and establish peace and a ruler in Notrion at the saine time. Capital: Aaslin (population 10,000). Ruler: King Corydon.

Sursbield: Spearpoint, the capital of Surshield, is a fortified military community built to protect Bellissaria from the Minaeans of Skothar, who live across the straits of Zamara.

Outside the city, the land is-by royal decree a formal anarchy. After Alphatia sank, Queen Gratia of Spearpoint tried to unify her nation. Civil war broke out. By the end of AC 1010, the queen was forced to change her policy. Rather than drafting all able-L)odied citizens, she sent military advisors and instructors te, the towns and villages of Surshield to prepare a volunteer army. In Eirmont of last year, Emperor Zandor ordered her abdication. She refused. Gratia and her nation now prepare for the inevitable repercussions. Capital: Spearpoint (population 30,000). Ruler: Queen Gratia.

History. Alphatians settled Bellissaria soon after they came to Mystara (some 2,000 years ago). it bas had an undistinguished history until it became involved in the recent wars.

Flora and Fauna: Bellissaria has few indigenous monsters, so most of the creatures found here are normal animals suited te, the terrain: horses, oxen, carde and sheep are grazed on the plains; deer, moose, and elk live in the forests; goats in the hills; a wide variety of birds live everywhere. Trees here include birch, cedar, and oak.

See Also: Dawn of the Emperors Boxed Set.